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Void Trader 22/01/2016 + Feedback And Suggestions [Megathread]


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Also- its not like he isn't offering a brand new mod. How do people get upset at bonus content? I just dont get the outrage. Whats the logic behind players preferring there be NO sort of void trader, instead of what we have now? He can be easily ignored just as well.


We need more r10 primed powercreep, thats the only way players will actually be happy. It's not like their tonkors already 1 shot everything in the game.

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After watching today's devstream and hearing that the community is "being ridiculous" ....I stand by my previous statements.

The devs have gotten flamed, and 99% of the time it was uncalled for. But right now, the apparent feeling among staff is that their most loyal players have become entitled and need to be humbled.

They are completely writing off all criticisms or suggestions as "salt." This is amazing.

I have been humbled, very much so. I may just be one player. I may be $1000 out of millions. Maybe they won't care about my supposedly empty threats. Maybe that's the problem. But I'll speak with my time and money.

Hopefully, everything pans out for you guys. I'm sure it will, as this is a great studio that just may need to be humbled themselves.

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I'm surprised affinity booster is not much cheaper. Affinity booster and double xp weekends promote buying of items with platinum, as well as rushing foundry stuff and buying forma from market. I'm honestly surprised how stingy they are with affinity.


This is honestly why people are so upset. Junk part sales aside, it's much MUCH easier to get one or two pieces to total 20 plat if you hunt for things in demand than it is to hunt up 700 ducats worth of junk drops in between all the forma, cores, and occasional o-cells.


In the last week or so of moderate void farming for friends I've managed around 80 plat worth of incidental sales. I certainly haven't come close to racking up 2400 ducats worth of stuff, nor 1.2M credits to go with it.


I can't imagine who these deals are good for, maybe people that really really really hate ever typing in trade chat. :(

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Disclaimer: This is only my opinion. This is not gospel. Sarcastic remarks and snarky tones are more than welcome, so long as it has a touch of humor. And yes PC players, we know you supported the game when there were many issues, but don't ignore what's going on now. Read it all before you comment, or skip to the last paragraph and then flame. It's your choice.


I want to start by saying that Warframe may be the best game I have ever played. It is an ambitious mix of my favorite gaming genres that draws inspiration from a slew of anime, western animation, mythologies from different cultures, and history. When I began playing  a year ago it appealed to me because I saw Power Rangers mixed with Strider, laid over Unreal Tournament,  while having Ninja Gaiden, Devil May Cry, and God of war sprinkled on top. It's a casserole made with almost every ingredient imaginable. But, a year has passed and I don't look at the game the same way. What is responsible for changing my perspective? Time.


Last year my goal was to play Warframe at my own pace and to collect every frame and weapon just for the experience. The game seemed to grow the more I learned, and utilizing every item felt like a necessity in achieving the full experience. Then it was announced that Frost was being taken out of the game. This created a sense of urgency and changed the way I played. My clan mates were nice enough to help me farm for the frame and his weapons (thank you Hydra and Incog), so that I didn't have to miss out on the experience according to the information we operated on. I can't remember if Steve explained that Frost would make a return once the Star chart was reworked at the time, and we didn't know about the Prime Vault "reopening" for the holiday season. What I did know, was that the game was not static. Not only would there be content added, but content removed. When will I be able to access unavailable content without trading for it? Will there be a time when I have the platinum to trade for it, without considering that the supply may not be found even within the community. Will there be items that would never return to the game at all? Two tenets of Warframe can be identified as cooperation and sacrifice. I have no problem accepting that I may not be able to get every item. But the third tenet that people always bring up while referring to it by another name entirely, is time.


Warframe is a grind. There are many threads that talk about it so I won't go into it at length. Presently, it is essential in prolonging the player's experience and ensuring that the game creates a profit so that more content can be created. It comes with positives and negatives. The problem that I have isn't only in the amount of time it takes to gain certain items, nor the feeling that chance can outweigh merit, but the combination of the two. Add to this the fact that the game could drop out at any moment. The feeling one has after playing a game for twenty minutes to an hour, only to lose connection is incredible. Then, consider the player base that have school, jobs, families and other obligations. They don't have a lot of time available to play a game that is based around keeping you playing for as long as it can. Now imagine how these people feel when they have spare funds available, and an opportunity to support the game.


Just from the conversations that I've had with players over the year, I've found that many people tend to spend more money on this game when they're new. As they learn how to get items that aren't exclusively attainable with real world currency, they become more selective with their spending. Basically, you buy the accessories pack for prime access for boosters and exclusive cosmetics, and certain platform exclusive items that you couldn't with platinum. Recently, this has expanded to include other items like certain difficult to farm frames and landing crafts. But we get it. The company has to generate a profit for Warframe to exist. So please understand why the player base isn't as constructive with their criticism at all times. After a while, you ask yourself if you have the time to invest in the game. Especially when all the exploits that were discovered to maximize your time are removed, and everything feels like a money trap.


To wrap this poorly written rant up, Warframe is still a good game with amazing potential to only become better. But it is not without it's problems. It does feel as though the game can suck all of the enthusiasm you had for it out of you with the issues that I highlighted. It's hard to keep selling the game on the "free to play" model when you have to invest a great deal of time, money, or both only to ask yourself why you continue to do it. The game demands a lot, and delivers a lot. But it feels as though the ratio is shifting in the wrong direction and certain fundamental issues have yet to be addressed. To list them again to be as clear as crystal: grind = chance x time +/- merit, connectivity issues, pay walls


And that's where salt comes from.

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I love how we wait for weeks and all we get is garbage, then the chat mods get upset because people voice their frustration


Personally, I'd love it if baro came once a month, with double the selection, so RNG has a larger chance to be kinder to us

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I love how we wait for weeks and all we get is garbage, then the chat mods get upset because people voice their frustration


Personally, I'd love it if baro came once a month, with double the selection, so RNG has a larger chance to be kinder to us


Baro item selection is never RNG. Devs selected it and present it to us. Baro cycle in 2 weeks is not a problem. The reason why so many people angry this time is he bring an item that is not exclusive to him. The only exlcusive item is the primed mod. You can get these boosters and catalyst at the market so many people disappointed.

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Pay walls? Uhhhhhhhh, entire argument lost.


From a game where you can earn mostly everything that's important just by playing the game and not paying a dime?


Warframe is built on loot/grind, just like diablo etc. It has been for the past 3 years. Grind is always going to be present in these types of games especially when it's free to play


Of course this game is something you have to invest time in, just like everything with a progression system.


I only paid like what? one prime access and that's it. I'm already where most people are, that "endgame" where you fashionframe, chatframe etc.


No one is forcing you to buy anything. Most of which are cosmetics and hold nothing of importance, trading is thing btw.



Connection is Peer to Peer, so unless the host has terrible issues, you're good somewhat depending on your connection to the host.

Edited by KJRenz
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I will miss Baro, don't you lot EVER complain when the juicy primed mods get locked behind 1000 day log ins and the likes because you couldn't accept when baro didn't bring things specifically appealing to you for a visit or two.

The dev stream irritated me or rather the haters did... Steve confessing he's been getting hate mail because folk refuse to wait for excal umbra, Sheldon getting it over baro inventories. I've not been this disappointed in the WF community since the PC master race danced celebrations to every exploded relay during the xmas operation weeks after Steve ourlined big plans for relay expansion on devstream. Now baro who I liked is gone... Because you didn't, ruin it for the rest of us why don't ya!

Edited by (XB1)Skode
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I will miss Baro, don't you lot EVER complain when the juicy primed mods get locked behind 1000 day log ins and the likes because you couldn't accept when baro didn't bring things specifically appealing to you for a visit or two.

The dev stream irritated me or rather the haters did... Steve confessing he's been getting hate mail because folk refuse to wait for excal umbra, Sheldon getting it over baro inventories. I've not been this disappointed in the WF community since the PC master race danced celebrations to every exploded relay during the xmas operation weeks after Steve ourlined big plans for relay expansion on devstream. Now baro who I liked is gone... Because you didn't, ruin it for the rest of us why don't ya!

while I'm not endorsing hate mail in any form, it does serve a purpose. if people are so upset that they're sending hate mail to the devs, then there's clearly a widespread problem, be it baro's garbage or umbra or whatever. it lets the devs know that the community is upset, and nobody is listening to the complaints.

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while I'm not endorsing hate mail in any form, it does serve a purpose. if people are so upset that they're sending hate mail to the devs, then there's clearly a widespread problem, be it baro's garbage or umbra or whatever. it lets the devs know that the community is upset, and nobody is listening to the complaints.

The forums serve that purpose though, singling out staff on social media is absolutely unacceptable and for what? not getting a skin the chinese have? (we already know the why). U18 brought a lot of feelgood factor but a few weeks later negativity all across the forums. DE must feel they cant win despite clearly busting a gut for us, being transparant (not as common as youd think within game devs) and listening to us (Design council, dev stream, forums,panels). Its only a game - hate mailers should be banned, hate mail is NOT constructive feedback.


Sheldon has asked before for Baro itinerary ideas, many of the haters answer him on this? most dont even offer constructive feedback HERE, instead just look-hate-retreat. Baro was never meant to please everyone - he bring eccentric niche items you didnt get elsewhere. Cosmetics or Noggles not being for you does not constitute a demand by vocal minority for powercreep mods... even if ironically when you DO get them the whiners moan anyway lol.

Edited by (XB1)Skode
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