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Ask A Cephalon, Dec 10


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Every now and then Tenno approach Cephalon Cordylon with questions that only a being of such vast intellect could answer.  Tenno curiosity has no bounds but only some inquiries (filed with the appropriate paperwork) draw a reply from Cordylon's vast data banks.

Questions like: 'Where do credit rewards come from?', 'What are the tactical advantages of using a Syandana?' and 'Do the Tenno, Grineer or Corpus celebrate holidays?'


Click here for all the latest Q&A with Cephalon Cordylon on this edition of Ask A Cephalon, and be sure to submit any questions you may have for the elusive AI below.



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The Corpus, while closely knit, have always displayed a certain... factionalism within them. Yet we have only ever seen them wearing the same stock uniform at all times. Is there any way in which Corpus employers differ their employees from one another?

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Im wondering about armor attatchments, for kubrows and tenno, could there be a update that makes each armore have a damage reduction stat with them, if im gonna wear armor plating id like to have an actual benifit other then just looking awesome, so is this possible?

Even between 1 and 5% reduction would be great, also id like to see different stats for different size and colour types for kubrows, like speed, armor, aggression, that kind of thing, so if u want a fast dog ud need the little dog, if u want a power house, u need the big dog is this possible?

Edited by (PS4)willsp282012
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Dear Cordylon,


I know that "Capture the Cephalon" is a popular sport for Tenno training under Teshin these days, but I'm left wondering how the Cephalon - whom all seem to be sentient and self-aware - feel about being used this way?

Edited by Clovis15
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