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Hotfix 18.4.10 & Tactial Alert: Divine Will


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Way to make an event, restrict it to end game players that have all the planets.


Warframe is going downhill the more time it passes.


Also the focus changes are ridiculous, and go against everything the players asked, is it that hard to make Warframe work and be fun? Instead DE keeps making Warframe a frustrating and boring experience.

Edited by JoseSnake
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Added to notes 09:39 AM EST 12/02.

  • Focus Convergence and Focus Gain changes:
  • As per above, Convergence will reward the player a 6x Focus multiplier for 45 seconds.  This time limit will appear as a countdown buff on the player. Here is how the Focus gain percentages work in v 1.1:

  • Normal Lens: 1.25% without Convergence
  • Normal Lens: 7.5% with Convergence (multiplied by 6)
  • Greater Lens: 1.75% without Convergence
  • Greater Lens : 10.5% with Convergence (multiplied by 6)



Give me my plat back!!!

Edited by khydhy
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Firstly, at least doubling current Focus gains with keeping the system would be great.

Secondly, a way less ragy version of my comment towards Bursas would be: "Fix them already, that ain't a Survival, why are they spawning every 30 seconds with their levels rising?!"

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The good= People share focus finally like it shoulda been from the start.


The bad= Focus farming takes EVEN LONGER now because the slipped in Nerf to Lenses making 1/4 of what we used to, the 45 seconds of focus buff is nice but only gives 50% more of what we used to be getting for that time, meaning the 180/300 seconds we wait we're overall getting less exp.


Oh, also my Vazarin mastery used to be 75 seconds shorter cooldown, now its 60 seconds, not cool.

Edited by unmog
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Oh, also my Vazarin mastery used to be 75 seconds shorter cooldown, now its 60 seconds, not cool.


heh, 2nd who find that. by all 12 pages. cool. hello mate. 


Dear Devs, You can keep doing shadow nerfs - no one (or something about) see.

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Okay wow, those focus changes are worse.  I can understand the idea of trying to encourage players to run around and pick up the boosters instead of standing around (thus non-boosted rates being low), but when the boosted rates aren't enough to make up the difference given for the amount of time  in each mode (RHuckebein's explanation), that's a nerf.


That's a punishment instead of encouragement.  A punishment that hits players that weren't even doing anything wrong to begin with.



Rare and reinforced container spawn rate and spots in normal missions, amount of credits dropped from them. 

And sources/details/timelines?

(PMs are on if needed.)

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The new Boss fight contains everything that makes boss fights annoying.


Tanky sponge boss? Check.


Boss hits like a truck? Check.


Invincible most of the time? Check.


Pit of death surrounding the fighting area? Check.


Have to deal with minions while fighting the Boss? Check.


Have to do a somewhat complex thing to make the boss vulnerable, but only for a short time? Check.


(you need wait for a bursa to spawn in one of the balconies with a laser wall.)

(then hack a terminal one a platform on the same side of the room but isn't actually right next to it.)

(you then need to stun the bursa, then hack it.)

(the bursa will become an ally and help fight the razorback.)

(you need the bursa to get under the razorback and throw a tantrum to stun the razorback.)

(but it's only stunned for like, 2 seconds.)

(repeat till razorback is dead.)

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wait a minute... why nerf focus gain so hard? i like that we can get passive focus... but why nerf the lenses? i'd rather not have the convergence and just get the same amount of focus we used to... the convergence is kinda fun, but feels bad if it spawns 4 rooms over and you can't find any enemies or you don't get all the kills when you pick it up... why not make convergence only a 3x boost and return the lenses back to where they were?

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please DE, if there's one thing i learned from playing lots of other games, things will go so much better if you tell us about all the changes, even if people are unhappy with a change (like the focus gain, etc) please don't sneak out and change it without telling us, that will just go from angering players to enraging them.


I think i can see what was intended by nerfing the lenses, because players can now get passive affinity (from allies) if the lenses hadn't been changed, arguably this would have led to rediculously high focus numbers.


However there are a few issues: with the convergence spawning for everyone at once, people are fighting to get kills so they get the most out of their convergence. But this really really hit anyone who is well geared/likes to solo for their focus


What if, instead, they made the lenses give LESS passive xp for other people's kills, then still the normal value for the own player's kill? or maybe 2% instead of 2.5? i can understand a small nerf because of the new passive xp, but cutting it in half when it's already so low feels like a slap in the face

Edited by mishli
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Added to notes 09:39 AM EST 12/02.

  • Focus Convergence and Focus Gain changes:
  • As per above, Convergence will reward the player a 6x Focus multiplier for 45 seconds.  This time limit will appear as a countdown buff on the player. Here is how the Focus gain percentages work in v 1.1:

  • Normal Lens: 1.25% without Convergence
  • Normal Lens: 7.5% with Convergence (multiplied by 6)
  • Greater Lens: 1.75% without Convergence
  • Greater Lens : 10.5% with Convergence (multiplied by 6)



Um... What?  So that wasn't a bug?


That's a fairly major change to have not mentioned straight away.  Why such a drastic reduction and extreme multiplier?  I guess it'll make more people actually care about grabbing the Convergence since without it their progression will be crippled but I don't think anyone was asking for GTA style kill frenzies.  From what I saw people wanted shared affinity to count so we could play in a more cooperative manner and not be racing each other for kills.  Nice and simple.  Instead we get reduced Focus gains and a need for tokens that let us get a 50% bonus on what we used to get for such a short time that we are back to rushing for as many kills as we can get as quick as we can get.  Sorry, but I fail to see how Convergence is going to improve gameplay and not feel like a chore, especially when they can spawn up to two tiles away, sometimes making them a risk to chase in objective based missions.

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As a Mastery Rank 19 player I want to say, it's because of miserable grindy content like this have I do not plan on giving DE any money in the future.


I sent 30 minutes in the mission with people who know how to kill the boss, and yet it took 30 minutes. Then when we are FINALLY able to extract the doors lock, we hack the panel...and the doors never unlocked. Host migration did nothing.


Do you even test your own content?

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I agree, this is the worst hotfix ever! Convergence sucks, cause it spawns too far away from me & it's distracting me during the missions and even making it not worth picking up, not saying anything about earning focus, which became even worse thx to this hotfix...


Developers, I think it will be better idea, if you post polls here before making such important changes, to see does majority of us like it or not & I hope you care about our opinion, because if not, you will loose players. No one wants to play a game which is becoming more frustrating, rather than pleasurable.


P.S. Remove this "Convergence" at all & bring back to us our old focus system!!!

Edited by dendroaspis84
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People think it's been really bad but maybe they don't realize how decent it is in practice.

I did some quick solo missions on sedna, used the convergence boosters, got over 1000 focus.

Did another run similarily without picking up any convergence, didn't even get 100 focus.

thats not the point.....we should not be FORCED to have to use the bloody pickups to get focus.....it was ridiculous of DE to nerf the lens..especially since they rewarded so little focus per affinity anyways....AND..increased the daily cap to 100k

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thats not the point.....we should not be FORCED to have to use the bloody pickups to get focus.....it was ridiculous of DE to nerf the lens..especially since they rewarded so little focus per affinity anyways....AND..increased the daily cap to 100k

focus gain is dead now, time to move on to a different game for me. thats the last straw really

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