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Coming Soon: Devstream #69!


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1.) The frustrating experiences that RNG creates has been a contested issue for a very long time. However, with the introduction of the new reward system the Devs have indicated a willingness to implement other, less frustrating reward systems. Are you open to alternative reward systems such as a token/reputation system?

If so, are there any current plans to do so?

What are your views on creating a token system in tandem with RNG that allows players to sell spare rewards for tokens and in turn buy rewards they have yet to acquire with said tokens?


2.) Currently a Prime Warframe and its vanilla counterpart take up two inventory slots and do not share reactors or formas. Is there a reason that Prime Warframes are unable to equip the skins of their default counterparts as well as toggle their prime accessories?

Edited by Jamescell
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How about actually keeping your promise without desperate attempts at definition fighting and actually reducing the grind? Convergence only made focus worse for quite a big chunk of the community and stopped to be an issue because these people have completely given up on this system, either because it's not worth the effort or there's nothing worthy to get anymore.


Focus gain was already really slow and the amount required to get any meaningful upgrades was really high, yet for whatever reason, the gain has been nerfed, especially for solo players.


Are you going to address these droptables of the void? I thought you've aimed not to include an item in more than 2 places in the worst case, yet you keep spreading nigh worthless items with high droprates over multiple mission types while rare and highly demanded stuff couples low droprates and limited access overall. On top of outright ignoring a few pools, there's a bunch of completely empty reward tables in the Void that yield nothing but junk (U5s as a reward in T3S is also junk, DE, be serious for once), Derelict pretty much yields nothing but pure crap.

Edited by Mofixil
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Please, please, please... can we get separate colouring slots for the metallic Prime accents, instead of just merging two channels from the original item to make way for the Prime parts?

Maybe even get back the colouring options we lost on such frames as Loki Prime.


Oh, and the return of the original derelict Dojo tilesets would be nice too.


Finally, with the Acolytes having new/repurposed flappy leg/belt accessories, please allow players the same luxury. Battle skirts, the new syandana!

This could also mean Trinity's tail and Strega skirt could be made into battle skirts or even auxiliaries.

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What I would like to see added in 18.5:

Sortie Tokens (replacing current random reward drop). Getting Cores 5 times in a row when you still have limited time weapon parts not drop.

Staticor Firing Bug (seems to be occurring after picking up an object - data mass, excavator core, etc)



What I want discussed in Devstream 69:

Details on Fusion changes

Discussion on non-tradable/pure RNG Drops like Stalker/Grustrag Three/Other Assassins - essentially through no fault of my own I may never be able to get some weapons without spending Plat. I have never had Despair drop from The Stalker but had Dread many many times. I can buy it from the Market but its ONLY part of a bundle for 800P. I already have Dread and Hate so getting them again is useless. How do I get War... I cant at all except for RNG (1: Stalker to appear [RNG], 2: I defeat him, 3: Drop [RNG]).
Or if I want the Brakk. I have 3 of 2 of the parts but not the final part. Again I cant get this at all except for RNG.

Either make these tradeable, or have it so the game has a MUCH HIGHER chance to drop what you have not had drop before, if not ONLY drop what has not dropped before. If everything has dropped then "reset" the tracking.

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In terms of reworks, is there any kind of details or ideas/concepts that could be shared for Volt and Mag, or other frames?

Have you considered giving Chroma the ability to switch his elements mid-game, similar to how Equinox and Ivara can use different versions of a same ability during a mission?

The Machetes is a class of melee weapons that has felt certainly lackluster for a long time in terms of damage and performance, is there a buff/rework planned for it? (Scythes as well)

Steve has teased work on Starchart 3.0, is there a rough concept or general ideas that you could share about how it'd function? What about replayable events and special alerts for lore purposes?

Edited by RahuHordika
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Any new information on Kavats?

What about the upcoming gore changes? I recall that being mentioned before, and I'm curious to know what to expect.

Please don't include Kubrows and Kavats with the gore. I don't want to turn cute animals into giblets.

Edited by Vyrndragon
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So right now we have these awesome dojos that are just chilling there with nothing. to do . why cant we launch missions from the dojo same as we can launch missions from the relay. ? or have a way to change frames in the dojo. also the obstetrical course is now supper easy with the new movement system as well a dueling with this new system doesn't really leave enough room to fight. like we are space ninjas dont we have a holographic room that can load up tile-set that we can fight in ? 

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I love randomizing the colors on my warframe. but sometimes I dislike one or two of the colors with out and ideal of what I would like there. Any chance you could add a way to lock colors in so it only randomizes the unlocked slots?


Also any chance we will be able to gift Tennogen items in the near future?

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Along with this Prime Access, you guys released a new video regarding Saryn Prime complete with a voiceover talking about her origin.


A) Is this all we can expect to know regarding the origin and role of Saryn in the time of the Orokin?


B) Will the other Prime frames be receiving a similar type of expository video?

Edited by Flamingfighter
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Apologies if this has already been answered.


With 18.5 can we expect a new quest that further expands on Warframe's lore, or will it be something more simple?


Also regarding quests, has there been any progress towards making quests (Second Dream specifically) replayable?, as was said in Devstream 65, you wanted to implement this feature.


Lastly, As a person who plays as Ash, do you have anything you can say regarding a possible rework as was done for other Warframes?

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The question that is most pressing to me:


Have anyone on the development team ever entertained the idea of adding variety to the Channeling Stats and reducing some of the negative effects on the channeling mods? Right now, there is no question that energy is MUCH better spent on Warframe powers for a number of reasons; Channeling on provies +50% damage, weapons with large ranges can drain 70 energy in one swing, Channeling mods don't add enough damage to justify using that energy for melee instead of powers. If there was some variation in Channeling stats, a mediocre weapon like Plasma Sword could be much stronger than a power house weapon like Broken War if we just put more energy into it...pun intended.


Secondaries issues:


Spira Prime has lower damage and lower crit chance than Spira. Why? Spira was our crit throwing secondary, so why is the pristine prime version not as impressive? I do realize in China Warframe, Spira is weaker than the Global build, but shouldn't the Global build get a better version of Spira Prime since we have a better Spira?


So grinding to get Saryn P, who looks awesome by the way, brought to light how bad T3 Survivals loot pool is. Why is it we have packs of 3 Orokin Cells in there? Or even worse, why are there packs of 3 Uncommon Rank 5 Fusion Cores in the drop tables? Orokin Cells themselves are so easily attainable on Ceres, and even if they would be void rewards it would be much more rewarding if they came in packs of 4 or 5. Uncommon Corse are definitely a weak reward for the effort. Why are these not Rare cores only?


Syndicate Melee when? I need a Sancti/Telos Dragon Nikana to rival Nikana Prime like yesterday. LoL


Looking forward to Pisces stream.

Edited by (PS4)DBR87
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Nekros rework? 


The first two abilities and Warframe stats are mediocre to say the least. You recently updated Shadows. Will the rest of Nekros be getting an update/rework anytime soon?


Also I think Shadows of the Dead needs an animation update. (Can the shadows atleast start to slowly emerge from the ground?)

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Hyena Pack possible replacement for corpus eximus? They are somewhat weaker than most corpus enemies and have been seen as common enemies on some tactical alerts.

ETA on time of year for u19 (Winter, end of year)?

On the Landing Craft, some people like using them for their look but might want to use a certain airdrop. Any plans to be able to change airdrop with ones you have unlocked?

Clarification on Dethcube faction creator?

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