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How Important Is Lore And Story To Your Warframe Experience On A Scale Of 1-10 And Why?


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9 on a scale of 1-10.

The longer I play, the more important immersion from a storytelling perspective becomes.

I want a concise, specific storyline. I don't want my Warframes to all get together at the end and head into the light or have them all sitting at a Corpus bar and things just go silent and black.

I want them swinging for the fences. I want them forgoing a tie and risking the 2 point conversion for the win. I don't want mystery or ambiguity. I want them to take the training wheels off this holiday season and unleash an entertainment experience of the highest order.

My body is ready.

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I'm gonna say an 8.


A lot of Warframe I can just play mindlessly and have fun and that's it, but for me one of the biggest things I like to do with... well, any universe is sit back and just think about it. Hell, the time I'd actually spent PLAYING the game is DWARFED By the time I've spent I've spent thinking up concepts, considering lore possibilities, and just making things that are built on the game's story.

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3 to 4.


Nothing DE has really given out has been all that exciting. There's nothing that makes me mind blown or really want to know about a specific character (mostly because of how few characters there are). The amount of sparse, oogly boogly spoopy mystery lore we have is nowhere near enough to make me interested. Way too much mystery, and not enough definitive backstory about even the most simple things in this universe.


This doesn't mean I don't look forward to more Lore, quite the opposite in fact. I want to be wowed. I want to really be interested in the lore and world of this game. But at the moment I could care less with what we have right now.


Which is why it's a 3 or a 4 for my score. While I want more lore, and lore to actually get immersed in, I don't have it right now. And given I don't have it right now, and have been able to play WF for a thousand and something odd hours without it, and still enjoy it plenty without the lore. I don't think it's too necessary for my enjoyment in WF.

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5 .. middle of the road.


I am interested, but overall it can detract from the 'just sit down and play' approachability of the game. 


A lot of people are dragging out grey area's in the game which I used to be interested in, but to me it's all now very black and white .. kinda like an old sckool arcade game :


You're the good guy and you have a gun, those dudes are bad guys and they have guns, you need to shoot them to get further. 


Also I think the game has come this far without much thought going into back story, so it's difficult to add depth and history to the story without breaking events that have already happened or calling other events into question. It'd be tough to add history to this without causing a bit of controversy, so I think it's better that it remains vague. 


In the end, we are warriors, we train to be the best at what we do .. and that is fighting.

When the universe no longer needs fighters, we'll move on, but for now they need us and our bodies are ready.

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I'd like to know why I'm doing missions and what impact they have as well as little crap like if perrin sequence S#&$ talks alad and the corpus board



how widespread is the knowledge about the infested, does everyone know? or is it a secret?

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4. On one hand, a rich lore and story can really lend to a great experience. On the other hand, the fact that it's largely background lore and meta lore means that it doesn't affect the way I perceive the game as much as an active storyline would. It also ensures that I won't have to deal with too many storyline/lore snafus happening, as has currently happened in WOW with Warlords.

The fact that it leaves more to the imagination also is great for creative minds who want to go wild with ideas on and about the game.

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I just played the quest where you scan the blue drone in Uranus to begin it (which I happened upon randomly, not knowing what it was, but had just acquired the scanner from cephalon simaris and wanted to scan everything I saw) and I found the overall story elements and conversations between Lotus and ??? to be very interesting.


I have a somewhat unique perspective, as I just came back last week after 15 months away. I have to say, the story has already come a LONG way from Lotus spewing the same 4 lines every mission and maybe a little Ordis dialogue on the Liset. Factions, individual stories for each new warframe, and a large variety of new enemy types all add a lot to making the universe feel more alive. It already has me much more engaged (the breadth of gameplay content hasn't increased that dramatically, but the story elements and new movement system really make things more enjoyable).


Keep it coming DE, I'm quite excited. The overall aesthetic of warframe is great, and I like the direction you are taking things, keep it up!

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3. I have always enjoyed lore in many of the games I have played most with an entire world with histories going back centuries or more. Warframe's lore is very much spaced out and given in chunks. I know it is being worked on, but I kind of stopped having great interest in the developing lore.

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7, maybe 8.


Having an estabilished, interesting background universe for the game is a good thing.

If a game interests me enough to spend more than a hundred hours in it, I soak in everything about it.

I want to know more about the orokin, the sentients, what tenno are, how corpus came to be, who are the twin queens etc.


As for the "current events" stuff, well, only if it's a major event.

Don't really need a huge reason to kill X grineer on planet Z.


There is however such a thing as "too much lore".

I skipped most of the codex entries I picked up in Dragon Age: Inquisition.

Stuff was long, boring and focused on trivial things.

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3 because I can make my own story in warframe, for example my friend has a conspiracy theory that Lotus is actually against the Tenno and tries to get them killed discretely because she always sends you into survival missions when she knows that it's dangerous and she sometimes says " The odds were against us Tenno"  like she thought that you might actually lose. Personally its probably not true, but to him it is and it is the way that he plays and I play differently I make up my own stories for enemies and factions and why I am fighting them.

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9 Probably 10 

I love lore this is the next best game I have played since I stopped replaying KOTOR 1 & 2 continually. the lack of story makes me want to know more I agree with Morec0 I have spent far more than my 500 hours ingame thinking about the plot characters and universe.

This is the only game in my life other than anything star wars that has kept me playing for more than 6 months.

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all MMO lore are confusing AF .. every update or expansion it get more more confusing


all i know is tenno can magically fit into any warframe


lotus and ordis are my angel and devil on my shoulder ..


and ofcourse darvo and baro always try to rip me off on their merchandise and im too stupid to resist ..


for now i give WF lore a 4 out of 10 ...

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There is however such a thing as "too much lore".

I skipped most of the codex entries I picked up in Dragon Age: Inquisition.

Stuff was long, boring and focused on trivial things.

That's the beauty of the codex in BioWare games though, they are entirely optional. Any lore vital to your quest is delivered very concisely through dialogue, often with the option to ask for more information if you want a more verbose explanation. The codex is there for those who really want to dive in the deep end of the lore and really immerse themselves in the world, you aren't penalized for ignoring it.


On topic, the world they have created in Warframe is very unique and interesting, but having been here for a while that mysterious pool of lore turns out to be scarcely a wading pool. Sure they're sloshing a bucket in every update or so but it's still going to while before the lore is something you can really dive into.


Overall I'd rate it about a 5 or 6. I like the lore they have but there's just not enough of it to really make me invested in the universe. Honestly at this point the Wiki's void drop table page probably has more impact on my Warframe experience than the lore and story that's in game. :-/ 

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