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Coming Soon: Devstream #66!


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Our very first dev stream this 2016! Congratulations!


Now let's get down to business. . .


1.) Star Chart spoilers!!! is VERY much appreciated!!!


2.) Can we expect more Umbra frames?? (they give me this dark-side-of-the-Orokin feel)


3.) Can we also expect more Oriental/Medieval-themed deluxe skin (similar to Loki's and Trinity's or Rhino's) for all frames? (especially the oriental ones, they fit the ninja theme of warframe)

4.) I want to see more additional Auxiliary Cosmetics!
5.) how about adding some clan lab exclusive cosmetics?
that is all~
Cheers to 2016~~~
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Just a thought I had awhile back, why not make the elemental frames a bit more....elemental?

Frost looks like a hockey player so he should be immune or at least pretty resistant to arctic eximus', and plus, the big guy is slow enough as it is without being immobilized by AOH with their squad of eximus'.

Ember gets a damage buff when on fire or can't be knocked down by the Arson/Chaotic eximus' fireblast.

Saryn could recieve a health regeneration when affected by Toxin eximus'.

Volt could get a speed buff/energy regen or sheild buff when affected by Shock eximus'.

Chroma could get the same buffs just to a lesser degree like 50% or 35%.


Anyways, just a thought, been told to submit it by others I've told it to so here it is. Hope you enjoy and it would be cool to see it implemented, thank you, Happy Holidays.

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Hi DE/Devs. So about the second dream what are we expecting from the questline. Are we going to find out who the stalker is? Or jump us deeper into the void t5 and will vor come back as tranferances or would vor find the council of 7, will he have the power to control  the warframes? Or we find out all of this inculding louts along  the way of the second dream 

Edited by (PS4)tormencia05
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Are there any plans on letting us do something with excess blueprints/parts besides selling them? Things like Dera Vandal or Karak Wraith parts add up really quickly if you do Sorties daily, but there's almost no demand for them at this point. I think something like trading them in for ducats or even just Fusion Cores would be a nice gesture.

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Hey Devs, great job with Second Dream


 Is it possible Banshee, Chroma, and Nekros could get buffs? 


Banshee was ranked least used last year, so she must be lacking something.


Chroma was specifically dubbed "One of the most powerful Warframes" but doesn't stack up to other frames sometimes. 


And honestly without Shadows of the Dead, Nekros would have nothing cool about him, since Desecrate only works half of the time in specific scenarios. 


I have ideas on what they could use, but I'll leave it up to you guys. 

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Hi DE!  I hope you guys had a great vacation - you all certainly earned it after TSD.  


My question is this:  The wiki states that finishing damage ignores both shields and armor.  Armor it definitely ignores, but shields are very much not ignored.  Could you all clarify if this is a bug or by design?  I've attached a video in the spoiler.


Sorry for the low quality video, I'm not setup for HD.

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Howdy doody all, hope you had a merry Christmas and a fantastic new year!


Can I ask for the ability to add the option to include additional customisation slots/ tabs for warframe/ weapon appearances/ upgrades?


Thanks, and looking forward to the year ahead for Warframe. 

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My question:

Why are you doing constant rush in releasing stuff but are quite slow when it comes to fixing bugs known for ages?

They do both. The can't focus on one at a time.


It's not quite as simple as just knowing a bug exists.

Edited by AdunSaveMe
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Are we going to see any changes to Nazha? A lot of the community sees him as lackluster and in need of a buff.


If so any info about the changes?



And Kubrows. Kubrows still need a lot of work and im worried the in development catbrows will be just as bad if Kubrows aren't fixed.

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ETA on Excalibur Umbra? I hope he'll come before U19.


Also this is only my opinion, I get that you want Umbra to have a background story but most people know Umbra really happened because of Changyou. I don't see the point delaying Excalibur Umbra's release because we all know the real reason for his existence is China and not because of some deep lore. Keeping us waiting accomplishes nothing and will only lead to disappointment every major update (Read: u18.5, u19, u19.5 etc) that he doesn't come out.


PS. I think Excalibur Umbra's design alone is enough reason that whatever lore is related to the Umbra's doesn't really matter, people will still try to get him.

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The Second Dream was awesome. 


How soon will the next part of the story reach us and who or what is going to be about?




I was wondering if you could give any info on when valkyr will become prime? thnx. Ps really great game!!!



Hopefully... never, at least not for the current Valkyr.

Edited by alergiclaprosti
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I was wondering if any headway has been made on Syndicate cosmetic armor and Syndicate melee weapons. And if headway has been made on Syndicate cosmetic armor, would arcane enhancements be made attachable to cosmetic armor as well?

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Any throwing Melee updates?


And can we get some major love to Syndicates in the future? Since they are the only other factions outside of the main four, it would be great to see them get some further development, both in the missions they provide (why are they all the same?) and in lore. Thanks!

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