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So To Hit Mr22.....


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Well, the range of Orthos cannot be ignored... except now I have Mios.


That is why Orthos Prime needs a damage buff.

Range being it's main redeeming factor (ok barring the redeemer shotgun) is being challenged.

And Mios can do a crap ton of damage and with a decent status chance to boot :p

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I just need to get off my lazy butt and level arch wing stuff. I enjoy it, but i can only do it in short bursts.


I level AW stuff while waiting for Mios to be researched and built.

Not like I needed to farm moar prime parts when I already finished with Trin prime and Dual Kamas....

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I am very close to hitting mr 21. I am missing out on some of the exclusives and a couple others I can't recal:

Lato Prime

Prisma Tetra

Akbronco Prime

And a couple others I don't remember as they don't show up on the Profile... (<--- REALLY want to know what I am missing without searching the wiki!)

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I'm sorry but there is no way adding 100+ more frames to the game will happen nor is it a good idea.  I can't see ever buying or acquiring that many frames ever, even if this game could be around for 10 more years.  That's too many frames (and probably too many weapons) to acquire.    The more depressing part is having to buy inventory slots for all those new weapons and frames or selling old stuff to make room.   But if you sell stuff, then you risk DE taking stuff out of the game (like prime's from the void) to which you can't get the stuff anymore and that kinda of sucks when you had no luck on prime drops for a year (still never could get certain prime parts for instance and all I did for a long while was run void missions...I still have over 200 void keys too lol)


In my opinion, DE should just revamp the MR system so that you can do the following...



1. Let you gain ranks when re-leveling a frame or weapon after using forma.

2. Earn extra MR xp for beating security console puzzles faster (right now there is no reason for me to bother doing them manually as I just use dechipers on every one except the extreme simple ones).

3. Gain MR xp multiplier for marathon mission runs.  Like doing 1hr+ survival, defense, interception etc.  

4. Give bonus MR xp for getting higher scores in events

5. Give bonus MR xp or MR xp multiplier for every achievement you get in game.   For example, at 1000 player revives, you get a permanent 1% bonus MR xp multplier and another 1% for each milestone after that (goes for all kinds of achievements where the hardest acheivements give a slightly higher bonus).



These are just some things I think could be done to make MR30 more attainable without having to put in 500+ weapons and 100+ frames.   At the same that in revamping MR, they can then give more value and importance to having higher MR beyond just locking weapons, resource extractors and stuff behind MR.

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I'm going to assume that the MR system in general will get a rework of some sort or some other source of MR points other then leveling up weapons and frames.


I mean it is quite honestly stupid on how the MR point needs to be available to make MR 30. Last I checked the half-way point to reach MR 30 was MR 23 or something. So we don't even have HALF the stuff needed to make MR 30 at this point. And fantasise as much as you want, but I can't imagine DE churning out a few hundered other weapons without those turning out to be reskins at some point.

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Personalty I think the MR thing is sorta pointless if you don't really use any of the weapons to any kind of degree or give them much of a chance, if you do than I tip my hat to you but otherwise I find it unlikely in most cases of higher ranks. That is until you need MR for weapons but even then people mostly try to pile over useless weapons rather then ever attempting good gameplay with them.

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I'm sorry but there is no way adding 100+ more frames to the game will happen nor is it a good idea.  I can't see ever buying or acquiring that many frames ever, even if this game could be around for 10 more years.  That's too many frames (and probably too many weapons) to acquire.    The more depressing part is having to buy inventory slots for all those new weapons and frames or selling old stuff to make room.   But if you sell stuff, then you risk DE taking stuff out of the game (like prime's from the void) to which you can't get the stuff anymore and that kinda of sucks when you had no luck on prime drops for a year (still never could get certain prime parts for instance and all I did for a long while was run void missions...I still have over 200 void keys too lol)


In my opinion, DE should just revamp the MR system so that you can do the following...



1. Let you gain ranks when re-leveling a frame or weapon after using forma.

2. Earn extra MR xp for beating security console puzzles faster (right now there is no reason for me to bother doing them manually as I just use dechipers on every one except the extreme simple ones).

3. Gain MR xp multiplier for marathon mission runs.  Like doing 1hr+ survival, defense, interception etc.  

4. Give bonus MR xp for getting higher scores in events

5. Give bonus MR xp or MR xp multiplier for every achievement you get in game.   For example, at 1000 player revives, you get a permanent 1% bonus MR xp multplier and another 1% for each milestone after that (goes for all kinds of achievements where the hardest acheivements give a slightly higher bonus).



These are just some things I think could be done to make MR30 more attainable without having to put in 500+ weapons and 100+ frames.   At the same that in revamping MR, they can then give more value and importance to having higher MR beyond just locking weapons, resource extractors and stuff behind MR.

MR goes to 60+ if people could relevel weapons they'd cap out the MR in no time. since MR currently has no real value (past 12) why even worry about it.

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I'm sorry but there is no way adding 100+ more frames to the game will happen nor is it a good idea.  I can't see ever buying or acquiring that many frames ever, even if this game could be around for 10 more years.  That's too many frames (and probably too many weapons) to acquire.    The more depressing part is having to buy inventory slots for all those new weapons and frames or selling old stuff to make room.   But if you sell stuff, then you risk DE taking stuff out of the game (like prime's from the void) to which you can't get the stuff anymore and that kinda of sucks when you had no luck on prime drops for a year (still never could get certain prime parts for instance and all I did for a long while was run void missions...I still have over 200 void keys too lol)


In my opinion, DE should just revamp the MR system so that you can do the following...



1. Let you gain ranks when re-leveling a frame or weapon after using forma.

2. Earn extra MR xp for beating security console puzzles faster (right now there is no reason for me to bother doing them manually as I just use dechipers on every one except the extreme simple ones).

3. Gain MR xp multiplier for marathon mission runs.  Like doing 1hr+ survival, defense, interception etc.  

4. Give bonus MR xp for getting higher scores in events

5. Give bonus MR xp or MR xp multiplier for every achievement you get in game.   For example, at 1000 player revives, you get a permanent 1% bonus MR xp multplier and another 1% for each milestone after that (goes for all kinds of achievements where the hardest acheivements give a slightly higher bonus).



These are just some things I think could be done to make MR30 more attainable without having to put in 500+ weapons and 100+ frames.   At the same that in revamping MR, they can then give more value and importance to having higher MR beyond just locking weapons, resource extractors and stuff behind MR.


That is probably a good suggestion. 

Otherwise DE will probably bleed themselves dry by continuously churning out MR fodder and frame designs.

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