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Why Is The Majority Of Damage On War, Impact?


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I'm confused. I look at War and I can not see a single logical way how a Sentient Greatsword can have the majority of its damage based on impact.

Considering Broken War is slash, why is War not the same? The thing does not resemble any sort of impact based weapon like the Jat Kittag.

Please DE make Wars damage Slash based.

Edited by (PS4)Redemption_015
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Because the other heavy blade weapons are primarily slash, and this adds a different kind of heavy blade for use with the stances and various moves, adding more options across builds and loadouts like every new weapon addition should.


"It makes sense" is a poor thing to base videogame design off, as what makes sense is almost never what works.

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Because the other heavy blade weapons are primarily slash, and this adds a different kind of heavy blade for use with the stances and various moves, adding more options across builds and loadouts like every new weapon addition should.

"It makes sense" is a poor thing to base videogame design off, as what makes sense is almost never what works.

So what you're saying is we should expect to see a heavy hammer that deals slash damage? That's a pretty weird answer.

You can't put impact damage on the Scindo Prime or slash damage on the Jat Kittag.

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My logic. One of the best swords needed a downside. It needed the weakest proc of them.


Ironically, Shattering Impact effectively makes Impact proc staggers and pseudo-Corrosive, making Impact on melee weapons extremely powerful.

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well the scindo prime is already there for slash heavy blade builds. Im guessing they want younto have more access to varied damage types.

Do you know how many one-handed/dual swords we have that are based on slash?

In the heavy blade category we only have three, Galatine, Scindo/Scindo Prime. DE need to add more to the heavy blades.

Ironically, Shattering Impact effectively makes Impact proc staggers and pseudo-Corrosive, making Impact on melee weapons extremely powerful.

Unless you run Corrosive builds like me, in which case that mod is useless because Impact does not proc like Slash, ticking down an enemies health over time.

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Why didn't they just give the Stalker a club instead then? Not an awesome looking Greatsword that has the weakest damage type in the game.

Because that one downside is arguably compensated with its strengths.

Considerably fast swing speed for a heavy, highest base damage, high crit and status chance, long range.

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I suppose the perception is that the damage type doesnt match the appearance. 


Ie 'Its a sword, swords mainly do slash or piercing damage depending on whether they are swung or thrust.'


Sword classification, manufacture and fighting styles varied widely across the world and across history. A lot of what we 'know' comes from people interpreting stuff after the fact. In short, its not very accurate.


However, if you look at the (apparently fictional) meeting between King Richard Lionheart and Sultan Saladin in the third Crusade, and the comparison of swords, you get the idea. Saladins sword was a slashing weapon and was sharp enough to cut silk thrown in the air, Richards sword was an impact weapon, able to deliver a blow strong enough to break an iron bar. Supposedly.


I suppose its the question of whether you are fighting someone in armour or not.


A sharp/slashing sword will be very effective against someone wearing relatively little armour, but will not do a lot of damage to a knight in armour, unless the wielder is very skilled at finding gaps in the armour, which would also risk a trapped/snapped blade. They would probably have more luck trying to kill the horse, (often armoured too, although possibly not metal barding at this point in history,) and hoping either that the knight would be thrown and stunned/unable to get up, or that the horse would roll on the knight and kill/incapacitate him that way.


On the other hand, what we call greatswords, as a weapon designed for fighting heavily armoured opponents, would probably have been intended to dent a knights armour/chain mail, breaking bones, crushing organs etc and killing/incapacitating the knight that way. An aerodynamic club if you like. Im not saying that it didnt remove limbs/heads as well, hit anything with enough force and it can be dismembered, but  that wasnt its main purpose.


Of course, this could all be inaccurate as well...

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