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[Spoiler] Shadow Stalker Needs Nerfed


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I don't think he is hard to kill and doesn't warrant a nerf. He's no longer a push over that spawns and just dies.

Fought him and killed him solo in a small room with a vectis prime, Dec furis, and dual Kamas prime.

Only problem I had was that he was leaving but still slash dashed me and killed me. Not sure if anyone else has experienced this.

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high Level Missions and bringing a lot of Equipment / Equipment that has a powerful Loadout will scale Assassin's up.

so like any Enemy in Warframe's Scaling - it'll get pretty durable at some point.


Shadow Stalker functions like Sentients - so fight him in a similar manner as well.



to lower the entry gate on Equipment though, i could see significantly reducing or removing Shadow Stalker's Shields.

however, at the same time, if you're facing Shadow Stalker, that means you've been playing long enough that you should know how Damage in Warframe works and know how to put Mods on your Equipment.

as well as having a pretty good understanding of Warframe's high-mobility Combat.


though note that Shadow Stalker has fairly poor long Ranged capability unlike traditional.

Edited by taiiat
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Agreed. The adapting gimmick makes fighting him in smaller teams (not to mention solo) impossible. The sentient adaptability really needs to get checked, everything else is fine, he's not a one shot kill anymore nor is he cheap like before.


I have fought him three times, twice being the shadow version, both solo, and at around 1/5 of health, it's all chip damage. It can be done but it isn't fair since he has filthy tricks that can one shot any frame.

I call nonsense on that.

I spent a good few minutes trying to defeat him. His attacks are now telegraphed and easily avoidable, making him far less dangerous than he ever was before U18. The only real danger to him is his ability to adapt to damage, much like the Sentients. I died, but that was purely because of my fault that I didn't bring a weapon with a different element loadout.

Here's a real simple way to beat him (and Sentients while you're at it): Don't give all your weapons the same elements. Instead of using radiation+viral on all weapons, bring one that is corrosive+blast to switch up the elements.

Edited by Pizzarugi
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Okay lets be serious. 

"i owned him and killed him instantly. Use better mods lmao noobs" : well remember not everyone just runs Draco to level and sometimes we don't run with our best gear.  If you cant take away about 1/4 or more of his hp with each of your weapons (and you're running solo) you should just give up, let him kill you, and move on with your mission.  We get it, you are a badass and you've killed him "in 40 seconds" you're cool stop bragging, but I'm sorry but there is no way i am going to be prepared to dish out that much damage every mission I run.


"he doesn't even do damage / just dodge him lol" : His little spiny Sentient thing literally 1 shots frames with sub 65 armor rating, and going solo I dont have that chance for him to be focusing someone else and get revived.  Sorry I don't have 60% Rhino Prime usage, I like to use other frames.  And if you are running with lower level people and not my max prime everything gold mastery 21 group, sometimes they cant do enough damage before he adapts.  


We all get it, he was easy for you, but get off your high horse and remember that not everyone has all maxed primed mods and the Stalker is as easy for them as it is for you.  The point is, if I have underleveled stuff, I cant use skill and aim to maneuver around him, dodge his attacks and win.  Its whether or not you we're prepared when he showed up if you can kill him or not which people are complaining about.  Maybe if his resistance wore off after a certain time? Something to make it so i dont just purposely die to him after he starts resisting my guns that im leveling.  Think about other people for a change you snobs

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I think the new stalker is buggy and comically unbalanced considering when he's programmed to show up. At this point, if you have underleveled gear, it doesn't matter if your kit is varied or not. He's still a massive bullet sponge. And guess when he has showed up every time I've encountered him? Yep, when I was leveling gear. It's cheap and game-breaking. I'm not even sure his attacks behave consistently from one moment to the next. I hated the original stalker for the same reason and this one is worse. His mark also seems to be stuck in place for me, which means that he basically never goes away.

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He's only a threat when you're ranking up weapons (which happens more often than not unfortunately, it's like it's rigged I swear) or use a squishy frame that relies on abilities to stay alive. If you use a more resilient frame and varied elements, it's not "hard", just a tad too long sometimes for my taste, though I find him to be a vast improvement over the old one.

I just wish his Dispel was reworked to be fair to these fragile frames. Right now he just spams it and one mistake usually means instant death if you use any frame that isn't inherently fairly resilient or has to usually rely on abilities to soak up damage that other frames can just take without exterior factors helping them. That's the one thing I find really cheap and lame about him and any enemy that uses that type of mechanic.

Edited by Marthrym
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nope, they don't have that much health, so while yeah, they're sort of spongey if you don't fight them right they do JUST adapt to damage. not have massive health pools

Stalker is a joke, he is a low hp bulletsponge that relays soly on his damage reduction.

Personaly, I kill him off the moment he stands up from its spawn with my Supra not even depleeting the half magazine. Don't know why, but his DR only reduces each shot to 150 damage. No difference to the normal Stalker.

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His attacks are incredibly easy to avoid. His resistance mechanic, however, is the definition of artificial difficulty. If they want him to have it, fine. But remove his shields or make him unable to regen them during his i-frames. Or better yet, remove those i-frames entirely. If you have a slow, hard hitting weapon, god help you. After one shot it's now useless because of how fast his shields regen. Although that seems like it can happen to fast-firing weapons as well. He started resisting my atomos after a single tick of damage earlier. Seems legit, stalker.


Bringing a varied load out doesn't even make sense with the way the game plays, either. When you do moon missions sure, because you know you will run into sentients. That's fine, but you have no idea when you will run into stalker. It makes way more sense to build around the mission you're doing than to build around an enemy with an incredibly low spawn rate. Making an enemy that's so rare have a mechanic that almost forces you to build around it is terrible design. 


And let's not forget that for how annoying of a fight he is, his loot table is horrid. Slaughtered him on Rhino the other day and got a heavy impact. If that's not an insult, I don't know what is. It's gotten to the point where I'm just going to let him kill me when he spawns. I have the stuff I care about off him and he's not an actual challenge so there's no satisfaction from killing him. 


When you see the flashes for stalker, you should feel afraid. The current design isn't even remotely scary. I just sigh when I see him right now since I already know if I will kill him or not before he even spawns.

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His attacks are incredibly easy to avoid.

 yeah , but what to do when he teleport you in front on him when he attack ? how to avoid attack when the guy teleport you on his attacks ?


however i think it was just a bug, killed another stalker, an this time he doesn't teleport me

Edited by Soketsu
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 yeah , but what to do when he teleport you in front on him when he attack ? how to avoid attack when the guy teleport you on his attacks ?


however i think it was just a bug, killed another stalker, an this time he doesn't teleport me

It does sound like a bug that he teleported you that quickly immediately after attacking. I've hardly ever been teleported by him, and when he does it usually ends up getting me away from his attacks oddly enough. I've had him chain his knockdown on me to kill me when I was somewhere he could easily get, so he's definitely buggy.

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