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Valkyr Doesn't Need A Rework...


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So while playing with Valkyr today, i thought about people wanting DE to rework her and i've come with some solutions / fixes. Tell me if you think they are right or not, what you would change instead.



First, Rip line. It is "ok,", but close to not useful since parkour 2.0. What i suggest is keeping the enemy drag but add a kind of claw strike when dragging the enemies towards you. It's frustrating just running around trying to find the enemy you rip lined, instead i would like the enemies to be dragged right in your face so you can melee them or whatever. Also what about an augment that would make you drag multiple enemies at the same time?


Warcry is fine.


Paralysis needs more range and area of effect while maybe increasing the energy cost to 15. Something similar to Banshee's first. 


Now hysteria. This one i think needs some very simple tweaks, not a whole rework. Let's start by the energy drain. It really needs to drain more energy in order to be a little more balanced. 4-5 per seconds seems about right to me. Another thing, while in hysteria you should not be able to pickup energy and be able to kill nullifiers bubbles. Same thing goes for Excalibur's exalted blade. That makes a lot more sense to me. I mean, nullifiers are there a reason right? And finally, new combos. They are basically all the same thing but with each of them having a little variation. 



So yeah, what do you think?

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I cannot agree with any rework for Valkyr that does not include her invulnerability going away. It doesn't fit her role

...how doesn't it? She's a classic Viking Berserker, complete with D&D-esque damage mitigation, just in the body of a nimble cat/wolverine female

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Valkyr doesn't need a rework, no.


Complete removal is more appropriate.

My eyes...


Explain why a complete removal would be more appropriate? I can't help but think about trinity and her energy vampire giving unlimited amount of energy to every squadmates. That is way more broken than exalted blade or hysteria in my mind. Bring up the energy cost and it makes you think twice about using an ultimate especially if it is powerful.  

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valkyr dont die and excal gives too much dmg 

compare that with the rest of The meta frames .......

I don't see much difference

Trinity has unlimited energy, shares that unlimited energy with her team, heals all teammates instantly, has insane damage reduction, etc.

Frost can create a zone where enemies are completely powerless and all allies are effectively immortal, and has two really good CC powers on to of that.

Nova halves all enemy HP, causes chain reaction explosions, slows all enemies by 75%, and create a ball of virtually unlimited damage.

Mesa can stunlock anything that walks even remotely close to her and has 99% damage reduc against enemy bullets.

Loki can become untargetable and boost his melee damage by 4x, and delete any enemy firearm across the entire map in a move that also forces enemies to stand still for three seconds (modified by Nova and Frost as appropriate)

Edited by TARINunit9
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Instead of nerfing frames that are setting in a good spot how about we buff the frames that aren't even close to that. Also, instead of nerfing what a lot of people have fun with in a game about killing npcs how about we just let people have there fun?

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Instead of nerfing frames that are setting in a good spot how about we buff the frames that aren't even close to that. Also, instead of nerfing what a lot of people have fun with in a game about killing npcs how about we just let people have there fun?

I agree, I say lets just wait till DE does they're rework magic on some frames that need to be up to date.

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Instead of nerfing frames that are setting in a good spot how about we buff the frames that aren't even close to that. Also, instead of nerfing what a lot of people have fun with in a game about killing npcs how about we just let people have there fun?

best post ever^^

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Instead of nerfing frames that are setting in a good spot how about we buff the frames that aren't even close to that. Also, instead of nerfing what a lot of people have fun with in a game about killing npcs how about we just let people have there fun?

That's a good question... My suggestions are not really meant to nerf her but instead make it so that it's more enjoyable. And i still think deep within myself that the real problem here is not the frames or abilities but the energy system. 

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valkyr  invulnerability makes her unique and , excal and valkyr are only good at  soloing survivals over any other mission type as a solo player i really like this its still challenging at 90 mins  plus and gives solo players a chance to play really high level stuff that mic up squads cheese with camping ect  at least these frames are interactive in these situations ,however excal punch though could be reduced just a bit.  

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One of the most common abilities for a berserker is complete damage mitigation. If the immortality was to be removed the next item on the immortal list would be invisibility frames, Ash's fourth, Limbo, Vauban, and Mirage.


"But you can get hit by a stray bullet when invisible." The likely hood of this happening (especially in solo) is miniscule. Not to mention Loki can permanently disarm enemies.

"You are affected by aoe when invisible." Valkyr has the same chance of running into an nullification enemy (including energy drain).


"Ash only kills 18 enemies with his fourth." You can also spam this ability, combined with an arcane and a good melee you are practically god, however the same could be said for Valkyr and Excal.

No one wants to touch Limbo.

Both Mirage and Vauban can practically halt all enemy movement with in a room. Making it easy to for players to pass unharmed.


If Excal and Valkyr were to be reworked, I'd say rework the infinite punch-through and immortality but add something to the other abilities when using their stance. For example reduce Excal's waves every time they hit an object but add knock-down to radial javelin when using exalted blade. Change Valkyr's immortality but make ripline more of an aggressive attack when using hysteria.

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So while playing with Valkyr today, i thought about people wanting DE to rework her and i've come with some solutions / fixes. Tell me if you think they are right or not, what you would change instead.



First, Rip line. It is "ok,", but close to not useful since parkour 2.0. What i suggest is keeping the enemy drag but add a kind of claw strike when dragging the enemies towards you. It's frustrating just running around trying to find the enemy you rip lined, instead i would like the enemies to be dragged right in your face so you can melee them or whatever. Also what about an augment that would make you drag multiple enemies at the same time?


Warcry is fine.


Paralysis needs more range and area of effect while maybe increasing the energy cost to 15. Something similar to Banshee's first. 


Now hysteria. This one i think needs some very simple tweaks, not a whole rework. Let's start by the energy drain. It really needs to drain more energy in order to be a little more balanced. 4-5 per seconds seems about right to me. Another thing, while in hysteria you should not be able to pickup energy and be able to kill nullifiers bubbles. Same thing goes for Excalibur's exalted blade. That makes a lot more sense to me. I mean, nullifiers are there a reason right? And finally, new combos. They are basically all the same thing but with each of them having a little variation. 



So yeah, what do you think?


Hysteria desperately needs a stance rework...


One of three things will happen if i try to melee an enemy

#1 Kill enemy

#2 Get ontop of said enemy who i was trying to melee

#3 proceed to dance ontop of said enemy's head


I want her to have slightly higher range on her attacks to make it an area around her ( instead of excal's straight line of death )

And her slashes need to look like this... And keep her on the ground




Edited by (PS4)UltraKardas
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Instead of nerfing frames that are setting in a good spot how about we buff the frames that aren't even close to that. Also, instead of nerfing what a lot of people have fun with in a game about killing npcs how about we just let people have there fun?

Because the game is not easy enough, the player base think that they should add more one button win the game frames.

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Because the game is not easy enough, the player base think that they should add more one button win the game frames.

I have more faith in my fellow Tenno than that. When they see that their favorite frame (case study: Oberon) can just about heal a couple of Tenno for about 300 damage after a 5-second delay while doing some decent radiation damage, while everyone else's frames can heal the whole team to 100% instantly while gaining 99% damage reduction or deal lots and lots of fire damage for very little energy, and ask that their favorite frame be buffed, I assume it's because they want their favorite to be good, not the game to be super easy

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Hysteria desperately needs a stance rework...


One of three things will happen if i try to melee an enemy

#1 Kill enemy

#2 Get ontop of said enemy who i was trying to melee

#3 proceed to dance ontop of said enemy's head


I want her to have slightly higher range on her attacks to make it an area around her ( instead of excal's straight line of death )

And her slashes need to look like this... And keep her on the ground




#3, pretty much what happens all the time when i try to melee a whole crowd >_< 


I remember when Valkyr had no combos... Then the stance we have now. I thought it was good at the beginning but after a while, it just gets a bit boring. It needs much more versatility than this. 

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