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De Pwease, The Invincibility Fetish Needs To Stop, Really Now


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No, I'm not bad and I instantly figured out how to beat this "Boss" and just finished endurance.


Invincibility is an incredibly lazy and beyond boring design, combine it with damage cap in the vulnerability phases AND buggy triggers for those you get the recipe for the worst Bossfight design I have ever witnessed in the history of gaming.


Not only is the hitbox for the lasers massively too big, BURSAS don't hit the Boss half the time and die in a pityful attempt to hurt the boss without achieving anything IF they dont just AFK on the spot.



This needs to stop NOW. Make bosses properly scale with conclave and immune to abilities but make them more of a bullet sponge and not button puzzles / waiting games. Put moving / timed weakspots on the boss (no juggernaut is absolutely HORRIBLE btw) and give bosses Phases, maybe even with a changing Area to fight in for the last time. 1 Button puzzle / waiting game to finish the boss off, i can deal, but this... this was just mind boggingly horrible.


I was so hyped when I saw this giant beast of a monster, just to be so incredibly angry and disappointed that I sure as hell won't be touching this boss again unless I have to.

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Not only is the hitbox for the lasers massively too big, BURSAS don't hit the Boss half the time and die in a pityful attempt to hurt the boss without achieving anything IF they dont just AFK on the spot.



Your other points are vaild, but this one is really annoying. Having to free, kill, and hack a bursa while under instagib missile barrages that then runs off and does nothing isn't very fun. The damage cap between invuln cycles wouldn't be an issue if the Bursa reliably brought his defenses down.

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Agreed, also if you have Quick Thinking the instagib missiles will not proc it and down you immediately. I also found quite a few missiles actually pathing around pillars just to hit my teammates and I. Sure the boss really looks nice, but I gotta agree with OP, these invincibility bosses are really a hassle. Mutalist Salad V was quite the chore enough but this one really is pushing it.

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Agreed, also if you have Quick Thinking the instagib missiles will not proc it and down you immediately. I also found quite a few missiles actually pathing around pillars just to hit my teammates and I. Sure the boss really looks nice, but I gotta agree with OP, these invincibility bosses are really a hassle. Mutalist Salad V was quite the chore enough but this one really is pushing it.

i've avoided Mutalist Alad completely, tried him once, too much invincibility 5 me, had way too much plat anyway and bought mesa, never will i go back to this hell hole

Edited by SYL3NZR
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It's because they seem to focus way too much in the battle as a whole instead of staged/phase fighting like Hek (without the invuln phase). The Bursa hacking should have been done twice, maybe four at max (to get the shields of the limbs), then proceed to destroy individual legs to get the body vulnerable ala Venus boss, maybe throw in some shield repair deal. All the time though? That's bad. It was great the first time figuring out what to do but the consequential times? Urgh. Way too much hacking. At least make the fences disable with just a click and not a hack.

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I don't see your point, it's does not invincible, it's has an invincible shield, which you can shut off by using bursas. This event is not your farming place when you can one shot everything with tinkle, what the point of damage resistance? Or you want it like sentinel? The bursa has range attack, you can hack it first or bail it down to the boss then hack it. You said you figured out?

If you like boss phase go Kill Vay Hek. See how annoying he is? All your proposal pointed at vay hek boss fight, and now i still regret fighting him for hydroid.

Or you want another acolytes event for farming I guess?

DE give bad event, people mad.

DE give good event, people mad.

Hard to please people.

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i was doing this solo using ivara......i did the first two runs (took me an hour in total....with the 2md run being the longest) and gave up after 25 minutes into the 3rd run against the boss.....WAY to much hacking involved, even with ciphers.


Actually there's is a bug where the bursa can't hit the boss and you'll be forced to abort the mission.


@op i disagree with you this boss was fun to kill, they just need to fix the bursa behavior and that'll do.

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I thought this was a pretty exciting boss battle. I personally liked it. Pretty fun and clever mechanics. I really liked the broken railway delivering energy/ammo periodically. The strategic placing of the sniper crewmen was a nice touch - they actually behaved like snipers. Plus the mission itself had pure proxies rather than mostly crewmen, which is something people have been requesting.


First time I solo'd it with Nezha and it was satisfyingly challenging, didn't really feel like killing myself doing the Endurance version, so I cheesed it with Valkyr. 

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Just finished the second mission, and I personally think this is a very weak boss design. Hacking terminals out in the open to unlock laser gates that stay open for what feels like all of five seconds to make a Bursa jump down to be beat on and hacked, all while being shot at with missiles, flack cannons, weird floating blue fire laser orb things, Lankas, and everything the Bursas have to throw at us is extremely annoying. Add in a Hell of a lot of blast procs from the Razorback while trying to do all of this, and I'll just say I'm glad Atlas is my main.


Speaking of the Razorback, his poor excuse for invincibility just feels cheap. It's bad enough the hacked Bursas don't really seem interested in doing anything other than standing around or deploying their shields have the time, but finally getting the big guy down and either hitting him a few times or watching in frustration as he stands back up because you didn't make it over to him in time because his stomp sent you to the other side of the arena, just to see you have to do it all over again? This isn't fun or challenging, it's tedious and frustrating, and even worse if you decide to solo it like I did. I started this event with 125 ciphers, and I'm down to 50 just from trying to not die while hacking with a giant robot sending constant missile barrages after me! Yeah, I could just use Valkyr or Rhino to cheese him, but if a boss during a solo game is either "Die via missile or use cheese to stay alive", it just feels terribly designed.


Like TheLocalHentai said; if we only needed to hack the Bursas four times to destroy Razorback's armor and have to take down his legs Jackal style from that point on, this fight would have been much more tolerable and, in my opinion, actually fun.

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its pretty sad that nowadays free to play is an excuse instead of a feature

If it's oay to play

I would question the developer motivation

Since it's just an alert with a boss bonus

I think they did a pretty good job

And it's free to play.

And if you don't like the boss try drowning inside swarm of bursa and hayena.

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Agreed, the fight was really obnoxious. Not to mention that after an amazing fail team I decided to solo the second mission. I used up more than 30 cipher's to kill the boss.... really DE? Guess I could have taken Valkyr so I would not have to worry about getting nuked to hell while taking the time to manually hacking all those Bursas but still...

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Agreed, the fight was really obnoxious. Not to mention that after an amazing fail team I decided to solo the second mission. I used up more than 30 cipher's to kill the boss.... really DE? Guess I could have taken Valkyr so I would not have to worry about getting nuked to hell while taking the time to manually hacking all those Bursas but still...

4 valkyr team, easy cheesy

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If a boss is easy to solo then it is not a boss at all. Asking for a boss need teamwork, go solo and can't finish it in 5 minutes. Call frustrating.

Hard to please people.

A tank like rhino or valkyr is needed in a team to eat those homing missiles. Atlass can use wall to block missiles when hacking. It's just one more button.

but what the heck are those blue orbs? Proc fire everytime

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