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Coming Soon: Devstream #62, Trick Or Treat!


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See, how you were lying to yourself.

First you claim they are "minor stat buffs", and now:

"But for the 'regular' game modes, standard frames are fine."


Hence why I say there aren't equally worth and equally viable.


Only because the kind of people who are doing absurdly long defences and survivals try and eke out every single beneficial point they can.

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Humm.. some questions


Q1: When do we get proper ways to trade/build items? Doing 1 item at a time is VERY time consuming for certain things, and makes very little sense.

(trading cores are a good example of item that should be able to be traded in stacks).


Q2: Will we see any changes to the "grind" in the game? Atm, when looking for a item you don't feel any progress towards it you have it or you don't you  never feel like the missions you do actualy brings you closer to the item you want, but that rather then effort its pure luck that decides if you get it.


Q3: When can we expect some more helmets for our frames? some of em are VERY lacking in the helmet compartment and thats talking about OLD frames.

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Firstly, news on Old frame PBR updates?


Secondly, In the last dev stream, Steve (i think) touched on drop rates at either end of the spectrum (buying outright vs. not buying). 


In Steve's example, both parties are guaranteed to get the part they desire; through sheer determination, or though money. But for those who don't fall into either of those extreme's and just want to play the game, and get cool stuff along the way, we get lumped into the same category as those who don't pay anything, ergo having a massive brick wall placed in-front of us if we want any of the 'cool' stuff.


My question: Those who will grind out gear are essentially guaranteed to achieve what they are after, no matter the drop probability (be it 0.5%, or 50%). Why is the probability the same for those who buy platinum regularly but don't grind?

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Will we ever get a bar in the relays? It would be nice to have a place to set back and relax after a long day of killing and have a few drinks. Maybe put in some poker tables so we can gamble are credits and plat away and you can throw in a pole so are lovely female warframs can dance for us.

Will we ever get a shield and spear?

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My usual subjects of question. Guess which one of them could be Keyser Söze?


Q1. Are Baliffs and Guardsman supposed to be armed Grineer workers or some form of milita? Their concept art is labeled "labourer" and their bodies look rather makeshift.

Q2. Is there a reason (besides it being perhaps too much work) against replacing the current Skana and Lato as starter weapons with MK-1 variants and buff the regular version to a more mid tier position?


Q3. Will the current plans for the new star chart make it easier to introduce new locations (moons, colonies, asteroid clusters, etc.) in the solar system?


Q4. Once upon a time we had Grineer enemies in the game who used buzzsaws in their palms as weapons. I rather liked them. Any chance they might return some day or that we at least could get a Glaive style weapon based on that saw design?


Q5. What was the motivation for making Archwing attachable thrusters for Warframes, rather than for example compact space fighters? Also why did you decided against Archwing secondary weapons?

Q7. Which other weapons are in for a visual makeover and how do you judge a weapon as being in need of it?

PS: How is the new Burston model progressing?

Q8. Just for fun (maybe as as last minute question). What are your favorit weapon names in warframe so far? Grakata doesn't count.


Q9. Any chance we might get some voiced Tenno NPCs in the future?
(Meaning non-combat oriented Tenno who might expand the Tenno as a faction beyond the Lotus. Like a weaponsmith, tactician, shaman, scientist, or something like this.)


Q10. At NYCC it was mentioned that thanks to developing Clem, you can now let enemies dual wield guns. Are there also plans for dual wielding melee enemies?

Edited by Othergrunty
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My questions:


- A long time ago, when Wyrm and Shade were the only Sentinels, there was mention ( during Devstreams ) of Sentinels possibly hacking things for us. Has this been abandoned, forgotten, or just a low priority?


- Why do we give samples of Orokin technology ( Forma, Potatoes, Prime parts ) to Syndicates/Baro Ki'Teer? How does this maintain the Balance?

Please give me a lore-related reason to do this, even if only a little ingame queue of the Lotus giving me the OK to help out these Syndicates and/or Baro Ki'Teer.

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I have a few usual questions, again:
1) There are many corpus and grineer weapons in the game, but enemies are using lesser than half of them. Do you have any plans on this?
2) Any plans on adding more tiles in existing tilesets? I know you've did it to grineer underwater tileset, but what about others?
3) What about replaying quests and replaying old events as quests?
4) Should we hope for crossplatform multiplayer?
5) Any plans on reworking kubrow and specter AI? They are stupid, and it is a very gentle word.

Edited by Mixail357
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What does it mean to have Devstream(^62)? :D Are we gonna get 62 more devstreams-multiplied together--content than the first one? (yes, I know it's the 62nd one, lol) How many pumpkin heads fit above the Lotus' shoulders? Is the Dullahan head Atlas/Stumpy's actual noggin'? Will we ever get a DotD Sugatra, that's like a skull at the end of a chain, or a DotD Koobs skin? What about a DotD noggle?


And the most important question of all is, will Clem and John Prodman be dressing up for the Day of the Dead?

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