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Mirage Underused Abilities & Natual Talent


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Sleight of  Hand: spy, rescue missions, should be GREAT! but is to expensive to use it (as it is right now: balance between duration and energy cost). Personally, I don't matter about the damage it does. I would appreciate a re-do of this ability, for me, in practical words, is like playing with 3 abilities. More usable abilities = more fun.


Eclipse: is very complicated to use it, most of the time it doesn't result in the damage increase or damage reduction expected. It is potentially a lost of energy. I don't know the perfect solution, but have an idea:

- in the light: 80% of the damage it currently does; And 20% of the damage reduction it currently does when in the shadows.

- in the shadows: 20% of the damage it currently does when in the light; And 80% of the damage reduction it currently does.

It is not overpower, just not a waste of energy, and it retains the incentive to do the mechanics. Mirage is squishy, so it has to move frequently, making it very hard to run & properly predict the effects of Eclipse for every place before landing there.


I would love to see a primed version of natual talent.

For the stats for the future Mirage Prime, if any, I would say that increasing its sprint speed would do it ;) (its squishy anyway, so better run faster than more armor/health or shield)

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sleight of hand is almost useless except in corpus mission where you are with ppl that can't destroy cameras. But eclipse is one of most useful skills I have seen because it can be used for great outgoing dmg increase or great incoming dmg decrease and I don't think it needs to be changed at all... Trust me I main mirage I know my stuff. and only times you actually die is when you stop moving... and that's on low lvls when enemies accuracy is so low that they hit you instead of your clones.

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For Sleight of Hand I think the Augment should be combined with the ability. As it is, the drops it destroys don't help much to be worth it. The most helpful things it does are disable Cameras(Corpus), activate laser doors as friendly(Corpus), and prevent Consoles from being used (Corpus/Grineer mainly Spy/Rescue). I've hardly ever seen lockers explode except when I had to specifically lure enemies much closer to them than should be needed.


Eclipse I think is fine where it's at aside from difficulty with lighting levels in the maps not matching what the ability seems to think I'm standing in.


One thing I would add to Mirage's passive would be a slight improvement to her knockdown recovery speed(don't think it does already). The other parts of her passive cover similar agile movements like rolling, so I think improved knockdown recovery should be included somewhere around 20-40%.


I love Mirage and think she's one of the most fun frames to play.

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I feel like Eclipse should be a passive.. although power strength abuse would be gone.


If only sleight of hand did something with those pesky grineer doors, (and maybe bypass all locked doors), it might be worth using.

Otherwise, relying on ammo drops for a small AoE damage is (currently) such a poor mechanic.

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I don't actually have a problem with her abilities other than the light/dark mechanic for Eclipse being very fussy in most maps. Sleight of Hand is pretty situational in general and I don't generally run Mirage in missions where it's advantages would be particularly useful so no real input on this.

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Sleight of hand and Eclipse costs too much energy? What?

Learn to flow. Seriously. What?

Sleight if Hand could use some tweaks, but it's no where near as bad as you seem to think it is. It's biggest problem is its reliance on faction, by it needs to affect Grineer radiation doors like it does Corpus Laser doors.

Eclipse's biggest problem is map layouts need to be updated, and it would be nice if Eclipse and Hall of Mirrors had the same duration, because let's face it, we all use them both all the time at the same time unless we are Total Eclipse buffing with our thumbs up out butts.

Edited by Gelkor
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Mirage is fine as it is, really. SoH might only be useful on corpus titesets or on Void defense but the rest of her kit is more balanced and fun to play than several other frames.

A full DPS build doesn't care about efficiency since HoM and Eclipse run on duration. Their energy cost is therefore irrelevant. And Eclipse isn't complicated to use at all, just pay attention to your surroundings and Mirage's body. Most of the time since maps are well lit you'll get the damage bonus.

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Sleight of Hand is kind of a gimmick power. It works pretty well on rescue missions to keep wardens from using terminals. It is also nice on corpus maps to turn on laser doors against the enemies. I don't think it's a weak power. It is just limited in how useful it is, but a lot of frames have a power like that.

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Sleight of Hand is kind of a gimmick power. It works pretty well on rescue missions to keep wardens from using terminals. It is also nice on corpus maps to turn on laser doors against the enemies. I don't think it's a weak power. It is just limited in how useful it is, but a lot of frames have a power like that.

It also halves the cooldown on Void defense turrets.

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Eclipse is actually incredibly awesome, if I'm not mistaken you can get up to 95% damage reduction when in shadows (a lot like Mesa's Shatter Shield, but not restricted to bullets only) and a pretty hefty damage boost when in the light. The only real issue is with the maps themselves, and how they often don't reflect what actually counts as a dark/light area.


Sleight of Hand is definitely niche, personally I would find it a lot more useful if it:

-had a much longer duration,

-could propagate from wherever your reticule is aimed instead of emanating from Mirage herself.

-didn't destroy ammo drops, but instead caused them to release energy pulses that inflict their usual damage/status effects

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Well, it be nice to make resources on enemies turn into a cluster bombs causing blast proc. And turn the field into a minefield of cluster bombs that cause blast proc. Anything else effected becomes a huge radius nuke you can shoot to make explode blowing away enemies.


That would work.


And make it an aura as well...Maybe.


And perhaps it's own extra loot augment that makes enemies into nukes(glow effect) and explode on death with big cluster bombs with extra loot flying out.

And the effect spreads to other enemies should this not be an aura or the augment makes it an aura.

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Sleight of Hand should be less random. all Doorways should procure interesting obstructions. Corpus is already Electric lasers that regen Energy. perhaps add a Knockdown so Enemies can potentially have to walk through the Laser multiple times for even more Electric AoE.


make Grineer ones have fake Magnetic Fields that... apply Damage Reduction to Enemy shots fired through it, apply Impact Status (or generic Stagger) when Enemies come in contact - and still regens Energy when you stand in it.


Void Doorways... some sort of 'Void' film in the doorway which has a Chance to (temorarily? idunno if we have the tech for that) Disarm Enemies. also disables use of any special Abilities for 3-5 seconds. still regens Energy when you stand in it.



exploding items needs to be more useful. guaranteed Impact Status / generic Stagger (probably prefer the second one...) if an Enemy is within Range of any of the Explosions.

in addition, 100% Status Chance of whatever the Status Type of the item is.

integrated the Explosive Legerdemain Augment as default functionality. always a minefield.




Eclipse... mostly just needs Tiles to have the visible Lighting and Shadows more accurately reflect the actual light and dark areas.



- - - - - 


sleight of hand destroys ammo drops

only for the caster of the Ability. everyone else is fine. so it's a calculated risk as to whether the results will be worth the Pickups you sacrifice.


eclipse is fine except that in MUST show on the ui what the hell it's doing

so... like, the Buff Icon that shows whether you're getting the Damage Bonus or Damage Resistance - that is already present in the game?

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only for the caster of the Ability. everyone else is fine. so it's a calculated risk as to whether the results will be worth the Pickups you sacrifice.

the results are never worth the pickup sacrifice, that's the whole point. the only time when it's useful is when exploiting corpus lasers

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the results are never worth the pickup sacrifice, that's the whole point. the only time when it's useful is when exploiting corpus lasers

That also depends. If you've already topped off the ammo of whatever you're carrying (and don't have Ammo Mutation) there's not really a reason not to get something from the other ammo drops, but I think they should combine the augment so that a lot of them don't just get totally wasted and not hit an enemy. As far as health and energy, if you've got a Nekros for even more drops or a Trinity for direct heal/energy then it's still not much of a problem losing those drops either.

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so... like, the Buff Icon that shows whether you're getting the Damage Bonus or Damage Resistance - that is already present in the game?

if you do have it would you kindly share it with me since i don't? don't know if bug or what but i don't have any indicator at all


Just take a look at Mirage's body.

the value isn't static, it "supposedly" (becouse we don't really have a way of knowing as it is) fluctuates depending on light level, it is't just a on/off switch type of thing, specially when in shadow form it's really important to know what the value amounts to  

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An idea about Sleight of Hand:


First some base changes:

First, as Taiiat said, make it less random and such, as a starter.

Secondly, Explosive Legerdemain should be default (at least the proximity mines).

Third, as someone else said, make the cast in an area around where you point, instead of eminating from Mirage, is also a great idea.


Now for changing the augment:

Where SoH is cast, 1/2/3/4 pillars of light and 1/2/3/4 pillars of darkness are summoned (in some specific formation, probably in a circle-like fashion). Mirage or allies standing in the light pillars heals X hp per second and count as 100% illuminated areas (for Eclipse etc), while pillars of darkness restore X energy per second and count as 100% darkened areas (for Eclipse etc).


Just a thought :)

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if you do have it would you kindly share it with me since i don't? don't know if bug or what but i don't have any indicator at all


the value isn't static, it "supposedly" (becouse we don't really have a way of knowing as it is) fluctuates depending on light level, it is't just a on/off switch type of thing, specially when in shadow form it's really important to know what the value amounts to  

I never realized it was supposed to fluctuate on light level. It should be changed to switching to max values until maps and light levels have been made better. If it does fluctuate, then displaying the percentages should be added. I'd seen a couple other posts about this and because I didn't know about the fluctuation I just pointed out the visual cues that would be sufficient if it didn't.


Sleight of hand needs more stealth capability but eclipseworks great that said an indicator at all times to show which buff your going to get would be nice

Giving it stealth capability would be awesome. I think a reduced detection range while in shadows would be great once DE puts some more work into the stealth mechanics and how enemy AI interacts with detection.

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