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What Do You Consider The Worst Frame In The Game?


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Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost 


Btw, rant inc I gotta get this off my chest.


In all seriousness, whenever I have a frost in my squad I almost rage quit the mission.

The number of times a frost is messing me up with his glob over shadows the number of frost I've ever seen by a LOT.

I used to spam a lot of hieracon and whenever a frost came up and would put a glob over the extract, we'd lose at least 1 out of five because once the infested swarmed enough we couldn't kill them unless we're bathing with them inside, did I mention they one-shot us? (and that's with good frost don't get me started on bad ones...)

The same happened so many times in defense where enemies would go inside while I was outside and I'd die or the objective would be destroyed.

The worst is when there's 2 glob. Now from the glob#1 you can't kill S#&$ coming from the glob #2 direction.

I'm so sorry I don't like standing still, not! The worst are full range frost globs.... I wish I could shoot the glob until it BROKE, LET ME BREAK IT.


Rant over :P


Also Wukong, why? Very very simple. I hate monkeys.

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I can only guess it's from people who don't understand how to play him since he's a "jack of all trades" frame.

Then you should also probably understand why most people hate him. The way I see it, most people like to play roles. Thus, the reason why most would pick a specialized class that is focused on that "role".

Let's say you're building a squad and needs a healer/support would you honestly count on Oberon's heal with Travel time?

Maybe you need a cc frame... Would you go for Smite + Reckoning? Or Irradiating Disarm, Chaos, Blind Mirage, Vauban?...

Same reason why Hydroid is mediocre. His kit is fully built for cc if we take Pilfering Swarm out of the equation. The problem is how random 2 of his cc skills were mainly Tempest Barrage & Tentacle Swarm. I would even go as far as saying that Rhino is a better cc frame than Hydroid. (except puddle afking on intercept)

I'm just pointing out the Oberon hate part. All your other points are pretty valid and definitely your own opinion.

Edited by Oranji
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Well, it all comes to the warframes i haven't built due to the lack of general utility, altough i admit some are powerfull they don't really bring anything new that i need and at this point no warframe does.

So i''l exclude ash and saryn


So it's a fight between nezha and atlas, i understand nezha has the stop substitute and atlas has the scaning when petrified thingy.


I can't really say if it's nezha or atlas, but none bring anything new that i might need, even with augments they don't really improve my gameplay in anyway

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Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost 


Btw, rant inc I gotta get this off my chest.


In all seriousness, whenever I have a frost in my squad I almost rage quit the mission.

The number of times a frost is messing me up with his glob over shadows the number of frost I've ever seen by a LOT.

I used to spam a lot of hieracon and whenever a frost came up and would put a glob over the extract, we'd lose at least 1 out of five because once the infested swarmed enough we couldn't kill them unless we're bathing with them inside, did I mention they one-shot us? (and that's with good frost don't get me started on bad ones...)

The same happened so many times in defense where enemies would go inside while I was outside and I'd die or the objective would be destroyed.

The worst is when there's 2 glob. Now from the glob#1 you can't kill S#&$ coming from the glob #2 direction.

I'm so sorry I don't like standing still, not! The worst are full range frost globs.... I wish I could shoot the glob until it BROKE, LET ME BREAK IT.


Rant over :P


Also Wukong, why? Very very simple. I hate monkeys.


Its not playing frost that bugged me, Its playing WITH a frost. A snow globe would block outside attacks, whether they were enemy or not.

As a player who gets the biggest kick out of putting an arrow into a grineer all the way on other side of the map, ((Imagine just standing there with your buddies and *phunt* one of them topples over dead, then another, and another till your the only one left. Then you just barely see the arrow before it goes into your face. I can see why the american military uses so many snipers.)) I can't STAND a frost spamming snowglobes and blocking my shots. DE this is an easy fix. Just make frost shield passable on both ways for allies. Like volts shield.  

Edited by CaterHowlett16
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Its not playing frost that bugged me, Its playing WITH a frost. A snow globe would block outside attacks, whether they were enemy or not.

As a player who gets the biggest kick out of putting an arrow into a grineer all the way on other side of the map, ((Imagine just standing there with your buddies and *phunt* one of them topples over dead, then another, and another till your the only one left. Then you just barely see the arrow before it goes into your face. I can see why the american military uses so many snipers.)) I can't STAND a frost spamming snowglobes and blocking my shots. DE this is an easy fix. Just make frost shield passable on both ways for allies. Like volts shield.  

Had a frost doing that on Draco the other day.. plopped a globs in the middle capture point max range... Kinda hard to shoot the incoming guys because it blocked all the shots if I wasn't standing in it and being a Mesa at the time.. Ya I rather not stand at the edge of the globe to hit 4 and try and floor them before they got to me.

Edited by SilvaDreams
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There is no such thing as bad frames, there are people who can't use them.

Oberon, Zephyr, Limbo and Wukong have their niches.



As much as I want to agree with this, its not true for the endgame content. 

unfortunately, there is massive meta that people pretty much force you to follow for the endgame stuff (ie:sorties) to be able to do them effectively. 


most of the warframes listed in this thread of frames that simply fallen out of the meta for endgame stuff that is better done by other frames.


There is no competitive frame to trinity for example. 

Although frost is situational, there is no alternative suited for the endgame for him either. 

Zephyr is really cool and I enjoy playing her, but they can be easily replaced by other frames for DPS.

Valkyr is pretty much the required tank for end missions that require one.

I could go on, but the point is, the warframes aren't as balanced as people like to think they are, in which the failure lies in the game itself for being mostly a crowd control game. 

The other frames CAN be good, but not for most of the game in its base mission gameplay. 

Edited by Atlas.0-5
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Saryn because I loved the way she was before but after the re-visit/nerf they took what I loved about saryn (walking nuke) and spat on it.

She is still awesome, she is not a nuker anymore, but a HUGE AOE debuff frame, with correct damages and a STUN


Just build her max range first, and spread the debuff everywhere on the map.

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No such thing as bad frames


As for what frames I think aren't particularly good though:


Hydroid, hilarious playstyle but he's not very strong I feel


Limbo, pretty nifty niche but otherwise he doesn't do much


Oberon, he does a bit of everything but sadly is consequently outclassed in everything he does as a result

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No such thing as bad frames


As for what frames I think aren't particularly good though:


Hydroid, hilarious playstyle but he's not very strong I feel


Limbo, pretty nifty niche but otherwise he doesn't do much


Oberon, he does a bit of everything but sadly is consequently outclassed in everything he does as a result

If they aren't good, they are bad.

It's that simple.

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Limbo is in my top 10 FAVORITE frames . Nezha is awesome , his play style is so much fun and he excels at support . Wukong can literally not die , on par with hysteria Valkyr so idk why people say wukong is bad .

Try limbo with dirgia , that focuses on stunning a singular enemy. Make sure to have rage , vitality, quick thinking , and life strike & you're pretty much set .

Edited by (PS4)Akuma_Asura_
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Limbo. (opinion incoming) Terrible looks, boring and unimaginative kit (3 skills out of 4 involve sending a variable number of people into the rift), zero intra-kit sinergy, boring combos with other frames, bad mechanics, trolly as F***.

Completely useless outside of sortie rescues. Latest tac alert renders all his abilities useless. He just dies over and over.

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Limbo and Banshee.

Limbo has the same ability in 3 slots with slight alterations, he's like Ember used to be, but worse.

And Banshee... I want to love her, I really do, but she's just so squishy and her abilities just haven't aged well.

Nah banshee is decent,she can boost the s**t out of everyones damage potential,has some semi cc silence,a massive cc ult so shes pretty decent

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