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The Wukong Research Warframe Will Be The Death Of Innactive Moon Clans And Mountain Clans

(XBOX)She Was Ready

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y'know de couldn't have had worse timing for introducing this new resource either, we are at the period before a major update when most players have decided to take a leave of absence until its launch and they throw in a clan research frame that requires incredible levels of player activity to obtain in even a slightly reasonable time frame. 

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I was only using the struggle of my clan to show how difficult it is for nintain to be attained. I am not speaking in the defence for my clan. I speaking in the defence for all the mountain and moon clans that have become innactive.

Please keep in mind that it is a constant endeavor to maintain a large clan such as moon and mountain active. You mist keep the flow of members by recruiting and kicking in actives. Well let me tell you that many leaders have a potential of slacking and losing motivation and keeping the clan active. Perhaps they just want to relax and enjoy the game with the active friends they currently have.

This is something that has happened with many mountain and moon clans! I have chosen to bring this topic up because I respect them. Now... Why would I respect them? Because anyone of them can choose to abandon their home clan and join a ghost or shadow clan that has the wukong research complete! Their loyalty remains in their clan! So why should they face such a hardship when a ghost clan can finish their 11 nintain in less than a week or 10 days?

And theirs the new downsizing system... Sp basically everytime a mountain moon or even storm clan fall innactive, they should just down size because the research cost was to much to handle? That would strike fear to the clans that have down sized and they will never want to try to upgrade their barracks again meaning they will remain the same... Again because the research cost upgrade is to high.

That means they their is no benefit in becoming a moon clan or mountain at all.. Think about it guys... If you become a moon/maountain then the research costs increase by a ton and you fall into the cycle of constantly recruiting and removing members, only to get tired of it and down size again.

Then what benefit is there when you become a mountain or moon clan?

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Looking at this after taking a step back ..


Frames and items like Wukong are not meant to be freely available to casual players. 

This is why they are in Tenno research, and why the clans get hit with a large resource requirement. 


I think a lot of people are taking the approach of 'everyone has the right to everything' rather then seeing any Tenno research as requiring particular effort to achieve. If players are only casual and aren't willing to put in the effort, then I do agree that this is what Plat purchases are for. 

If you don't want to put in the effort, and you don't want to pay any plat .. then that is really freeloading in the game and at that point any consideration I might have towards that type of player is muted. 


If the clan resource requirements are too great, then this should promote the question of whether the current clan is actually viable. 

Why do you have so many members ?

I imagine so they can use your trading tab. 


This to me is probably the case in point, if you have clan members who are not participating or contributing, then they'd probably only be there to trade.


My thoughts are :


1. DE should install trading tabs in the relays that everyone can use, but which have a default % tax rate (eg. 5 or 10%)


2. Warlords should have visibility over all contributions any of their clan members have made to the clan. If you have players who joined your clan but have contributed nothing to it, then that could easily be grounds for revoking their key. Maybe this could even be a tally open to all members of the clan, which promotes competition. 


3. Clan keys can be given a renewal requirement impose by the warlord. If their key is not used within the time period it expires and needs to be re-issued from the warlord. This is a simple method of managing any clan without supervision, players can join but unless they are participating or using the clan then their membership expires automatically. 

Edited by Sh0ck-Wave
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Then what benefit is there when you become a mountain or moon clan?

A 2nd Region chat.

A "pls give me X" chat.

A Raid/Void recruiting chat with those who know each another.

A chat were you "know" people there and interact regulary*

.... that is, if the place didnt become a Ghost chat*


Then there's Alliance chat, which is the closest to a Global chat if there are big active clans from all over the world instead of 1 region...

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I really do not see any downside here. The ability to downgrade clans is way overdue and now it will be here.

What is wrong with kicking inactive players? Why have a large clan at all? For dark sector conflicts I understand, but that's gone. If it comes back, it shouldn't be hard to recruit more cannon fodder, especially with so many people about to be kicked. It makes clan membership mean something, you contribute or leave and create your own.

Personally, I'd rather play with a small group of people I know well than a large group that's no different than playing in pugs.

Also, paragraphs are your friend. They are a very important aspect of writing.

Edited by Educated_Beast
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You suppose so many things but next time best if you take your informations before open a complain post

The amount of resources needed for any clan size are:

11 Nitain for a ghost clan
x3 shadow
x10 storm
x30 mountain
x100 moon


 This is basically as simple as it can get as far as Clan resources and tier scaling. The scaling per capita is done perfectly. Why wouldn't you have to pay 100 times the resource cost in a clan that is able to recruit 100 times the players as a Ghost clan? It only makes absolute sense. The usefulness of large masses of players really related directly to Solar Rails/Dark Sectors (which I hope return) and to have an advantage of player base, one should pay the cost in equivalent exchange. I do feel the pain of every Moon clan in the game but I don't feel the pitty on the inactive ones that is being expressed here. Clan systems are exactly how they should be; Work to maintain your player base, or pick up the slack of others due to activity not being maximized... one way or another, you work for your rewards or you don't get them... atleast not as quickly as others.


 I also run a Moon clan on Xbox1, arguably the most successful clan on the console, and while our research isn't quite done yet, it is only 1 piece off and close to completion and I feel that the grind wasn't too demanding. This was the first research in almost a year that we didn't have completed within an hour or 2 of it arriving but it will be a less than 2 week period and then it will be over, forever, and everyone can get their Wukongs! Not soooo bad for us, an active Moon Clan.


 This game honestly needs more grinds that are like this imo... any sort of change of pace really. We have enough boss grinds for parts as it is, so I find this change of pace quite nice. I know that a lot of people are at different stages on WF, but as an "end game" player, I appreciate there being something that I can't just breeze through by 1 hitting a boss 4 - 20+ times in a row to get the 4 same parts that every Warframe requires. It's not getting old, it's been old. 

Edited by (XB1)Xodus03
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I'm a member of She Was Ready's clan and have actively helped research Wukong with the other active members.

I feel that the problem is twofold. The research scaling requirements seem way high even for mountain clans to live with, let alone our moon clan. Make it closer to a x50 and then it's manageable. Because the multiplier is huge it leaves the active players to farm for weeks just to complete something. People want to enjoy the game and help research things, not grind.

To She: if you're worried about completing future research with our clan then maybe we need to downsize. People lost interest when they took dark sector conflicts out and that was back in April. I'll tell you here when u18 gets closer to consoles I'll be at the front proposing we downsize.

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