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An Omage To Parkour 1.0..


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I do not miss coptering at all, It made rushing even more of a problem than ever leaving behind anyone who didn't wanted to do coptering. And it also ruined the pacing of the game, not to mention melee weapons were exclusively used just for coptering.

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Thats not parkour 1.0.

Thats just coptering. Hope you guys will realize soon or later.

Parkour 2.0 is times better than 1.0

Coptering was just a bug, but have to admit it was nerfed to the ground, i would like to see more mobility on melee strikes ad long as its less than bullet jump

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Seeing this only reminds me of how boring coptering was


Don't forget all the times it glitched you out of the map, making you burn a revive.


As others have said, Coptering was NOT all of Parkour 1.0. I DO miss the smooth wallruns. Hopping UP a wall works, but along it? I... don't like that so much. I know why they did it, to allow for freedom of direction while in the midst of a wallrun. But it still feels off to me.

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As others have said, Coptering was NOT all of Parkour 1.0.


I also loved the infinite wall climb glitch where you reset you momentum while climbing...


Now that I think about it only things I really remember about Parkour 1.0 were considered glitches or "features".


Oh and wall climb back flipping into another wall climb. 

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Coptering was fast and all, but I always thought it looked janky as anything.  I mean, "I wanna jump this chasm!" *spin-wiggle-slash-seizure-sidekick*.


The new system may not be as fast, but at least it looks like youre maybe negotiating with physics a little.  Coptering just kicked it in the teeth and stole it's lunch money.

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