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Coming Soon: Devstream #66!


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When will melee stances have a second look? Currently some stances are broken with the addition of charged attacks. Alsosome stances still have a limited moveset (bleeding willow, for example).


When will the other ignored mods be revived? Example is jagged edge vs buzz kill.


When will reward tables scale with time and difficulty of enemies. Kinda sucks that you get a T2 capture key 60 minutes in an ODS where enemies are ~lv70 above.


Will the removal of +damage mods (serration, hornet strike) change how players mod, or will it be back to rainbow builds?


I would like to see the reward tables scaled to time invested and based on the mob levels too.  RNGesus is a mean sky-pixie.


Any word on damage mod removal?   Do you mean purple builds?  (DE Rebecca)

Edited by (XB1)Zoltan6201
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What is the plan with PVP? It feels like it doesn't have a solid identify, has there really been much discussion about it?


Since DE Rebecca brought out the stats on which warframe and weapons were most and least used, do you have stats on how many people are playing PvP in Warframe?   


I'd bet that it's less than 2%.

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Will assassination missions ever show up in sorties?


When is the new star map coming?


Will we ever get privacy options in the Conclave?


When will the rest of Excalibur's cosmetic items get PBR'ed?


Are there more Corpus characters in the works? The Grineer have a pretty interesting roster, and the Corpus are lackluster in comparison.

Edited by ImNotJellyAtAll
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I'd love to play Conclave sometime, but extensive scientific research has proven that peer-to-peer based networks are absolutely atrocious for PVP multiplayer games. Are you planning to leave the '90s and upgrade to dedicated servers for Conclave someday?


I really want that Sybaris skin, but the constant lag is raising my blood pressure faster than a steady diet of McDonald's.

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Probably a repeated question, but Friday will give you guys at DE a chance to set the record straight:


Regarding DE getting bought out in its entirety, the previous statement this past summer stated only a partial purchase in order for a doorway into China to be opened and a quick infusion of cash. I cannot seem to recall any further purchases being mentioned however and there is a great deal of concern regarding this topic.


What specific details will you share with us regarding this? And what do we, your dedicated fans and supporters, get out of this agreement?


ADDENDUM: I am also curious to know where our money from platinum purchases will go, will any part of it stay with DE Canada? Or will all of that money go to China? I don't know that I'd feel very compelled to support a game where a majority of the content is developed in China only to have you guys in Canada have to work overtime just to fix it and make it proper for the international build... I would rest a lot easier if I knew for a fact that my money goes to the people who made the game I enjoy instead of complete strangers who decided to slap their name on it and call it theirs.

Edited by FLSH_BNG
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Can we expect any form of cross platform multiplayer at some point this year?


Can we have boosters from both the store and from login rewards in some sort of activatable inventory item, instead of an instant use thing, so we can use them when we find time to play long sessions of Warframe?

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I'd love to play Conclave sometime, but extensive scientific research has proven that peer-to-peer based networks are absolutely atrocious for PVP multiplayer games. Are you planning to leave the '90s and upgrade to dedicated servers for Conclave someday?


I really want that Sybaris skin, but the constant lag is raising my blood pressure faster than a steady diet of McDonald's.


Stay in the 90's.  Forget PvP.  Just MHO.

Any comments on auxiliaries?

I'm talking specifically on making more warframe parts optional (ex: making ash prime's ponytail optional).


Can we get the option to remove Trinity's lobster tail?  It's hideous.

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Hello Warframe dev team. :D


Is there any chance of new customizations for the operator we've got after the Second Dream quest? I'd very much like more in-depth customization for increased diversity between the operators. Currently the customization allows only for so many possibilities to individualize your operator which is a little underwhelming. I'd like to be able to show it off to others but there is no point in that if a lot of the playerbase may create an exact copy of my operator.


Another thing I'd like to know: What quests will come next? After the Second Dream quest we justgot started on the whole Sentient problem. They are now pretty much set free. This, in my opinion, gives us an opportunity for a new faction and maybe even a new syndicate, let alone lore targets for Simaris and scan targets fto later fight in the Simulacrum.


Also the skills:

What are your plans for the future? In which way will you change the skill system and how will that affect gameplay? More importantly still: what will bring you to think about changes of the skill system?


And lastly: Do you have any plans to expand the orbiter further? There are still two locked doors in my orbiter and I'd like to hear your plans of what you want to do with them. 


That is all for the moment.

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I noticed that The new shadow stalker seems to have these blue capsule things on each of his upper arms, but i also noticed this exact same design on excalibur umbra skin, also they also share the same type of cloak design between there legs?? And one more thing in the original stalker wiki entry it say's that the tenno were bathed in silk( referring to the scarf design on excalibur umbra ), im just wondering if the umbra frames and stalker have some link between each other? Do you have any information on the release of excalibur umbra skin, and also nezha and loki knave skin releases on console?  

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Q: Do you plan to change gifts-system from the shop? Sadly, when the player gives a skin or other non-stackable thing to other player, who already has that thing... And he can make nothing with it. Any warnings before purchase are possible?

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What can we hope to expect from the Umbra Warframe?


Will they act as the new prime? or will we be able to gain access to them? Also will Umbra frame be like the stalker and we will be able to play as bad tenno?

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