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Exalted Blade.. Why?


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Excalibur was such a nice thing  (played with him a lot, and still love it to use him)  BEFORE Exalted Blade...

nowadays, you see Excali's in nearly every mission, flail around themself like crazy once things start to become a wee bit challenging


This ability is going to be a real fun-killer.  :(


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You issue is with the players, not the warframe.

Excalibur was such a nice thing  (played with him a lot, and still love it to use him)  BEFORE Exalted Blade...

nowadays, you see Excali's in nearly every mission, flail around themself like crazy once things start to become a wee bit challenging


This ability is going to be a real fun-killer.  :(

And follow your own thread.

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Because well.... he is a beginner frame and having an easy skill cap is a good thing.

I do wish they do tone down the Slashes tho. 


Everytime I see a new player spamming EB, can't help but smile and shake my head :3

So cute seeing new players enjoying themselves the only way they know how, spamming and killing.
I happily EV to fuel their fun.






Totally Unrelated.


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Because well.... he is a beginner frame and having an easy skill cap is a good thing.

I do wish they do tone down the Slashes tho. 


Everytime I see a new player spamming EB, can't help but smile and shake my head :3

So cute seeing new players enjoying themselves the only way they know how, spamming and killing.

I happily EV to fuel their fun.






Totally Unrelated.


Uhm, don't know how I feel about this: I feel like I'm not a new player anymore, but I see no reasons not to use EB when I run with Excalibur, which happens fairly often.

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Bro, please. Even before Exalted Blade, Radial Javelin was the one being spammed like crazy. And back then the Javelins were like, infinite. Each javelin for each enemy. Before his rework, I saw some guy just dropping energy restore while standing still and spamming 4 like nuts. We didn't even get to slash or shoot a thing before he did.

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Oh, I’m a new player (10 days) and my first frame was an Excal which I enjoy very much and I’m currently trying to get all the mods and level them up for an exalted blade build.

I also just started levelling my shiny new Valkyr and definitely going to try and get a hysteria build going for her.

Am I doing it wrong? I’m sorry, I thought this game was about building a fun, powerful and reliable frame and then killing all the things with it.

That said, I have a Rhino, Nyx and Oberon building in the foundry right now and I'll most definitely play them as well (just like I'm planning on playing every frame I'll be able to get my hands on.)

I just don't understand how I'm not 'supposed' to use the warframes availbale to the best of their abilities if I have fun that way and I certainly don't understand how by doing exactly this, I could possibly ruin your fun.

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Then yu are missing out the magical invulnerbility spam of Slash Dash my friend :D

It's not that I'm missing it mate, it's just that I honestly like EB and after so many Excalibur nerfs I'm glad it's a very good power!

I've actually toned down on my EB usage. i only ever use it as an emergency button. i'm mainly using my melee weapon with the occasional RB.

That I understand, after the release I was starting every mission with an energy pizza and EB up all the time, now I find myself using it a little bit less or activting it for the first time when I need to heal back.

Still, once I activate it I usually end up keeping it on!

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