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[Discussion] Should Warframe Add More Fantastical Elements?


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Title sums up the question I want to hear, see below for a supposed-to-be-but-you-know-how-I-get short little analysis of what I mean.


Warframe is very clearly a Sci Fi universe, and I by no means want to take away from that at all, but when I look at the Tenno I see something that steps beyond just your typical Sci Fi tropes. I see something that enters into an almost supernatural realm. And I like that, it's really interesting.


Warframe most certainly is NOT the only franchise to take that sort of approach, but it's still not something you see done very often - at least not in recent years. Star Wars kinda washed that element away when they added Midiclorians (probably didn't spell that right, don't care), and I don't think Star Trek ever had that (unless one counts Q). The only one that heavily springs to mind is Warhammer, but I still know so little about that particular aspect compared to others that I'm not sure I can even make that call.


As I've seen it, Warframe already has within it some elements of the mystical, specifically focused around the Tenno.  The "space ninjas" born of a place that is LITERALLY described as "that hellspace where our science and reason failed" by the MOST technologically advanced superpower in the galaxy. If someone like the Orokin were resorted to treating the Void with some level of mysticism and spiritual reverence (Detron Crewman Synthesis) then it seems abundantly clear that it was on a whole other level - and yes, the tropes of "any sufficiently advanced technology..." can apply perfectly well to it, but let's consider for a moment that we decided NOT to lean on that particular idea; what might we gain from it?


So should Warframe embrace that a little more (at least as far as the Tenno and MAYBE the Orokin go)? Move them further away from the traditional super-soldier view and make them something more mystical an archaic in design? By all means, RETAIN the Sci Fi look, feel, and setting the has made Warframe what it is, but blend it further with the mystique and myth to make the Tenno stand out more and more against the other faction?


And yes, it's most likely DE wont go with this sort of angle. This is their beloved brainchild they've been wanting to make for years, and now that they have the chance they very likely have a VERY strong idea of what they want it to be like, and judging by the OG trailer that's not something they were aiming for - but, hey, time passed, maybe opinions have varied and they're also still open to the idea of other themes? Certainly NOT on the level of the abomination their original attempt became (no offense to Dark Sectors fans) but a sort of aesthetic and general to open up just a numerous new avenues through which to address story, character, and the ideas the universe presents.


So: add in more mysticism, or keep it (and perhaps make it even MORE) hard Sci Fi?


See the strawpoll for votes, and give reasoning here if you want: http://strawpoll.me/5945738


In my opinion: yes.


Warframe already has plenty of its own identity through its artstyle, and the Tenno definitely are stand-out against the Grineer and Corpus, but to take them a few steps further and REALLY embrace the views of mysticism that people like Captain Vor viewed the Tenno with, I think, could add a lot of interesting elements in terms of both Warframe design, weapon design, and general design of the places and influence they have on the world.

Edited by Morec0
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I like my science-fiction to be hard. The harder, the better.


There are numberless games centred on fantasy elements. Warframe, while being definitely soft, doesn't need to fall off the sci-fi train and hop onto the other one.

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We already have teleportation, FTL travel, magical space ninjas, and alternate dimensions. Warframe doesn't need any more than that.


Also, the Orokin ruled one solar system, not the galaxy. Just sayin'.

Edited by Brachion
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So, just wondering, someone can vote for "Other" and not comment, right?


Yes, but I'd consider them jerks.


We already have teleportation, FTL travel, magical space ninjas, and alternate dimensions. Warframe doesn't need any more than that.


Also, the Orokin ruled one solar system, not the galaxy. Just sayin'.


To this day I get terminology confused. But I'm still not entirely incorrect - as far as we know they WERE the most technologically advanced superpower, even the Sentients were more or less just pickybacking off of what they made and we have no confirmation of any other creatures in this universe (which is reason enough for me to say they don't exist).



So with Gods and super beings? Hm.


Maybe less in terms of divine beings but more a sense of rights and rituals. In particular when I talk about this I mean from aspects of story progression and character introduction/development. Having, like, a Tenno mystic or some such at the head of their philosophy or religion, or passage through ceremony and the like - i.e. the Absolution ceremony mentioned on one of the Syandanas.


The sorts of things no typically associated with hard sci fi. Not straying into "your a wizard, Neffy"-kinda stuff, but not exactly maintaining "this is all technology, and looks and is treated just like technology".

Edited by Morec0
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Personally, considering the technology that is portrayed in the game, i do feel "Earth, Wind, Fire & Water" elements to be a little...dated? (The Earth, wind etc was just a joke)


But you get the idea, something more sci-fi would be nice! Even change 1 of the elements currently in the game, rather than adding, i get confused enough...lol :) 


Just my 2 pence

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Maybe less in terms of divine beings but more a sense of rights and rituals. In particular when I talk about this I mean from aspects of story progression and character introduction/development. Having, like, a Tenno mystic or some such at the head of their philosophy or religion, or passage through ceremony and the like - i.e. the Absolution ceremony mentioned on one of the Syandanas.


The sorts of things no typically associated with hard sci fi. Not straying into "your a wizard, Neffy"-kinda stuff, but not exactly maintaining "this is all technology, and looks and is treated just like technology".


So, i don´t know if this example is fitting, more like necromonger?


Well, even if not, anything that digs deep into the tenno culture and their leaders/structure would be awesome.

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I say yes, but maybe not in the same way you propose.


I think the game would greatly benefit from more "out there" kind of ideas/themes but in terms of mysticism/spiritualism I think those themes should keep a respectable distance from the core feel of the game.  Those kinds of theme are incredibly easy for a writer to get addicted to as they can simply solve even the most complex/story breaking plot-holes by explaining it was magic and leads to lazy storytelling.


Not that I don't like these themes, I just think the relationship WF has with them is healthy and shouldn't change how it is, a lot of Lore related to Tenno have High Fantasy written all over and Vor giving the most fanatical view one could have about Tenno, which is a breath of fresh air compared to the usual "Tenno are scum" comments we get from most of our enemies.


I could bare to see more mysticism in the game so long as it doesn't compromise the general theme of the game.

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I could see another lore entry of very near the orokin execution where they tried to pack way too much void into a tenno, and created a sort of god-warrior that eventually ripped itself apart under so much power. Possibly a mini-quest or void assassination mission against an iteration of it?

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I always saw misticism as a cultural trait of the tenno, something specific to their training and conduct, not something to focus unless you role play your characters, as for fantasy, I'd prefer for less reasons for people to use "space magic" to excuse everything, because when you do that, even though you gain more creative liberties, you affect how players think of the universe in the game, what goes and what not, and you could lose any kind of reasoning or logic on how to build your universe and the stories within, which I think is an important part of sci-fi.


I rather see the sci-fi elements reinforce and added upon, misticism in tenno exist because they have a mysterious background and a source of power that is out of this world, which doesn't deprive it of having some kind of logic.

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Adding Energy ( not electricity, more like MAGIC type ) and possession ( as in ghost or demon possession ) (which might make them create a series of possessed/cursed weapons with some missions about it)


Would allow you to have combine them with the existing elements to make:


Crystal ( Energy + Ice ) increasing Puncture and Slash damage significantly ignoring status chance.


Curse ( possession + fire ) heals you the same amount as the damage the enemy suffered


Magma ( Fire + energy ) slows enemies and burns them dead


Wraith {electric ghost/demon} ( electricity + possession ) enemies affected will deal damage to other enemies near them and spreads to them, damage increases for each enemy linked by the electricity.


Pain ( Energy + Possession ) when an enemy gets hit by this combination, his shadow rises to fight alongside you.


Haunts ( Possession + toxic ) ghosts and ghouls come out of the ground ( not entirely, just half ) to grab enemies, slowing them and inflecting toxic damage. 


............... i guess i over did it xD sorry, i love Demonic and spiritual stuff in action games.

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I like my sci-fi hard but still very "out-there": I mean, I would love a detailed document into the Orokin poking at the void and continuously finding no solid answers as to what the hell it is.

So give me more posthumanism, more social satire via the Corpus, maybe some Orokin mysticism, maybe they made a religion up in the name of stability, but no magic demon gods from the Void: 40k fills that niche more than enough, thank you very much.

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Would adding more elements really add anything to the game? At least for me, most weapons can't use elements in any interesting way. It's just +damage with more consideration for enemy weakness multipliers.


Wait... are people LITERALLY reading my use of "elements" and thinking "fire, earth, water"? Are you even reading the OP?


I'm talking themes and ideas, not damage types!


Or are you just trolling me?



I like my sci-fi hard but still very "out-there": I mean, I would love a detailed document into the Orokin poking at the void and continuously finding no solid answers as to what the hell it is.

So give me more posthumanism, more social satire via the Corpus, maybe some Orokin mysticism, maybe they made a religion up in the name of stability, but no magic demon gods from the Void: 40k fills that niche more than enough, thank you very much.


I'd dig that.

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