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Nezha Dropping In Sorties [Megathread]


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To add. Wanna continue the quest? Gotta have that 12 hour built part to continue. 3 times...

Honestly, all this Nezha salt makes me sad, people throwing jabs at DE, like come on, they're not perfect. Geez. I just want to sit down with them and be like.

"Guys, are you guys stressed out a bit? Here, cookies and pizza, relax"

you are aware there is a 24 hour time wall between each sortie right? so without spending plat it takes a minimum of three days (and absurd amount of luck) to get all of nezha, which is what twice as long as your aforementioned 36 hour quest wall? don't act like this new method is a blessing for the quest nay sayers, or some step up from it, at least with quests the rewards were absolute and there was a clear timeline, this new method is just more rng with bigger time walls. 


and perhaps they would be less stressed if they didn't make such blatantly bad decisions, when the community tells you something is too grindy, typically turning around and making it more grindy doesn't settle them down. 

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Hey Tenno - Merged all relevant threads here.


We understand that some of the frustrations are stemming from the timing of Nezha's release, as many of you had already completed your Sortie for the day. To jump start the hunt for his parts, we have bumped the expiry time for the current Sortie to 8 PM EDT. As a result, a new Kela De Thaym Sortie will subsequently be generated that anyone can run regardless of previous completion. 


This regenerated Sortie will end tomorrow at 12 PM EDT. Apologies for the poor timing. 


Nah the release is fine, the surprise was great, the frustration is from the exclusive sortie reward for Nezha.


I love DE, they are a good company, they work hard and bring us great content.  I understand as a free to play game they need grind, without it, people would stop playing, I know, I get the jist of it.  However, the problem stems from the Sortie Reward.


Warframes in general are obtainable with effort, if you work for it, you can get it.  Even Vauban, you can keep an eye on alerts, do the alerts and get it, so Vauban is obtainable, and roughly it's frequently enough I can't really complain, Mesa is a pain to get, but doable with effort, help and friends, Nekros, Ivara is horrid to get but, is obtainable.


Nezha requires no work, The sortie's are hard sure, but, its pure RNG luck if you get a piece of Nezha, plus with luck and RNG and the diluted pool, it is beyond grinding, and beyond frustration.  It is not fair in any way shape or form.


The ability to trade Nezha parts is a very poor and flimsy excuse to justify this, people will either buy him with plat (Which may be cheaper due to the rarity), or in a few months Nezha would be worthless, like tissue paper, due to the influx and over saturation. 


So, I say let the Sortie reward be a supplement, and let the way to get him via Rescue missions (More people need to do those right?), or spy, or excavation, or clan research.  I saw someone earlier recommend letting Sortie Extermis enemy's drop Nezha parts instead of Oberon parts, that would be an awesome idea. 


To this point, all frames have a standard.  Work will get them, offering any kind of exclusive frame as a reward in a reward pool that is not repeatable is a horrible, wretched idea, weapons sure that president has been set before, exclusive frames however are not a good thing.  I have met alot of people who would love for the founders pack to return, so other people can get Excalibur prime.  So even the few president for exclusive frames people want repealed.


As for supplementing Sortie for Nezha sure, I could get behind that, I wouldn't mind seeing Vauban, or Mesa on the Sortie table, but it being a sortie only reward, I got to say I am against this.

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"We're trying to reduce the grind."


- Nitain/Alertium


- A warframe in sorties rewards




In all honesty tho.

I think DE is starting to drop the ball big time atm. Like they're not even looking at what they're doing, just slapping new frames behind new paywalls.

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Considering how HORRIBLE rng is to some people, this just bad. Grind away at three DIFFICULT missions only to get your 5th dera vandal barrel is evil. EVIL!

And before you toss out "Oh, you can trade the parts~" Pardon my french but f*ck off. The only thing people seem to be trading is lenses(which are hard enough to get and are consumed upon use.) The 'trading' chat is a market place for people to pay smaller amounts of plat for parts of things. It's not DE's fault, it's the communities fault for only ever wanting plat.


Simply put, this warframe better be fantastic. I better be the BEST frame currently, because of this massive grindwall to get it. Not even PRIMES are this hard to get, NO FRAME IS THIS RESTRAINED TO GET.

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In all honesty tho.

I think DE is starting to drop the ball big time atm. Like they're not even looking at what they're doing, just slapping new frames behind new paywalls.

Yeah and all the drop tables are pretty garbage across the game. Like you i've been here a long long time (Obviously) don't recall it being this bad before. I actually like the quest stuff....less rerunning the same thing over and over and over again, don't mind the wait, mind tedious repeating of uninteresting gameplay. Because I'm a super ninja with beyond redic equipment they have little hope in challenging directly, the puzzles were a step in the right direction, challenge the mind not the gear, you'll always lose the later or it becomes impossible for the rest of the game.

Considering how HORRIBLE rng is to some people, this just bad. Grind away at three DIFFICULT missions only to get your 5th dera vandal barrel is evil. EVIL!

And before you toss out "Oh, you can trade the parts~" Pardon my french but f*ck off. The only thing people seem to be trading is lenses(which are hard enough to get and are consumed upon use.) The 'trading' chat is a market place for people to pay smaller amounts of plat for parts of things. It's not DE's fault, it's the communities fault for only ever wanting plat.


Simply put, this warframe better be fantastic. I better be the BEST frame currently, because of this massive grindwall to get it. Not even PRIMES are this hard to get, NO FRAME IS THIS RESTRAINED TO GET.

And then you get the OP threads that would result from that, it's just a no win situation so long as it stays in sorties, they need to move it AND completely rethink their droptables, they're awful

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I feel like EVERYONE at DE should read this post and think about it very very seriously.


 Most of the things in the reward pool have different values for different players.  That is a truth, but most of them do have an inherent limit in that you eventually do not need it anymore.  Some things are more useless then others.


 As for feeling rewarded by actually getting the parts.  I feel that it is very easy to say that when it comes to sorties, a good number of players went from enjoying warframe regularly, to burnt out as soon as they didn't see any good chance of getting anything they want from the sortie reward list.  I did sorties every day and I don't like the karak wraith and have already leveled one, and don't understand why it was there, but I got four parts of it.


 I don't like the dera, but I haven't leveled a dera vandal so if I ever finish it, I will use it and probably sell it immediately as it hits 30.  I got 4 receivers, one barrel, and one blueprint.


 I got three lenses total and I want lenses, but the three lenses I got were not for my main path.  So if I want to change way, I am good after about 75k worth of focus earning.



 And two bundles of 25 fusion cores.  When I get the second one, I pretty much turned off warframe that day.  I didn't want to play it.  I'm back now and I see this additional reward that won't be valuable long and that I likely will just level and burn, and I don't believe I will earn all the parts for most of the year.  Yeah, permanently on the list, but I strongly suspect I will get about 50 chassis or systems before helmet or something along those lines.  There is no encouragement to this reward for some players because we are convinced that we won't get them.  DE successfully convinced me that I will not get a reward for playing.  I won't have satisfaction from playing Warframe.



 When reading through this thread, I felt a true chuckle from this post.  You by far have restored my faith in the community even if I am worried that something like this might happen at some point.


 I have a couple of primes that have waited a year to be complete and I still don't have the parts.  I certainly put off some of the runs, but at least two runs per week for at least 25 weeks means 50 runs each of which most of the time I just get the exact same reward.  How am I supposed to believe that I will get something I want if most of my experience is getting the same thing 80% of the time.


 To compare my missing prime parts to sorties, I should be inspired because I haven't gotten the same thing every time.  Only about half of the time have I gotten a duplicate.  Still not nearly reasonable for anyone that likes getting something good, but certainly better then the trend I experienced for prime parts.


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Nope, the patch notes have already been amended to "reassure" us that Nezha will always be available in sorties.


Well least I then know he'll always be available which is good.

Now just gotta get lucky.


But of course it's a double edged sword thanks to it then diluting the reward pool afterwards when you get him.

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I'm going to put it straight and simple, it disappointed me to see that Nezha was added to a already deluded and failtastic drop table. If anything you should have just made him as another clan tech frame, i mean hell at least everyone would've had the chance to obtain it then.

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At least with the quest nonsense, there is NO RNG in getting the parts (barring Limbo which wasnt nearly as bad as this). You run the quest and get the parts of the frame, done boom. But some how this is better? Waiting 24hrs for daily resets(for a chance at getting a part) beats out wating a 12hr build? What?

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Putting Nezha in Soties is not really a bad idea but how they implement it is so unbelievably wrong.

Well, in my opinion, if they are planning to put this on Sorties, I just would like to suggest them to put Nezha parts BP as Bonus Reward so that it doesn't interfere with other sortie rewards.


With this, we can enjoy getting our normal Sortie rewards (which is random from the normal pool) and we can have Nezha part BP as extra reward (which is random from 3 of them).


Yes, it's rare and still hard to grind but It's better than doing sorties for months and only get just one Nezha part BP, don't you think? And this way we can actually trade these BPs with others.

This is my suggestion if DE really wants to put Nezha on the Sorties.

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They could make it so all sortie missions have a chance to give a part on completion, with the ones that give multiple rewards (Spies, defense) having multiple chances. But they can still have plenty of other empty slots. (Sorta like how they use common mods or credit rewards in normal missions).


That way instead of going ". . .No" when you see a Sortie with 3 Defense Missions. You go "Oh 9 chances to get Nezha parts. Sounds good!"

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They could make it so all sortie missions have a chance to give a part on completion, with the ones that give multiple rewards (Spies, defense) having multiple chances. But they can still have plenty of other empty slots. (Sorta like how they use common mods or credit rewards in normal missions).


That way instead of going ". . .No" when you see a Sortie with 3 Defense Missions. You go "Oh 9 chances to get Nezha parts. Sounds good!"

Or better yet, giving players a set of 3 random rewards to choose from at the end of the last sortie, sort of like how they do with the shuffle login reward but without the shuffling. Let's say you get cores, lens, and a Dera part. If you really don't need the Dera part you could pass it up for the lens or the cores, or if you had multiple lenses pop up you could pick which one you like best.

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You mean... Chroma, Limbo, Mirage and Atlas?

Have... Have you tried to do Chroma? Or Atlas? Because they're the most time consuming quests I have ever done.

Atlas wasn't that bad, 2 or 3 minutes to get past the juggernaut, 4 or 5 to beat Jordas to death with his own A******. Just a matter of setting up your stuff properly. 4 CPs and Radiation or whatever and he falls apart.

Edited by Horonelius
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Nezha is a pain. New players will find it hard to get him, the majority will find it off-putting that you have to wait a lot and go through RNG for weeks if not months, and the hardcore veterans will find it annoying that the loot table is diluted with a useless drop in the long run. DE rakes some more money from those who buy Nezha in the first month or so. I expect that money to be used to make this game better, such as changing the way we obtain Nezha.


edit: And not directly related to Nezha's ability to be a pain in the everything, it seems that this is DE's new way of making most frames obtainable. Next frame is going to drop from Shik Tal of the Grustrag Three, but only if you kill him with a bow, after Leekter and before Vem Tabook, who you have to kill with a prime weapon, from 3 PM to 2 PM GMT on Tuesdays. Did I mention, every three weeks Tuesday, and every common mod in the game can also drop there.

Edited by Kaduu01
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For me the last 2 new warframe have been a slap in the face on how to obtain them.


Spy Missions with a RNG that give you junk mostly and now a Sortie with RNG if you can even complete it..


to be brutally honest these are two methods of distribution that should never be used for warframe parts..


I though Vauban was bad when he first came out since it took me a month to get the Helmet, but these last 2 have just been beyond a joke.


Warframes from this point forth should be research or boss drop only, and when i say boss drop i mean a farmable boss not raid end or something complicate but something you can get home from work and run 5 or 6 times in a 30 minute session so people with limited play time can have a fair chance at obtaining them in a reasonable time frame..

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