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Coming Soon: Devstream #62, Trick Or Treat!


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Can you please create a system where weapons can be upgraded into their Reskinned counterpart?  If a sidegrade, they could be changed out like a a normal skin would but their stats would carry over.  It would cost a reasonable amount to go from a Gorgon to upgrade to a Gorgon Wraith. This would carry over Forma and Potatoes.  In order to get the bonus of the forma, the gun would have to be leveled up again and you would gain the normal mastery.  In order to use a sidegrade, like the Prisma Gorgon, the gun would have to be level'd again but the Forma and the potatoes would still carry over.


We don't need a Gorgon, Gorgon Wraith and Prisma Gorgon.  We won't need a Vaykor Gorgon or a Gorgon Prime.  I'm sick of it.


We need legitimate Tiers/progression.  I know something like that with Mastery Rank is in the works. Will a tier'd system that I suggested be included? If not, can it please?


I could have used a Vaykor Gorgon! :) Some of the varients behave in different ways or have different stats, have stats tied to skins was something most players asked to have changed. The main holdouts are the Manticore Axe and Brokk Hammer skins. I would rather have separate varients of a weapon than changes be put into skins for that weapon, though the other side of the coin, skins being the varient would sometimes save me forma and catalyst.


More on topic, I too would like to ask about syndicate armor and if we get syndicate armor packs would arcane enhancements be made available to cosmetic armors as well. On the point of arcane enhancements, are any more little enhancements being added with the upcoming new raid/trial?

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Do you plan on adding more stances to certain melee weapon categories? most have two while only a few have 3 stances. A couple weapon categories still need to recieve a second stance, such at the gunblade and tonfas


ETA on Kavats/Katbrows?


Speaking of companions, will Kubrows be getting a rework anytime soon? Their AI and pathing is just so terrible at this point. Plus, I feel that especially the Chesa breed type could use a slight buff/rework of it's current "retreiving"

Edited by firechar
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Hello DE, and happy Halloween!


1. Are there any plans for an upgrade to the "reconnect to squad" function? As it is, you still lose all rewards gained prior to reconnecting, which isn't always useful.


2. Are there any plans to fix a bug involving white or gray lines on some warfame skins when using dark colors? It's been around for quite a while but most of the community seems as well as yourself is blissfully unaware of it's existence. This bug affects Warframe skins of Trinity, Frost, Zephyr and more. It is most visible on the immortal skin of Nova however.

Here's a thread to show what I mean. https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/544848-choppy-edges-on-warframe-textures/#entry6117812

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A few questions.

1 - Will there be more gore and death effects added to the game? (Impact, Puncture, Kubrows, Moas, Ospreys)

2 - Will we see any new syndicate weapon augments soon?

3 - Any plans to implement dedicated servers to raids and PvP?

4 - We have a flamethrower that can go through walls, why can't we pick up items while in the Rift? (not just Cataclysm, the WHOLE Rift)

5 - Any plans for Stealth 2.0?

6 - Any more Kubrow buffs?

7 - Why can we have millions of alloy plate but only 1 Kubrow Egg?

8 - Will there be an Ammo rework/Ammo 2.0?

Will add more questions as they come to mind.

I also have all these questions plus one

Why does archwing take ages to level?

Edited by Domaik
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With the recent Ignis rework its finally a viable weapon, but would it be possible to add the guaranteed heat-kill on it, like Atomos has?

Currently it looks like a flamethrower, but it doesnt feel like one, when enemies die as if they were punched in the face.
It would be more satisfying when they would get that crispy texture then


Whats the status on Vaubans rework? Rhino, Saryn and Mag (and i think Valkyr) were allready confirmed, but Vauban is still a frame that has a lot of bugs and issues, like the random dropouts, or that his bastille cant affect enemies in certain situations (most of the times when i have noticed it, they all needed to finish their animation before they got affected by bastille, like standing up after being ragdolled, during melee attacks or even while reloading).

Not to mention that only two of his abilities are used (Bastille and Vortex, who are very similar in stats just with different CC effects), while Tesla and Bounce are mostly ignored.


Any plans to implement the Mustaches as a permanent item, like the Candycane skin, so that we can equip them over the whole year?


Also can you talk more about the Sniper Rework?

Edited by LazerusKI
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Why is there not an Update (.0 or .5?) That focuses solely on the adjustments and Fixes of all frames (old and new) Instead of having one done at a time? Warframe has a huge volume of content so focusing on new content Isn't incredibly necessary in my opinion (I'm MR12) except for players who have broken the game for the number of hours they have played and have run dry all content. 


In short: Why not have a major update that focuses on fixes/improvements to the frames that need it, instead of doing them one at a time?

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With the next round of arcanes are you intending to do anything about the whole 'linking your buffs to a specific cosmetic' problem? Some people are holding out on using them in the hopes that we'll be able to apply them in a less aesthetically limiting fashion.

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im looking forward to stealth 2.0 cuz the stealth in this game kinda sucks......seriously


if 1 guy sees you.....the whole place is on alert.


take note, HE JUST SAW YOU


and they all know where you at in a split second.


there's a whole lot more, but this one really gets in my nerves.


they should make stealth in this game more "REALISTIC" dont you agree?

Edited by tonyscott18
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I could have used a Vaykor Gorgon! :) Some of the varients behave in different ways or have different stats, have stats tied to skins was something most players asked to have changed. The main holdouts are the Manticore Axe and Brokk Hammer skins. I would rather have separate varients of a weapon than changes be put into skins for that weapon, though the other side of the coin, skins being the varient would sometimes save me forma and catalyst.


More on topic, I too would like to ask about syndicate armor and if we get syndicate armor packs would arcane enhancements be made available to cosmetic armors as well. On the point of arcane enhancements, are any more little enhancements being added with the upcoming new raid/trial?

Nah, tiers and progression make the game feel alive. Blindly reskinning things and changing a few stats and randomly releasing them is just a dev-to-player distraction.


You can freely switch between the reskinned variants once acquired.

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The Corrupted have used the same placeholder weapon models since their introduction, any word on them being updated to use unique models?

Related to that, will we ever have access to corrupted weapons via the market or research lab?


What can you show of the starmap rework?

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Can we see a rework of mission types? As it stands, all of them (with  the exception of Spy 2.0) are all variations of "kill a lot of doods while doing x". Kill a lot of doods while defending a pod, kill a lot of doods while capturing points, kill a lot of doods while maintaining life support, etc.


We don't get any room to breathe or have any sort of meaningful downtime, it's just Grineer/Corpus/Infested/Corrupted genocide all of the time, which gets tiring after a while because of the lack of pacing. Parkour 2.0, while not perfect, made movement a lot more enjoyable, and with some more tweaks, so too can stealth. Why can't we have regular missions incorporate aspects of these more seamlessly? For example, specific vault rooms with super high level guards vulnerable to executions or non-combat parkour rooms? While we're at it, we can add in dynamic challenges (maybe a style meter that multplies affinity in a way similar to Bulletstorm with stylish kills) and dynamic objectives (which would reward exploration and unique playstyles). We can also chain various mission types (like capture, mobile defense, extermination, and assassination) into a single combined mission and add in these stealth and Parkour rewards. A good comparison would be the levels in L4D2 or the new Vermintide game. Of course, rewards would greatly increased to compensate, but it'd give the missions more meaning to them and make them feel like missions rather than one-off events. 


Also, can we get a buff to melee? Top-end melee weapons can only get around 2K DPS, and equipping melee is slow and clunky, and the combo system is highly finicky. We'd need a substantial increase in weapon equip speed (essentially, make all of the weapon equip speed mods in Conclave the default speed in PvE), non-useless blocking (just make it block all damage from the front, and the radius increases as weapon reach increases), greatly increased melee damage (we're talking about at least x5 the current damage - why would I run up to an enemy with my melee when I can shoot them at range with my Boltor Prime or Hek which deal 10-20x more damage? Melee needs to hit like an absolutely truck - at least on par with shotguns - in order to justify the risk), and a control scheme that makes sense (when weapons attack quickly, hold and pause combos are nightmarishly difficult to execute - a secondary melee key - one that can utilize our new fancy alt. fire key] or more actions tied to melee combos would be nice - like sprint, roll, or jump). Can we also equip multiple stances at once? Melee as it is feels incredibly spammy and repetitive given that we only get 4 combos (at the most) per weapon. Letting us use a second or third stance could potentially increase our combo count to 8 or 12, giving us much needed variety. 

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Are there any plans to rework Machetes, and Dual swords? they seem pretty boring


Speaking of: Any word on New machete stances and New machetes? the last one we got was the nami solo, and we've been getting plenty of additions to other weapon classes, though primarily dual swords

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Now that the Ignis got a re-tune, are we going to see more of the Clan tech get them too? Because the Synapse ...

Speaking of Clan tech , why don't our Ogris Rockets home ? And can you fix the bombard's ogris homing so it's less like a cartoon missile?

Are you EVER going to address what the heck is up with the Connection issues this game has ? I'm starting to feel like I've seen the 'lost connection to host' screen more than gameplay.

I know the void is getting an over haul at some point .. but till then can you fix ODD dropping nothing but Cores and TII keys and take Cores out of TIV key rewards for Rotation C , Exterms and Captures ?

Can we have Auxiliary slots like the Exilius for Weapons for putting Syndicate mods or things like hawk eye and hush ?

can we have the companions have their unique abilities preinstalled like the Tenno powers and just have commands to tell them not to use them or to use them on command ? IE telling shade to stop firing and then use ghost Or telling your Raska to roar 

Can we have some why to equip the air support functions of one landing craft to another as long as you have them built ( like the Sentinel weapons ) ?

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I think you mentioned that the mod system is looked at (possibly, maybe, i dont remember ...) but I still wonder how you are going to adress the issue of certain polarity deficits and inconsistency (For example the cold damage mods having a D polarity for no apparent reason, in general the D polarity being the least usefull category on weapons).


I assume this issue originated in a early development stage where polaritys where supossed to represent certain asspects of modding like supporting, enhancing or changing stats and erven though the game has moved along the old idea still unfittingly persists.

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