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Hotfix 18.4.10 & Tactial Alert: Divine Will


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I had problems with the bursas having broken AI during the Razorback fight, they would stay up in the cubbies not doing anything, before and after being hacked, especially isolators.  That single run took an hour because only one type could weaken Razorback from very specific angles.

Edited by 1un4cy
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Unfortunately for a lot of people, myself included, Sorties are kind of annoying and we just want to get through them as fast as possible. I don't play Sorties for fun, I play them in the hope of getting a good reward, but most of the time they are just disappointing wastes of time. Spy missions have always been annoying when playing with other people because invariably you're going to get someone who doesn't know what they're doing and will ruin it for everyone. I usually play those solo because of that. Usually what happens is instead of everyone working on one vault at a time, everyone runs to different vaults, which would work in theory, but what usually ends up happening is one person screws up a vault and everyone else rushes to try to save it but nearly always fails, usually resulting in mission failure. It's one of the few mission types where one person can completely ruin the experience for the whole squad and there's nothing anyone else can do about that. I love spy missions but I seriously think they need a rework, maybe by locking the vaults until the previous one is completed? Idk, just a thought.

Run them solo, problem solved. Spy is an okay mode as is. I'm not a creative game designer so I can't really see what could be done to spy missions to make them better / more interesting etc.

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Is that a new trend to only list the positive changes and say nothing about what some might consider negative changes? See no evil, speak no evil?




Two rounds Draco + Booster. Previously 2 rounds WITHOUT a booster would give around 50k focus. The affinity booster should double that yet for some reason I ended up with less than half of the focus I would normally get without a booster.


That's a whooping 75% focus gain nerf! Reducing the focus gain to 1/4 of what it used to be.





Just did a stealth run test with Ivara. It really seems like normal focus gain was reduced by around ~75%. Even when counting those new pickups that give 6x focus for a limited amount of time, it's still a huge nerf.

Edited by ----Fenrir----
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So DE, when are the "team focused" focus changes coming? The drops are separate pickups and all players don't get them, nor is the xp shared and is currently forcing you to killsteal harder than before. When will focus actually well, let you play with a team without getting shafted on focus?

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Is that a new trend to only list the positive changes and say nothing about what some might consider negative changes? See no evil, speak no evil?




Two rounds Draco + Booster. Previously 2 rounds WITHOUT a booster would give around 50k focus. The affinity booster should double that yet for some reason I ended up with less than half of the focus I would normally get without a booster.


That's a whooping 75% focus gain nerf! Reducing the focus gain to 1/4 of what it used to be.


Don't worry, actually there are already quite a few threads about this, so you're not the only one.

I can't login in tonight to mess around with it, but so you're telling me you receive less when you pick up the item?

So in this case, it would be best to not touch it, until it's hot-fixed presumably tomorrow, correct?


Wait, I just realized you're talking about the booster from the marketplace and not the new item lol. Nevermind then xD


EDIT: Wait a second, how in the world you get 50K affinity for Focus, without a booster and only two rounds of interception? I mean, I've only played that node very few times, so I don't exactly know how the farming strategies work, but the one or so times I've done it without a booster, I would receive roughly 8K to 12K? Boosters on average yield me 15K to 20K, assuming I'm spanning the hell out of my abilities lol.

If this is true, I must be doing some wrong then haha.

Edited by HalfDarkShadow
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Don't worry, actually there are already quite a few threads about this, so you're not the only one.

I can't login in tonight to mess around with it, but so you're telling me you receive less when you pick up the item?

So in this case, it would be best to not touch it, until it's hot-fixed presumably tomorrow, correct?


Wait, I just realized you're talking about the booster from the marketplace and not the new item lol. Nevermind then xD


EDIT: Wait a second, how in the world you get 50K affinity for Focus, without a booster and only two rounds of interception? I mean, I've only played that node very few times, so I don't exactly know how the farming strategies work, but the one or so times I've done it without a booster, I would receive roughly 8K to 12K? Boosters on average yield me 15K to 20K, assuming I'm spanning the hell out of my abilities lol.

If this is true, I must be doing some wrong then haha.

Focus points gain does not apply until convergence is in place, which means post patch you get percentage on kill no matter what because you can gain focus with just killing in general with boosters. Now you need the new booster and convergence to even get focus points.

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New focus system does not apply on top of how focus is effected by affinity in fact its a huge nerf to how to obtain affinity in my opinion because you need convergence to even gain any focus.


This is wrong.  Just ran a mission solo, didn't pick up any yellow convergence focus boosters.  got around 2500 focus.

Edited by cesmode
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The Bursa AI in the BOSS ROOM seems very buggy. I don't know if it's because I'm doing it solo, but a lot of the time I hack the door and the Bursa just stands in there, adamantly refusing to jump down at all. This is extremely frustrating when I'm being slammed by a thousand different types of missiles while the game asks me to stand still hacking. 

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  • Fixed Ivara’s Artemis Bow not properly getting buffs from Rifle Mods.

Fixed Infested enemies still being able to use their passive auras in Limbo’s Rift.

Fixed some of the Staticor’s visual FX firing from the player’s feet.



OMG!! Thanks for resolving the issues I sent.

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Still no fix for:




Just tested it in a game, gels still hang midair instead of sticking to targets, gel stacking damage still broken. To recreate just equip and launch game, keep shooting normally. Will happen sooner on enemies with more health\shields\armor etc.


Please fix, TY!

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Wow that Razorback fight is a tough run for a new player. Took four tries before I could find people following my vague instructions because apparently I was the only one who knew what to do there. I'm still a bit in the dark in when exactly the boss is able to take damage (like if there is a visual indicator, flash, color change etc), do we actually do damage it or is it only the hacked bots ?


Anyway, good job with the updates, you guys rocks !


P.S. I kinda see the reference here, any aussie in the team ? ^^



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That doesn't make sense. How could they "sense your movement"? You are invisible. Sensor bars and laser walls are different because there is actually a magnetic field/laser that is being projected whether you are there or not, and neither would care that you are invisible, but arc traps don't react based on movement alone because they do not hurt grineer, meaning that they attack based on something else, most likely visual appearance. I'm sure you can see where I'm going with this. Although, now that I think about it, sensor bars and laser walls also don't affect their respective baddies, which means they are also triggered by something other than physical interaction, so perhaps those also shouldn't affect invisible warframes? Idk, there's definitely some inconsistency here.

They are probably fixated with implants that register them as Grineer. Grineer ARE filled with cybernetics after all. Corpus suits could also be fixated with implants making them appear as friendlies to their security systems. Anyone without these implants could be found by their emplacements and sensors. You may be invisible to the naked eye, but without these implants you could be very well seen. Not to mentions lasers and sensor bars could detect someone invisible. The same way the Predator can be seen if a light was behind him or a laser. It would warp and react to him causing shadows and even a prism effect. Being invisible doesn't make Loki, Ash, or any stealth frame immune to practical technology, plus this is the future, these technologies could very well exist. Both Grineer and Corpus are superior in technology compared to the Tenno because while the Tenno slept they grew their empires and evolved their technology.


Also that Grineer Kavat woman will be able to spot and mark invisible players for other enemies to see. She also could be fitted with this same sort of technology.

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  • The Penta series, Castanas series, Kulstar, Talons and Angstrum’s explosive damage no longer ignores cover in Conclave.


Can we also get this applied to Bombards, Corrupted Bombards, and Napalms? It's pretty bad to not even be able to take cover from missiles when they literally will follow you down multiple hallways and Napalm rockets have a splash radius of about 10 - 15m that will hit you on the other side of the wall.

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The Bursa AI in the BOSS ROOM seems very buggy. I don't know if it's because I'm doing it solo, but a lot of the time I hack the door and the Bursa just stands in there, adamantly refusing to jump down at all. This is extremely frustrating when I'm being slammed by a thousand different types of missiles while the game asks me to stand still hacking.

I am experiencing the same issue at times. Frustrating, indeed.

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DESCRIPTION: Quantum badge and Rift Sigil color don´t match with warframe default color, only default color, if you change to another color, then will match.

Who: Warframe

What: Cosmetics

Where: Everywhere



 1. Equip any warframe

 2. Equit Quantum badge and Rift Sigil

 3. Clic in "DEFAULT COLOR" of the warframe

 4. The color of Quantum badge will change to green and Rift sigil to blue color


Example: Atlas default color its orange color, but the Quantum show green color and the Rift show blue color.


Actually not a bug. Those colors are just the default colors for the rift sigil and quantum emblem. They've been like that for a long time.

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