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I'm Gonna Be Honest Here Pre-Revamp Saryn Players...


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Me Me Me. Nerf that so that i can feel important. This is the mentality that ruins games for everyone.

No, I don't care how many things I get to kill. But having the entire map deleted over and over again while I just sit there twiddling my thumbs is incredibly boring. If anything what you are describing are the people that press 4 to win.

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No, I don't care how many things I get to kill. But having the entire map deleted over and over again while I just sit there twiddling my thumbs is incredibly boring. If anything what you are describing are the people that press 4 to win.


When someone clears the map for me, I'm grateful. I've killed my fair share of enemy units and having someone take the load off is okay by me. There is always the option to play solo if you dont like your team mates doing... stuff.

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most of the original saryn players dont believe she was nerfed in the way you stated


it plays more on your press 4 to win nooby idea.  yes she is more team coop oriented now, but only in lower and middle tier.


I am not entirely sure if you have tested her effectively in high or end game yet.  a lot of the complaints come from scaling of enemies, and not their hp scale.  This is more on their damage scaling which makes set ups like her a little tedious.


the set up process starts to become a problem when enemies down you in one hit, not to mention when it takes 2-3 full miasma set ups to kill one enemy.



she definitely did not get nerfed, she just took a hit to her efficient playstyle.  In your case, it would be press 4 and win nooby style.



in my own opinion if other people play her and do well, i am completely fine with her.  i just lost interest in using her as a warframe because S#&$ is too fast paced to really set all that stuff up imo.  I kill groups of mobs faster than she can and at a much farther reach and range

She's endgame viable, even more so than before. She scales a lot better than she used to, thanks to viral procs and better scaling damage. She's a bit squishier, but a skilled player can make do.

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 She was nerfed. Her energy costs just to function are higher than ever. The press 4 to win logic definitely needed changing, but her current setup is just going to mean people migrate to other frames for their sure-fire pick.


 Ember moved up a tier thanks to the Saryn changes. Which is good for me, of course, since I like Ember more.



 That said - it is incredibly immature for any of you at all to keep clinging desperately to this "They just want to press 4 to win" crap in an attempt to disqualify any and all criticism about the changes. You should feel silly if you are actively taking part in keeping this going. It's childish. This is a feedback forum. It is best when there are many kinds of feedback.

different opinions.


For me it was a straight buff and the increased energy consumption does not matter for me.

For you it was a nerf, for whatever your reason is. (I guess it's the more or less forced combo mechanic and the high energy consumption)


BOTH opinions are valid.

And saying people who point out flaws in "Nerf complaints" are "clinging desperately to this "They just want to press 4 to win" crap" is a broad generalisation and does most of them injustice.

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All I see is people happy about Saryn not being able to nuke just so that the frames they like don't get fewer kills than Saryn. That's who DE listened to. That's the kind of whiny, piece of Grineer garbage DE listens to.


Because of her DEPENDENCY (not synergy, big difference) of *every* skill she has to be able to do somewhat reasonable damage, her best skill became Spores. That's her best skill. Her first skill is her best skill and that's because it does damage. Molt is still the overall best skill to be honest but Spore is the one people now abuse. There's nothing to this, nothing to "strategy" or "adapting" or "more complex" people will ALWAYS find the one trick to abuse no matter what. Sadly, the one trick of Saryn right now is mediocre compared to other frames and she doesn't have the stats to back it up. Of course, Saryn Prime will fix it. DE will make sure that Saryn Prime is what Saryn should be stat wise so people buy Platinum to get her.


She was nerfed as she is not efficient or fast to kill or exceeds at anything. It's not hard to understand, but people are so used to just agreeing with everything thrown to them. These topics become "toxic" because the side that agrees blindly on the Saryn massacre are as toxic as the others trying to fix an obviously now inferior frame.

Edited by Heatnix.
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Well if it is a nerf (which I don't think it is)... people will get over it soon enough.

Anyone remember when Trinity's ult used to be capable of globally giving the whole team 20+ seconds of invincibility?

Oh yah when that was nerfed, people complained, now people have moved on; they'll do the same with Saryn (even though unlike Trin the revamp wasn't a nerf).

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All I see is people happy about Saryn not being able to nuke just so that the frames they like don't get fewer kills than Saryn. That's who DE listened to. That's the kind of whiny, piece of Grineer garbage DE listens to.


Because of her DEPENDENCY (not synergy, big difference) of *every* skill she has to be able to do somewhat reasonable damage, her best skill became Spores. That's her best skill. Her first skill is her best skill and that's because it does damage. Molt is still the overall best skill to be honest but Spore is the one people now abuse. There's nothing to this, nothing to "strategy" or "adapting" or "more complex" people will ALWAYS find the one trick to abuse no matter what. Sadly, the one trick of Saryn right now is mediocre compared to other frames and she doesn't have the stats to back it up. Of course, Saryn Prime will fix it. DE will make sure that Saryn Prime is what Saryn should be stat wise so people buy Platinum to get her.


She was nerfed as she is not efficient or fast to kill or exceeds at anything. It's not hard to understand, but people are so used to just agreeing with everything thrown to them. These topics become "toxic" because the side that agrees blindly on the Saryn massacre are as toxic as the others trying to fix an obviously now inferior frame.


i think shy put it well


Edited by (XB1)EternalDrk Mako
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different opinions.


For me it was a straight buff and the increased energy consumption does not matter for me.

For you it was a nerf, for whatever your reason is. (I guess it's the more or less forced combo mechanic and the high energy consumption)


BOTH opinions are valid.

And saying people who point out flaws in "Nerf complaints" are "clinging desperately to this "They just want to press 4 to win" crap" is a broad generalisation and does most of them injustice.

what in the saryn changes made this a straight buff to you? you can't just say it is with no explanation and say the statement is comparable to one with actual reason following it. 


and he wasn't addressing all players who don't agree with this being a nerf, he was just addressing players who rely on "they just want press 4 to win" to invalidate someones opinion, as its such a nonsense claim, so there was no generalization to be had. if you aren't part of the crowd using that excuse then the message isn't meant for you. 

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And saying people who point out flaws in "Nerf complaints" are "clinging desperately to this "They just want to press 4 to win" crap" is a broad generalisation and does most of them injustice.


 These posts are in this exact thread. Read them, then tell me again I'm not actually seeing exactly the foul behavior I referenced in my post:


I don't think many of the pre-revamp Saryn players had brains evolved enough to communicate.


You'd be better off reaching them if you wrote your post in: 444444444444 44 4444444 444444 4 44444


I kid, I kid, don't hate



The only reason that people consider her nerfed is she cant be Press4 to win now.



 Joke or not, this kind of thing has been bad for these threads. Is it worth doing something from a Moderator standpoint? No. I mean hell, I know for a fact AM-Bunny is a cool guy. But nonetheless, I feel something deserved being said.

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RIP that's what she's to me. They gone waaaay to far in to "everything needs to synergy with it self to work good", don't forget you truck all full with energy restors, by the way.

I just don't care about her any more, there is no point, I'm happy that did the change before the skin release so I didn't had to waste plat on that.


To much synergy, to high energy cost, too many button presses. GJ on the nerf. Limbo was lonely by it self.

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Is anyone else here even using Molt+Spore combo? or use Toxic Lash on a Molt with Spores at a safe location? No? Damn...


On a serious note, to me Saryn got buffed. She is less "tanky" because she lost like what, 150hp? at rank 30 with maxed vitality which doesn't f***** matter at levels you people are talking about (for any frame except Valkyr I guess, maaaaybe Rhino...). Instead she got 75 more energy at max rank. Besides that her 1st ability isn't barely usable S#&$ anymore (or you do not have to throw punchthrough into every single weapon for it work) and has synergy with 2nd and 4th ability. Molt had it's duration doubled, now we wait for its health buff (scaling to be precise) and it'll be perfect. Toxic Lash is also actually usable besides some "troll melee builds", and also synergy. Her Miasma isn't anymore plague on forums ("boo hoo, game has S#&$ty energy balance, lets nerf saryn/trinity or throw the energy system out the window") and needs more than "Press 4 to win, till level 40...", if anything I would have prefered they left negative duration for build diversity (but with reduced damage potential to even out the damage being instant).


To me Saryn is now an exellent frame that requires from me something more than "I want to blast this map blast the map into the void using only 4" and besides minor tweaks she is waaaaaaaay better than before the rework.

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Is anyone else here even using Molt+Spore combo? or use Toxic Lash on a Molt with Spores at a safe location? No? Damn...


On a serious note, to me Saryn got buffed. She is less "tanky" because she lost like what, 150hp? at rank 30 with maxed vitality which doesn't f***** matter at levels you people are talking about (for any frame except Valkyr I guess, maaaaybe Rhino...). Instead she got 75 more energy at max rank. Besides that her 1st ability isn't barely usable S#&$ anymore (or you do not have to throw punchthrough into every single weapon for it work) and has synergy with 2nd and 4th ability. Molt had it's duration doubled, now we wait for its health buff (scaling to be precise) and it'll be perfect. Toxic Lash is also actually usable besides some "troll melee builds", and also synergy. Her Miasma isn't anymore plague on forums ("boo hoo, game has S#&$ty energy balance, lets nerf saryn/trinity or throw the energy system out the window") and needs more than "Press 4 to win, till level 40...", if anything I would have prefered they left negative duration for build diversity (but with reduced damage potential to even out the damage being instant).


To me Saryn is now an exellent frame that requires from me something more than "I want to blast this map blast the map into the void using only 4" and besides minor tweaks she is waaaaaaaay better than before the rework.


I find her far more enjoyable now, and it's fun mixing up different combos with her abilities. In fact I never thought to use Toxic Lash directly on a Molt before. I think I'll try that next time I play her.

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Why does it either have to GOOD or BAD with you people? All I said is that she needs some tweaks to two of her Abilities to make her more viable at higher end content. She has worse survivability than Rhino who isn't forced into Melee to make full use of his kit. Saryn, at her current state is a semi-Melee frame by design so she should be more durable than she currently is.


Her only ability that needs melee works with thrown weapons also... but i agree,

1.Ranged weapons modded for poison and/or gas are not viable for "higher end" content, real man use fists against heavy armored folks with rocket launchers. DE giving her a melee ability, so i'm forced to use it in every case and tactic.

2. the survivability is literally like a glas cannon against level 100 heavy gunner...while she is not moving...in the middle of a room... standing in her molt... with her third ability active...and the player cant find the button for block. why cant saryn be more tankier while she inflicts whole maps with her viral and toxic procs? i want my poison dot spreading rhino now!

... seriously, i don't get it... why you are comparing saryn with rhino?

Edited by Eiswolf999
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You did?! Ain't that cute! I saw a couple of Mags that were doing fine against level 80 enemies with Melee only. That must mean Mag is a good Melee frame, right? Makes me wonder though, why does nobody ever ask for Saryn when composing a high level party.


Yeah...come back to me once you get some actual experience instead of spouting nonsense about what you 'saw'.

Ah yes my time to shine - none of you here should spout "high tier" if you can't crossed the 2hr30m mark.

Saryn is still a strong pick and the only reason people don't use her now is because they suck at figuring out how to play her with efficiency.


Tell me how you suck at her in this so called "high tier" category. Because right now even with sortie your 1+2 alone will make it easier to pick off enemies which aren't even close to "highest tier" so if you're going to act like she's useless better tell us all how you failed to use her in tougher content.


I haven't seen high tier in this game, I solo the damn sorties because its the only challenge I can have. High tier for warframe needs more brains involved than "i gots the most power." Nah, not even close - utility and MECHANICS beat this game.


Viral procs are always numero uno coupled with stacks of slash. Always - if only people who suck with Saryn knew that nukes don't mean crap.


Damage Mechanics all damn day.

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what in the saryn changes made this a straight buff to you? you can't just say it is with no explanation and say the statement is comparable to one with actual reason following it.

Being able to kill more than you were before.

Also: being the only one in the squad able to wreck lvl 150 infested while for example Embers damage is negligible at that point.

Inb4 hurr durr but then she is only viable against infested.

So what? Mag is only really viable against Corpus.

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I gotta ask if any of her powers are strong on their own now on the PC version, or you have to keep clicking different buttons to strengthen powers with other powers to make them optimal


'Cause the latter sounds even more boring than letting her nuke the map for me, but I can't say yet, so

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I gotta ask if any of her powers are strong on their own now on the PC version, or you have to keep clicking different buttons to strengthen powers with other powers to make them optimal


'Cause the latter sounds even more boring than letting her nuke the map for me, but I can't say yet, so

Spores are quite brilliant on their own, especialy if combined with explosive weapon as that can cover all enemies in spores 1 one cast, reducing them to half health.  Molt is halfway decent decoy(depending on enemy level), but fine health recovery. I keep nuke for emergencies. As I keep all enemies always covered in spores it deals decent damage and stuns then enough for emergency.

I had Saryn for one of recent sorties interception and had 60% damage done at end, so no complaints there.

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