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Coming Soon: Devstream #69!


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Howdy doody gang, I hope 18.5 is going smoothly and you can release it and go home the same night at a reasonable hour. I have two questions for you


1- What's the possibility of adding additional customisation slots for appearances and upgrades? Perhaps unlocked with either mastery/ plat?


2-What's going on with chat 2.0? It seemed to disappear right off the map what is its current status?


Thanks for you hard work, keep it up!

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1) Considering the very mitigated reception of the Focus changes, what is your position concerining them ? Do you think they have the impact intended, or do you think there may have been a miscalculation ?


2) With Kavats coming, do you consider introducing a system of "orders" for companions ? I'd sometimes like them not to attack enemies for example, but the only way to prevent that is to leave them in the Landing Craft. Understand me, this is such a narrow space inside, and my furball craves wandering on new huntgrounds everytime...


3) Once, you introduced the possibility to let the Kubrow have fun time around the Liset, then it was retired due to issues if I remember well. Is there a chance you'll reintroduce it, or is it buried ?


4) Even with the default 25 R5 cores, Sorties' rewards are still a nightmare for some players, who get only cores everyday and not even one item from the "fancy" list (Nezha, Strun Wraith, etc.). You were talking about a Token System, is it still a W.I.P. ?


5) When Archwing was introduced, I expected to have missions that switch between the 2 modes (for example, beginning Archwing, then enter a spaceship for a mission on foot, then leave the ship in Archwing to get into another and finish the mission). I do think it may make Archwing more interesting. Is it a way of improvement you consider ?

Edited by Arkhenbarn
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Is there going to be more of Tyl Regor in the future? i would love to have him featured in an event or a storyline as he is, in my opinion, the best boss in the game. I know there are probably difficulties such as finding time with the voice actor but i hope he will be utilised further in the future

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Couple lore/world-building questions that have been niggling at my brain ever since Second Dream:

So now that Operators are "awake" and holed up in their orbiters, would it stand to reason that they could theoretically walk around in their ships whenever they aren't transfering consciousness to their warframes?

If so, would it also stand to reason that they would technically require sustenance and sleep outside of the somatic link apparatus? Or is that not a factor because of "stasis" and such?

On a note unrelated to operators, would it also be safe to assume that Ordis is only the Cephalon for YOUR specific orbiter, and that other Tenno's orbiting craft could be considered as having their own Cephalons lore-wise?

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Is there any updates on players who accidentally skipped Vor's Prize Quest? Will they be allowed to have the Quest marked as completed or will they have to complete it (thus locking them out from the usual Orbiter's Feature) in order to access it again?


I really want to have my Codex Quest Entry completed.

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Bare hand mechanics?


Let me explain. With the Primary/Secondary only requirements in Sortie missions, I think we should be able to break crates with our bare hands when pressing the melee button. It could be implemented as a default melee. Maybe even introducing stances depending on your fight style.


The bare hand melee shouldn't be able to deal any damage to faction units, but rather immobilize or stun them when used. It would add some new ninja moves to the game. We could think about Judo moves for example, in order to put a direct ennemy to the ground. Or more ninja-esque mechanics that would make you grab an ennemy, using him as a springboard for a parkour move, pushing the ennemy on the ground, or making him fly accross the room.


It would add some survivability when using only a primary and secondary, and would help people like myself who press the melee button as some kind of reflex.

Edited by matto
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Simple question regarding "loot"


Do you intend to:


A: provided a granular, progression-based method of attaining items alongside the course-grained lottery-drop system, even if you keep the average-time-to-aquire the same? Being able to make visible progress would IMHO reduce the complaints notably.




B; Retain the low-chance-to-drop wide distribution-curve system where much of the player base become _very_ unlucky with nothing they can do about it save resort to either of the terrible high-friction trade systems implemented using premium currency. Where "improvement" take the form of simply shuffling parts around.


This is not about "tokens" it's about providing a visible small step toward a reward as-well-as/rather-that a gambler-friendly very-very-low chance of a reward.

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Are you going to do a normal, adequate space? What we now have in the game , disorienting space with a strange haze ... I think it would be much better so it looked like in the Dead Space , where the subjects of glare and shadows and everything else black ( Varframe also what that additional lighting , where it should not be ) . PS - By downloading from Liset atmospheric wind in space?

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Will we ever get any lore for Nyx and why she looks so much like Excalibur?  I know that IRL she was originally the female version of Excalibur back in early development when Warframes were meant to have both genders, but with things the way they are now it could be a really interesting opportunity for new lore on a little touched on subject.


Also, with the recent releases of Saryn Prime and the awesome new style of Prime Access trailer I'm really looking forward to though simultaneously dreading the eventual release of Valkyr Prime.  On the one hand I really want to see Valkyr in all her golden glory, on the other hand I always had imagined that a pre-corpus Valkyr would have been very different from the one we know today, but the Gersemi skin (as awesome as it is) kinda dampened that hope.  Anyway, I guess my question is just whether anyone has had any ideas on the potential Valkyr Prime they'd be willing to share.

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