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Nezha Dropping In Sorties [Megathread]


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And what exactly would stop them from selling it for 92pl each? The only reason the lenses dropped in such a short time is because the Greater Lens is 40pl. Nezha, excluding the Warframe slot and Orokin Reactor, is 235pl in the Market. What stopping them from selling it for say... 230 or 200.

one thing, and it's called inflation. with a 6.6% drop chance and the fact that even more so than lenses it's a one-of kind of purchase the market will get saturated really quickly as the offer increases the demand decreases and that will make the price plummet, i haven't seen a single tradablle item in warframe yet were the price didn't plummet drastically after the first week and the nezha blueprints on global scale have way WAY higher drop chance than other items like mods or prime parts whose drop chance is in the order of 0.00x%

Edited by bl4ckhunter
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"we wanted to give everyone a chance to get Nezha starting today!"?


Far as I know, sorties are end-game, how is that everyoneI wont go further with this, cause there's enough people stating the facts already.


As for people in hope, that when this sortie season ends, we can get the frame in any other way, read the changelog: "Please Note: Nezha parts obtained from Sorties are tradeable, and will be a permanent reward from Sorties in the future.".


This game development is going downhill.

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Thing is though, it's no more of a grind than Ivara. Only difference is that you can run that same spy vault 70 times in the same day and still not get it. Not only that, but as you stated, those parts will die in value amongst the playerbase in a week. I'm not saying that it isn't ridiculous, but at the same time, people are blowing this up way bigger than what it is. 


1 chance for getting ivara part = ~3-5 min (depends how fast you can do spy)

1 chance for getting nexha part = 15-50 min (depends on sorties mission types: 15 min for 3x fast mission, 50 min.. last 2 days ago: mobile def + def + surv (sic!))


I rarely agree with the exact way they go about introducing new content, but some people really need to take a step back and learn how to be patient.


This really isn't all that grindy.

Best case scenario is ~1/20 chance - if all rewards have same chance.

So.. you need to do 14 sorties to have 50% chance to get it... and 45 sorties to have 90% chance to get it.

Not gringy at al.. not at all :P


When the parts are 10-20p a pop in the span of a week or two you won't see a single person complaining.


That is not an unreasonable amount of time to wait for new content.

Rather like prime parts - see http://wftrading.net/prime-warframes/

Common part.. 10p or less

Less common part.. 40-50p

Rare part.. 100-200p

.. after months.. not weeks.

And thats for prime parts.. much easier (and faster!) to farm than sorties.

Of course price will be limited by market price.. but certainly not 10-20p after week or two.. rather 100+ for set.

Edited by SmerfMaruda
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5% chance?

LOL.. no way..

Its rather 0,5% chance for at least one nezha part, and something like 0,0001% chance for legendary core.

1/16 actually, and yeah sorry that is assuming the chance for all loot is the same. which knowing de i guess isn't all too likely, welp, its all about that grind.

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1 chance for getting ivara part = ~3-5 min (depends how fast you can do spy)

1 chance for getting nexha part = 15-50 min (depends on sorties mission types: 15 min for 3x fast mission, 50 min.. last 2 days ago: mobile def + def + surv (sic!))


Best case scenario is ~1/20 chance - if all rewards have same chance.

So.. you need to do 14 sorties to have 50% chance to get it... and 45 sorties to have 90% chance to get it.

Not gringy at al.. not at all :P


Rather like prime parts - see http://wftrading.net/prime-warframes/

Common part.. 10p or less

Less common part.. 40-50p

Rare part.. 100-200p

.. after months.. not weeks.

And thats for prime parts.. much easier (and faster!) to farm than sorties.

Of course price will be limited by market price.. but certainly not 10-20p after week or two.. rather 100+ for set.

a rare part drop chance is not even in the same order of magnitude of 5%, 5% is common as dirt, the fact that it's once a day limits it but with a 15% of getting a unspecific nezha part in a few days it's going to be as common as bo prime ornament

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Do I have a different definition of grind to everyone else?  To me a grind is playing the same mission over and over such as the 100+ Tower 1 Mobile Defenses my friend did to get a single Vectis blueprint or the three months of 5+ times a day killing Kril to get Frost (still the frame that took me longest to get).  Sorties aren't a grind.  You get different missions so you get to do different things and you can only do it once a day.  I get the frustration over not being able to just go get him, but grind is not the right word.


Also, I'm quite happy to see parts for something I don't have in there rather than Karak Wraith parts (got from event), Catalysts/Reactors (got plenty from alerts, events and invasions as I'm sure anyone who can complete a sortie does) or Greater Lens Blueprints (available from market and need us to have got 4 lens, instead of stuff we can buy for credits).  It's great to see the removal of those items that literally made me swear when I saw them as my sortie reward!  I'd much rather get parts of a new frame than those.


PS:  Why was the Dera Vandal Stock in the list of things that can be sold for Ducats one day but the next day when I wanted to sell a Karak Wraith Stock neither of them were there?

Edited by Katinka
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Do I have a different definition of grind to everyone else?  To me a grind is playing the same mission over and over such as the 100+ Tower 1 Mobile Defenses my friend did to get a single Vectis blueprint or the three months of 5+ times a day killing Kril to get Frost (still the frame that took me longest to get).  Sorties aren't a grind.  You get different missions so you get to do different things and you can only do it once a day.  I get teh frustration over not being able to just go get him, but grind is not the right word.

it's the fact that forces people to trade and it's near impossible to get it without trading that pisses people off

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You're clearly missing my point...

Adding Nezha to the reward pool of sorties makes the rewards finally interesting.

Finally a chance of something else other then lenses, cores or parts for weapons I will never find worth using.


So yeah it's a bit too easy to say you're going to keep getting lenses and random weapon parts over and over again.

I never got a single karak part :(

Only dera blueprints, lenses, fusion cores and a dera barrel...


 Most of the things in the reward pool have different values for different players.  That is a truth, but most of them do have an inherent limit in that you eventually do not need it anymore.  Some things are more useless then others.


 As for feeling rewarded by actually getting the parts.  I feel that it is very easy to say that when it comes to sorties, a good number of players went from enjoying warframe regularly, to burnt out as soon as they didn't see any good chance of getting anything they want from the sortie reward list.  I did sorties every day and I don't like the karak wraith and have already leveled one, and don't understand why it was there, but I got four parts of it.


 I don't like the dera, but I haven't leveled a dera vandal so if I ever finish it, I will use it and probably sell it immediately as it hits 30.  I got 4 receivers, one barrel, and one blueprint.


 I got three lenses total and I want lenses, but the three lenses I got were not for my main path.  So if I want to change way, I am good after about 75k worth of focus earning.



 And two bundles of 25 fusion cores.  When I get the second one, I pretty much turned off warframe that day.  I didn't want to play it.  I'm back now and I see this additional reward that won't be valuable long and that I likely will just level and burn, and I don't believe I will earn all the parts for most of the year.  Yeah, permanently on the list, but I strongly suspect I will get about 50 chassis or systems before helmet or something along those lines.  There is no encouragement to this reward for some players because we are convinced that we won't get them.  DE successfully convinced me that I will not get a reward for playing.  I won't have satisfaction from playing Warframe.


Next frame confirmed to drop from zanuka hunter only on Thursday from 3:00pm to 4:00pm.


 When reading through this thread, I felt a true chuckle from this post.  You by far have restored my faith in the community even if I am worried that something like this might happen at some point.


 I have a couple of primes that have waited a year to be complete and I still don't have the parts.  I certainly put off some of the runs, but at least two runs per week for at least 25 weeks means 50 runs each of which most of the time I just get the exact same reward.  How am I supposed to believe that I will get something I want if most of my experience is getting the same thing 80% of the time.


 To compare my missing prime parts to sorties, I should be inspired because I haven't gotten the same thing every time.  Only about half of the time have I gotten a duplicate.  Still not nearly reasonable for anyone that likes getting something good, but certainly better then the trend I experienced for prime parts.

Edited by JHarlequin
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To those who say it is not a grind, lets put this in perspective, imagien your going after something in the void, you do this for a few months, but never seem to get the thing you want. Now imagine instead of running as many times as you have keys available, you are limited to one run per day. It can very easily be something I'm running in three months or even four from now, because as some people who ahve done them have noticed it's very easy to get the same or similar reward each day, does this mean it'll be hard to get Nezha I don't know, but does it mean it's not a grind because it's not as fast as say searching for Ivara, or a prime warframe/weapon, no it's just a more prolonged and drawn out grind.

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You do realise the parts are going to be like 10p in a couple of weeks right?


Being denied instant gratification is such a difficult thing to get over, I know, but you'll manage it.

When the only feasible solution to getting something is to spend plat, there's a problem.



To those who say it is not a grind, lets put this in perspective, imagien your going after something in the void, you do this for a few months, but never seem to get the thing you want. Now imagine instead of running as many times as you have keys available, you are limited to one run per day. It can very easily be something I'm running in three months or even four from now, because as some people who ahve done them have noticed it's very easy to get the same or similar reward each day, does this mean it'll be hard to get Nezha I don't know, but does it mean it's not a grind because it's not as fast as say searching for Ivara, or a prime warframe/weapon, no it's just a more prolonged and drawn out grind.

That's a time wall, not a grind.


- Ivara is a grind, doing it over and over and over.


- Nezha is a time wall, having to wait to get a chance at it over and over.

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 Most of the things in the reward pool have different values for different players.  That is a truth, but most of them do have an inherent limit in that you eventually do not need it anymore.  Some things are more useless then others.


 As for feeling rewarded by actually getting the parts.  I feel that it is very easy to say that when it comes to sorties, a good number of players went from enjoying warframe regularly, to burnt out as soon as they didn't see any good chance of getting anything they want from the sortie reward list.  I did sorties every day and I don't like the karak wraith and have already leveled one, and don't understand why it was there, but I got four parts of it.


 I don't like the dera, but I haven't leveled a dera vandal so if I ever finish it, I will use it and probably sell it immediately as it hits 30.  I got 4 receivers, one barrel, and one blueprint.


 I got three lenses total and I want lenses, but the three lenses I got were not for my main path.  So if I want to change way, I am good after about 75k worth of focus earning.



 And two bundles of 25 fusion cores.  When I get the second one, I pretty much turned off warframe that day.  I didn't want to play it.  I'm back now and I see this additional reward that won't be valuable long and that I likely will just level and burn, and I don't believe I will earn all the parts for most of the year.  Yeah, permanently on the list, but I strongly suspect I will get about 50 chassis or systems before helmet or something along those lines.  There is no encouragement to this reward for some players because we are convinced that we won't get them.  DE successfully convinced me that I will not get a reward for playing.  I won't have satisfaction from playing Warframe.



 When reading through this thread, I felt a true chuckle from this post.  You by far have restored my faith in the community even if I am worried that something like this might happen at some point.


 I have a couple of primes that have waited a year to be complete and I still don't have the parts.  I certainly put off some of the runs, but at least two runs per week for at least 25 weeks means 50 runs each of which most of the time I just get the exact same reward.  How am I supposed to believe that I will get something I want if most of my experience is getting the same thing 80% of the time.


 To compare my missing prime parts to sorties, I should be inspired because I haven't gotten the same thing every time.  Only about half of the time have I gotten a duplicate.  Still not nearly reasonable for anyone that likes getting something good, but certainly better then the trend I experienced for prime parts.


I agree with everything you said, I've been running Void for over 200h, using the official drop lists from here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/486215-prime-gear-drop-locations/


I was able to complete only 1 prime item out of it.


I also haven't got a single Frost P. since he came, and I've been running Void no stop, for 5h a day at least.


I'm starting to get extremely bored of Warframe, cause I'm not getting any rewards for my time and dedication spent on it.


And after all the promises with the new daily rewards, I've only been getting garbage compared to the old daily rewards.

Edited by JoseSnake
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When the only feasible solution to getting something is to spend plat, there's a problem.



That's a time wall, not a grind.


- Ivara is a grind, doing it over and over and over.


- Nezha is a time wall, having to wait to get a chance at it over and over.


so ivara is a grind becuase you need to do the missions over and over again?


but nezha's a time wall and not a grind because you need to do the missions over and over again and wait to do them over and over again



I'd say nezha is a time wall and a grind (and a waste of space)

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so ivara is a grind becuase you need to do the missions over and over again?


but nezha's a time wall and not a grind because you need to do the missions over and over again and wait to do them over and over again



I'd say nezha is a time wall and a grind (and a waste of space)

Consider the number of parts that need to be dropped (less for Nezha) and the number of rewards in the total pools (much less), many less runs will be required.


The fact that you can only get one reward a day is the big problem.

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So, can we start a group here to get the reset on the sortie for those who already did it this morning. Seems like I've seen a bunch of people who already did the sortie earlier and are upset that we don't get a chance at the sortie... We all would've waited if we knew...


Honestly, I'm excited to get him much earlier than anticipated, but I would like the chance to get a part today, even if we have to redo sorties. This is a nice little update and I like that him being in sorties makes there be more rewards, better than more karak parts, and as long as he is tradeable haha, but please give EVERYONE a chance to get him.

It will probably be rare like a legendary core so dont get your hopes up either way. And most likely you cant trade if you do happen to get a part :) 

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