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Why Are The Mods Toxic


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In the recent weeks i've been looking around the forums(and in-game) and all I see are the mods abusing there power.

I have seen them disregard peoples questions and simply tell them that they are wrong and lock topics that were not fully resolved.These are just a few of the many that I have seen.I really do love playing Warframe and want to see grow but I think the moderators are doing a bad job.I am not trying to be mean or offensive to anyone.

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If I post this comment and it gets seen by people then does that mean the moderators aren't toxic? Or does that mean they are trying to make us think they are trustworthy?

Ya know, I really don't know wether or not I can trust people on the forums, really, the only person you can trust is yourself.

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What you mean: Abusive, immature, and generally bad mods (moderators).

What 99% of people who clicked the title thought: Mods (modifications) with toxic damage.


Could you seriously have picked a better title to misdirect people?


I actually came in expecting the first due word order.

10/10, would not be baited again.

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If you have a specific issue with a specific moderator, you can send them a polite private message inquiring it, or you could send a private message to one of the admins. Issues like this are a private matter and will always be handled on an instance by instance basis. 


This thread is not feedback or helpful for discussion. If you have an actual problem with something specific report it privately, it is not for the public to be concerned about. Issues regarding bans/warnings or moderation in general are between the two parties involved and no one else (except perhaps for private arbitration by admins). 

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I've seen the same on MULTIPLE posts, and have gotten warning points for things that never occurred.  After discussions with the mods that gave those, they all basically said "This is based on my own personal preference, so what you say holds no value.  You did it, end of story.  Any problems, don't talk to me, go to support."  I'm convinced they only say that, because support is incredibly backed up and most likely won't see it.  Terrible moderators.


I'm also willing to bet this topic is going to be locked soon because it's apparently considered "unconstructive" or "toxic" or something similar.  

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I thought this was about Toxic Mods. 


I'll be honest, I thought the same. Before I clicked the link, I was thinking:


"Well, they're toxic mods because that's what they are. Don't question it, just use it. Corrosive and viral are great combinations, or gas too if you really want it. Otherwise, toxic on its own isn't bad either... why is he questioning it?"


I face-desked so hard when I actually read the post.

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If you have a specific issue with a specific moderator, you can send them a polite private message inquiring it, or you could send a private message to one of the admins. Issues like this are a private matter and will always be handled on an instance by instance basis. 


This thread is not feedback or helpful for discussion. If you have an actual problem with something specific report it privately, it is not for the public to be concerned about. Issues regarding bans/warnings or moderation in general are between the two parties involved and no one else (except perhaps for private arbitration by admins). 

None of these work.  I've personally done all of that.  The admins say go to support, and moderators don't give a damn.  If it has resorted to posting publicly on the forums, then there's a serious issue.

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I'll be honest, I thought the same. Before I clicked the link, I was thinking:


"Well, they're toxic mods because that's what they are. Don't question it, just use it. Corrosive and viral are great combinations, or gas too if you really want it. Otherwise, toxic on its own isn't bad either... why is he questioning it?"


I face-desked so hard when I actually read the post.


Haha yeah that was my first thought too. I thought this was going to be a discussion on toxin damage somehow, I wish it actually had been... 



None of these work.  I've personally done all of that.  The admins say go to support, and moderators don't give a damn.  If it has resorted to posting publicly on the forums, then there's a serious issue.

I am not going to address your specific case. I don't know the details and I don't know the other side of the story. I don't want to know -- it's not my business. All I will say is I have read posts from plenty of people who inquired about warning points and do not share your negative experience. 
Edited by Tesseract7777
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If you have a problem with a certain moderator or how a situation was handled please follow the instructions given in the Community Moderator FAQ:


Q: I have received a warning and I disagree with it. What should I do?

A: The first thing to do is PMing the mod in question. Explain why you disagree with the warning, and feel free to look up the rules/guidelines, too. Keep in mind that the ComMods are working based on a "Mature" rating, with an eye on swear words, foul language and disruptive/negative behaviour just as much as more blatant rule violations. The goal is to keep the forums friendly - as hard as that is.
If the moderator in question does not respond or his answer does not satisfy you, you can report the process. To do so, please go into the moderator's profile, click on "Report This Member" to the post you disagree with, and click on "Report". This generates a report about that moderator post. There, please describe your issue and the other moderators and DE staff become privy to it.

If the outcome of this escalation still does not satisfy you, contact [DE]Danielle, DERebecca, [DE]Megan, or [DE]Drew by sending them a PM. Expect some delay, as the team is fairly busy - the ComMods exist to take work of their shoulders, in the first place. Other language users can contact their appropriate staff representative.


Posting a thread about it on the forum is neither constructive nor helpful, since this is a private matter between the Moderator and you. Locking.

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