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Spaceninja Vets: Top 3 Frames & Why?

(XBOX)Jak Riddle

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Excalibur - because its mandatory and the best and has great DPS, without lacking utility

Loki - To be lazy and still win 

Frost - defense missions


Special cases

Valkyr - to be extremely lazy and still win solo vs really high leveled enemies that drain energy

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How do you tank with Volt? I'm genuinely curious.

Max armor, hp, shields mods, rage & quick thinking, flow(prime if you own) then use something with lifesteal(I use lifestrike), Max arcane barrier(Still working on this myself), then the ability to know when to heal and not nuke your energy pointlessly
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Max armor, hp, shields mods, rage & quick thinking, flow(prime if you own) then use something with lifesteal(I use lifestrike), Max arcane barrier(Still working on this myself), then the ability to know when to heal and not nuke your energy pointlessly

Anything can be tanky with R&QT. I mod for his 1st and 3rd myself.

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my top 3:


Rhino Prime; dependable Solid frame for Solo Work, and a great Supportive tank, he'll be even better once his rework hits. Palatine Skin also makes him look even more badass.


Valkyr; the Queen of Survivals. devastating Melee, Invincibility, and Rip Cord utility. what more could you want? since her rework, she's top-tier, and great fun to play as.


Zephyr: a little unusual, but I think Zephyr is greatly underappreciated: she's both a mobile frame AND a tank, I was using her today in the Void, and Turbulence Zephyr is awesome fun! my only complaint is that she doesn't really support a tea, outside of the CC from Tornado, but still, incredibly enjoyable.

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I'm a list mine in the order I 'found them' meaning, when I started actually using them instead of just keeping them in my inventory as MR fodder, and as a bonus, why, I was even interested in the first place.


Ember/Ember Prime:

WA----Y back in CBT, Ember was the First Warframe I threw money at. Why? cause she was WAY the hell off in the star chart and I didn't wanna wait that long to get my hands on her and start burning the F*** out of everything, and despite the constant complaining on the forums about her at the time (WoF is crap! and the like) I never really found her under powered and really enjoyed running around burninating things to death. She's probably one of a few Warframes I've never once considered getting rid of. These days, my Ember has been upgraded to Ember Prime, via her Prime access, (she was the first Prime I cared about as well FYI) and I still break her out to burn things into nothingness.


She also has the distinction of being my only 'Blue' Warframe.



Day one plat buy, and worth every cent. I ran that whole 'Hunt for Alad V' event with her and since then she's become my most played Warframe. The reason for which is pretty simple really. She's a DPS Tank. I love me some DPS Tanks. Admittedly I don't play her as much as I used to, her kit is a little 'narrow' in focus to use regularly,  but she's still my favorite *points at the avatar*, so much so that unlike the other two special skins that came out before (Proto-Excal and Nem Nyx) I was actually really hyped for her 'Pre-Corpus' skin (I still run the Baset helm on her though, it just looks to good with the new skin to not use.


I've intentionally given her a more 'regal' color scheme as well (Purple/Gold), pretty much to denote where she stands in my own personal hierarchy.



I wasn't immediately in love with Chroma. when he came out I was kind burnt out on Warframe, and I just didn't feel like dealing with him even though I dropped plat on him, I just couldn't be bothered to give two S#&$s about him, or the game at the time, and wandered off to FF14. Since coming back though, and actually putting time into him though, I absolutely ADORE HIM, and have Forma'd him almost as much, if not more then my Valkyr to try and make him as beastly as possible, which I've been pretty successful in doing, lack of a couple Prime Mods, or Mod ranks not withstanding. Chroma is the Frame I generally just 'default' to now, the one I take out  just put around in and slap Grineer and Corpus around with (infested some times but those are mostly for Val to deal with)


I run a 'themed' Chroma, modeled, mostly, after the D&D Black Dragon, so mostly Black with Green energy (cause a Black Dragons breath weapon is acid) though the lack of a 'Corrosive' damage type for him annoys me a bit since it leaves the theme incomplete. The only other deviation from this is the red highlights, cause it looks awesome.



Honorable Mentions:



If the above are my top 3, Mirage is unquestionable my #4 favorite Warframe. I just have to much fun play with her, and it still makes me giggle a little to booby-trap the consoles and watch as some Corpus or Grineer blow them selves up trying to raise the alarm. Past screwing with the AI, she's just a good frame, with a good kit, with Hall of Mirrors making her surprisingly durable.


Not really related, but I always found it funny as hell that before her release people where whining about her. After her release, crickets. Glorious silence from the peanut gallery with only an occasional, halfhearted 'yeah ... well, she's still not very ninja like ...' to be seen


Nova/Nova Prime:

M.Prime. That's why.

Yeah, I know she's got other ability's. I've used them, and they are rather good. But there's something just so ... satisfying about priming a room, capping one poor sod in the head and watching everything go 'poof' in a cloud of red mist. One of the simple pleasures in life.


I run a Slova BTW, no, I'm not changing it for anyone.

Edited by LunarTemplar
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I might not be a vet, but ill still input something into this thread.


1. OberonJack of all trades, master of none, but oftentimes better than master of one. CC, pure damage, defense, support, tank, etc. Oberon has it all.

2. Chroma - A pure definition of a tank. I cant count how many T3-4 survival runs with no deaths as chroma while my friends and allies died a couple of times.

3. Equinox - Just like Oberon, except concentrates in pure AoE, Countless times i have and been saved by Mend, and countless mobs, grineer, corpus, infested, and corrupted have been killed by maim.

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3. Equinox: Fell in love with her overall design, and how her two 4th abilities are indefinitely scale-able. I mostly only use her Night form though, as her 2nd sleep ability is a fantastic CC, especially for locking mass groups of enemies down during those 60+ waves of T4D. I also adore her looks<3


2. Banshee: Very recent too. She's a bit tied in there with Equinox. But if I had to choose one or the other, I'd put Banshee first over Equinox.

But anyway, why Banshee are some pretty obvious ones. Very versatile with fantastic CC abilities. She is one of the only Warframes that you can create very optimal builds for all of her Augment mods (my favourite is Resonance, as it's the most beneficial if you're doing very difficult 4-player missions and/or endless runs.


Also due to having no self-protecting abilities (You could argue Silence to some extent), coupled with her squishy-butt, she will require a different set of skill to really master her, as you cannot just always run-n'-gun in and hope for the best like Mesa, Rhino, Zephyr, Chroma, and so on. Most people who play those kind of frames will usually drop Banshee due to her different playstyle, especially that every single ability in her kit is designed for CC and not for damage or buffs/debuffs.
Seriously, if you want to know how skillful you are without having anything to stop bullets or melee attacks from you, go run some 35+ solo missions with her, and see how well you can do. Silence will be your bestfriend, but it's a mutual-effort kind of skill, in where you'll be needing to get rid of your enemies with gun-play before the stun eventually ends to get the most out of it. Also nothing is stopping enemies from firing outside of the aura either.
  -  My issues: I hate her design. I loathe almost everything about it. Everything is so stiff and honestly if I never heard of the game, and you showed me a picture of her and told me that this was fanart, I would 100% believe it.
Her new premium costume will definitely change all that, because dem headphones and AMFG her legs!<3
1. Zephyr: Started as just wanting to try out all the frames when I first joined the game. I really doubted I was really going to like her at all, but my mindset is that I give everything a chance before making any informed decisions. What I thought was going to be a quick level to 30 and move on to the next one, 13 months later, I still use my little birb<3
  -  Amazing 1st ability and how far and fast you can use it, making her the only Warframe that can go 60m+ in the shortest amount of time.
As a heads up; YOU DO HAVE CONTROL HOW FAR YOU WANT TO GO, just depends when and how long you hold the jump-key down. This was also with just 100% Duration, as you can increase the distance a bit more around 70m-75m, though it really wont make a difference as you'll never be flying that fast or far like I was demonstrating, hence the point of the video.
Please refer to this fantastic guide that details everything you need to know about Zephyr and her Tailwind mechanic/buff:
[DE]Danielle was kind enough to pin it in the official "PLAYER GUIDES, TIPS, APPS, & USEFUL WEBSITES! (2.0)" thread. You're the best! (:
  -  Another awesome thing I like about her, well....IF, AND I REPEAT, IF FUUCKING IF TURBULENCE WORKED PROPERLY AND ACTUALLY DEFLECT THE NEW TURRETS AND BOMBARDS MISSILES, SINCE NOW GO RIGHT THROUGH IT SINCE UPDATE 17.12.1, I would say it's my favourite defensive ability next to Mesa's Shattershield.
(please refer to the Turbulence bug link at the bottom for more information)
  -  Her Jetstream Augment is probably the greatest thing they could have ever given her for us Zephyr players (if you use it hehe~)
  -  Pretty nice (rng) CC 4th ability via Tornado. I can't seem to figure out why changing it's elements don't actually make a difference from what I can tell since maybe the past 7ish months now (more apparent whenever they decided in the update to show damage numbers when shooting at any of the tornadoes). But regardless, when I host my 40-60 T4 Defense parties, it's always extremely helpful when needed.
                       Uncanny/Most dated model next to Oberon. They both need some love. Her "feathers" and his "antlers" do not look organic or even alive at all in the slightest, like how all the newer frames do now. It looks like if you had a clay model, and just pinched some parts to stick out, that's what they look like to me. Also they apparently "claimed" that the white bits on Zephyr was fixed, but this is not accurate at all.
     But still, would love to see actual cloth physics on her, or anything along the lines of her feathers protracting and retracting depending on what action or movement is being used and to what volume is it being used at (like walking to running can depend on how much her bits and ends protract and/or the speed you move and so on). Wishful thinking, I know. One can dream.
                        Needs a new helmet. I can't stand her car (or jet engine) looking helmet, nor the Tengu helmet. Look at where the helmet connects with the neck, and it looks like you put a Megablox head on a Lego man's body. Not sure if they didn't position or mold it correctly, but it definitely suggests that her default helmet is what they always intended her to have, and the alternative helmets were just after-thoughts and threw them out there just because they "have to" release some kind of helmet in some fashion. Would rather take Atlas' route and take the time before releasing it, instead of pushing out at release day. Or hell, would have preferred Wukong's alternative helmet....well, lack thereof. At least until they have something really awesome in mind.
(side note: they stopped immortal skins right on Zephyr, onwards ;__;  I don't like them anyway, but would love to see a Premium skin though soon! Gotta' show the birb some love DE!<3)
Anyways, that's my long ! post and reasons why haha. Apologies, I'm very passionate about the few frames I play ;P
Honorable mentions:
- Chroma
- Limbo
- Nova Prime (not vanilla.)
- Wukong (pending. still messing around with him).
Edited by HalfDarkShadow
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Gonna get this out of the way: All the frames are awesome in their own way. I love how unique DE made each of them when it comes to their abilities. While you can label some of them "Glass cannons" and "Tanks" and so on, they all still have a certain unique trait to them that makes them different.


As for my top 3.....


1. Ember/Ember Prime




I don't care what anyone says, I've been a fan of Ember for a long, long time. Ember was my first ever crafted warframe, and has been in my main rotation ever since. I've been through the good times with her and the bad, through each and every update/buff/nerf, and not once has she been pushed aside for other warframes. Sure, I do play others of course. Ember has a particular role, and she doesn't always shine as bright when forced to be in predicaments she isn't built for. But she's still my favorite warframe to this day, and I don't see that changing any time soon.


2. Valkyr



She was the one who made me really get into the lore in this game and truly hate one of the enemy factions. I wanted Alad V's head on the end of my Orthos, and I take pleasure killing him over and over when I need a few more neural sensors. Other bosses? Eh. They must die for one reason or another. But Alad V? I'll happily take vengeance on him at any chance I can get.


That said, I do love Valkyr - in looks and abilities. While most use her invulnerability willy nilly, I tend to mod her for warcry and paralysis, and use Hysteria to pick up downed teammates. She may not be a nuker, but if played right she can be a tanky assassin and arch angel for her friends.


3. Saryn



It's a really tough decision on who gets the third spot, but I have to give it to my girl. Not only does she look gorgeous (Love the new skin) but her latest update made her actually....FUN. Dashing toward enemies, back-flipping out of a Molt, jumping away as I cast spore on it, smacking enemies left and right with my toxic lash-infused whip before miasma-ing them all to dust. It's just so much fun. People like to complain about her not being a one trick pony anymore, and to them I say....you're entitled to your opinion. But I don't care - she's actually FUN now, and that's why we play a game right? To have fun?


Honorable mentions...


Ash - He's.....actually a ninja. In a ninja inspired game. Can't really go wrong there. I finally just got his Prime version too.

Excalibur - Blade Beaming enemies to death will never grow old.

Oberon - I don't understand all the hate he gets. If played right he's an awesome warframe and can BOTH keep teammates alive as well as CC the hell out of rooms of enemies.

Zephyr - I absolutely love how she looks. Like an armored phoenix. And her abilties are incredibly unique.

Wukong - He's like Valkyr's older brother and is a blast to play as.



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Either way you build her she's pretty much unmatched.

Go with a duration/strength build and shred everything with you weapons. I'd especially recommend any explosive/AOE weapon for ridiculous numbers. Or you can hide in the shadowz for up to a whopping 95% damage reduction. Also, bring a quanta with her and spam alt. fire + 4 to create massive ammounts of lag. Fun to do if you're bored and screwing around with friends. Oh, and did i mentio up to 500% extra weapon damage that can be shared with teammates?

Or you could go a duration/range/efficiency build for the blind on Prism + the traps on Sleight of Hand. It's really good for high level stuff and always fun to watch enemies get baited into opening trapped lockers only to meet an explosion to the face. *Insert Generic Evil Laugh Here*

Banshee's pretty fun too. Watch the resonance stack and then drop off a shot with Dread to experience eyegasm levels of damage.

Her sonic fracture build is pretty decent for melee too.

On the tanky side, there's really nothing like Frost. Insane defense with globe, cc with everything, armour reduction on ult, there isn't much more you can ask for on a defensive frame.

Side note try the ice wave impedence + maxed range/duration in infested missions. Complete and utter denial. Except for Moas. Screw those things.

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In general:

* Trinity: Infinite energy and 99% damage mitigation.

* Loki: Ult scales infinitely (and it's aug is very good) and has good duration on invisibility for self defense.

* Nova: One best at boosting the team's damage + has good cc. Worm hole is great for mobilizing your team.


For a camping team:

* Ash: With Smoke Shadow, he can invis their entire team and defend them. Teleport + Covert Lethality ensures a 1HKO on high-priority targets. Can also strip armor with Seeking Shuriken (you should have 4x CP on anyways though). Will probably be replaced by Ivara soon. (sniff  :( )

* Trinity: see above

* Vauban: Vortex is great for CC, and it also clusters enemies together, which benefits AoE weapons the most like the Tonkor or Torid.

Edited by Yazeth
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My personal top 3 best.


Nova Prime - cuz dat slow toooo goood + dmg multiplier and that boom!


Trinity Prime - immortal basicly


Valkyr - cuz shes a kitty, who dosnt love kitties?


every other frame dosnt come anywhere close atm to my ''PERSONAL'' top 3

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these aren't my favorite but these are the frames i'm having the most fun with after coming back from a month long break:


*Banshee: the damage buff with sonar is just amazing. i finally finished forma'ing her and she just shines in every mission.


*Volt/Prime: he was my first love and after coming back and playing with him he's still amazing. he's got defense,cc,and high damage output.


*Frost/Prime: same as volt.good cc,amazing defense,and decent damage.i'm using him offensively for armor reduction and cc

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I don't like relying on teammates so my top 3 consists of frames that can solo missions


Excalibur: DPS and CC, Jack of all trades. Slap a Life Strike on your Melee weapon and you're basically Immortal if you play smart. Great for any mission really.


Loki: If you need stealth Loki is your man. Radial Disarm also helps teammates. Trivializes spy/rescue missions


Frost: Let's face it, if you intend to solo or guarantee your success in Defense/Excavation pubs you'll have a much easier time with Frost


Special Mentions:
Ash: Arcane Trickery basically turns your Bladestorm into a perma-invis skill that's unaffected by nullies. Can replace Excalibur but Excal can contribute more to the team with Radial Blind.


Nova: If you want to breeze through an Interception mission bring Slowva, Farming Sechura? Bring Speedva.

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