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De Just Announced That They're Going To Rework Your Favorite Warframe


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Its hard to tell, after last 4 reworks it can go both ways but a picture can tell 100 words so I will just do that. :P


-When the announcement lands that they're going to rework something you feel this (it can go both ways so your feelings are conflicted)



-Then the waiting game happens and you go through stages of joy, and fear



-Then the Update drops and your favourite(or not) Warframe may end up like this


OR This



-After that you may feel this


OR This



AND no matter what happened you will get this on the forums.


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i wouldn't mind unless if they change the "Feel" of the Warframe. you know, Rhino feels like a berserk and Excalibur like a swordsman. hope Ash's rework would make his skills more of a ninja, i mained him because of the ninja feel alone (shuriken, Smoke Bombs, etc).


i played MMORPGs for years so i'm used to changes and reworks of characters ( those who played WoW never experience changes because of the constant reskinning ).

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You mean:

De Just Announced That They're Going To NERF Your Favorite Warframe


Also in b4 people comes in claiming that an unnamed Frame in the topic is their favorite Frame.


To end: You don't rework a Master Race.

Edited by Gr3vi3R
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My fav frame is Rhino.

And they are already announced a rework.

What was my reaction?

"About goddamn time!"

I also kinda like Oberon, and when they will announce his rework... My reaction will be the same.

In fact i will be hyped for any rework for any frame. Saryn was of no interest to me before, but i'm sure interested in her now. Nothing makes me happy like PRESSING ALL OF THOSE SWEET BUTTONS!

Edited by Artek94
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Rework mag again?


what will they do now remove 2?


Maybe they rework 1 into a forced melee like toxin lash? i mean they seems to enjoy doing that to frames with no durability, CC or overall kit to make it work.


i guess you could make it so that you have to cast 1 first then 2 and then cast 4 to boost its damage. I am sure i will enjoy wasting 52.5 energy each and every cast.


I guess they could make fracturing crush a obligatory mod for mag i mean they did that to saryn so why not mag. 


Oh that is right they need to remove mags dump stat of course cant forget that. So now you need over base duration.


Yeah i think that would kill mag forever.


Oh no i think i found out what DEs masterplan for the upcoming Mag rework is.

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