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Coming Soon: Devstream #69!


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Is there a chance that we can use either prime, non prime or deluxe abilities on skins and such not for them? (On the condition you already own them)


What I mean by this is for example. Rhino Palatine has a pretty nice Iron Skin but with the (inevitable) introduction of Rhino to the Workshop which will happen eventually, the skins that would be brought with it would mean you wouldn't be able to use the Rhino Palatine Iron Skin with the skins that would be introduced via TennoGen. Plus the Palatine Skin lets you see the skin mostly without being obscured by Iron Skin unlike the default Iron Skin and Prime Iron Skin.


This isn't just a request simply for Rhino, but for other frames with abilities modified via skins and/or primes.


I'm not sure how this would work but if I had to try and figure it out I'd say maybe add an option when looking at the Abilities section of a Warframe and have a customization option for the abilities with an ability that can be changed visually. The obvious condition is you have to actually have the skin in order to use it. Would be somewhat fun to use the default iron skin on Rhino Prime or etc.



P.S. Can we ever have colorable Wraith/Vandal weapons some day?

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Any plans for kubrows, if you got plenty(73) of them?


Is the concept of the Furion frame considered at all for future implementation, or is it just a "interesting, but nope" concept in the eyes of the developers?


In the last Devstream it was mentioned, that kavats will be more utility orientated while kubrows are more the damage dealing type.

Right now the damage isn't that great and is mostly hindered by pathing and AI of kubrows. Also we all know that damage falls of rapidly to more you go towards higher levels.

Can we expect a kubrow overhaul coming along with kavats, or will kavats take the crown as feral equivalents to the overused Carrier sentinel?

Edited by Gemenai
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1) You talked in the last devstream about reworking core gameplay mechanics alongside Sabotage 2.0. Does it also mean that you'll be improving for the Ninja aspect of Warframe, in other words, Stealth? If yes, how so?

(shootable lights, light/shadow mechanic to be less noticeable,stealth kills from above)


2) You said last year that we'll learn more about the Grineer Twin Queens. Do you have any additionnal info or artwork to show?

Same for a Corpus/ Void Big boss? (I think about the Neural Sentry or Ambulas/Frohd Bek


3) When is Spy 2.0 coming to the void? Any ETA?


4) Deception looks very outdated. Any plan for a 2.0? Just like Sabotage is getting some love right now.


5) Is the new frame a Pharaoh/african themed warframe? What's his abilities?What does he look like?


6) Anything about Star chart 3.0 to show, mr Steve?


7) When will quests be replayable?


8) Have you ever thought about making other common units infested? It doesn't make much sense that only moa, corpus crewmen & grineer lancer

 get zombified... Where are the infested butchers, heavy gunner infested, the corpus tech infested or even the diseased kubrow?


9) Do you plan on improving Warframe's immersion? Enemies only walk if unalerted, attack or lock doors but don't interact with their ship/environment at all (example : no one uses elevators in their own spaceship,nobody looks at their terminals).


10) We hear a lot of stories about civilians,but the universe still feels lifeless at times. How can we really hate the grineer if we don't see them enslaving colonists? It's hard to feel any empathy for our allies yet it's easy to feel greed for the rewards they offer. (In other words : where are the normal people outside the relays?)


11) Where are the difficulty sliders we had a preview of, a long time ago?


12) Do you plan on expanding the wildlife? Again,the game feels a bit lifeless without it...(Is there any bird in the galaxy?)


13) The Nikana,the Destreza & a few other weapons have their own idle stance. When can we expect the other melee weapons to get the same treatment?


14) Why don't you use several buttons for the combos instead of relying on pauses/hold? You said yourself that the fastest the weapons is, the hardest it is to perform.


Edit :

15) When will be able to give companions simple orders?


16) When will syndicate leaders do their own transmissions for syndicate missions? When will they receive their own troops as death squads?

Edited by unknow99
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question: we can trade prime bp, we can trade nezha parts, will we ever be able to trade other non-prime parts? aka vauban parts or detron/brakk parts etc? what about unleveled tac alert weapons that dont have a potato in them, is this really all that different from trading syndicate weapons? 

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The Current log-in reward system doesn't feel too rewarding. With larger, more anticipated rewards only coming in every 50 days or 100 days depending on your needs. Any chance at seeing a bit of a revamp, perhaps an "every seventh day" login reward of a Catalyst, Reactor, or Forma? Perhaps even a Weapon slot or Frame slot, encouraging newer players to stick around longer.


The Focus system currently encourages a very "Fire for your passives and forget" type of playstyle. The current "cooldown" system with the activated abilities encourages ignoring the ability for anything but it's passives as well. Lastly, the passives themselves certainly need to be looked at for balancing / changing. 


Any chance to see the main activated abilities get a proper overhaul to encourage a more strategic (Or at least active) style of play with Focus abilities?


Any chance to see the cool down system get an overhaul to work more similar to energy system or even the Syndicate proc system to encourage a more active use of Focus Abilities?


Can you provide any information on what you're looking at doing to the current Focus Passives, if anything?


Lastly, addressing the Lense system for gaining affinity for Focus Schools. One of Warframe's strengths has always (in my opinion) been it's variety in Frames and weapons (Playstyle, if you will). The current Lense system punishes people for playing multiple Frames and weapons since it promotes sticking with whatever Frame or Weapon your current School's Lense is installed in. Any plans to address the current situation where the Lense system actively punishes variety in playstyle?

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1- any plans on Reworking / Revamping Arcane enhancements?

I feel like changing them so we don't need to depend on a syandana or helmet would be nice.


2- can we get more customization options regarding color combinations on accesories?

So we can have 1 color combination on our Syandanas and a different color combination on our shoulders.


Looking forward to the stream!

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With Kela de Thaym getting her full revamp in U19, does this mean that all focus will be directed into unit, world, location, and boss building for the Corpus? They've been in the "Reassuring pat devoid of any true meaning" corner for too long, and I would love to see more content related to their growth as a faction, similar to what the Grineer's been getting this past year.

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Recently (ehm...) you reintroduced charged attacks, but their mechanic is in conflict with the combo system, punishing in particular throwing weapons such as the Glaive that now are really slow to charge and also need to attack at least once before charging the throw. Any progress  in fixing this problem?


Always speaking of melee, what about changing the combo system to make it more dynamic with the use of different button combination instead of hold and pause ? (for example introducing rolling in the combo system, or reworking the wall attack, also we still have the secondary fire unused in melee stance)


Nobody talks about it publicly, but Loki needs a serious rework: Decoy needs more utility/survivability (why a hologram dies?), Invisibility needs some unique mechanic, or at least a dowside (example: Ivara's prowl makes her unable to run), Swith Teleport needs more interaction with the environment (explosive barrels, anybody?) and with enemies (I dream of being able to glide on a hole and switch to make the enemy fall to death, but now you're lucky if you teleport in the enemy face)...


As someone else asked, news on Ash/Volt/Mag reworks?


A friend of mine tried to play after a long time away from the game and now he doesn't have a clue of what to do and how because the game is so huge but still chaotic for a newcomer... so the question is: what about new player experience/starchart 3.0 (if ever it's implied)?


Last question: your discussions about mandatory mods, scaling and so on, ended up in something concrete or the "debate" is still on?

Edited by Drufo
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1st question: Are Bursas going to be tweaked, based on feedback from https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/610948-a-concise-review-of-the-riotbursa-moa-a-letter-of-concern-by-volkovyi/ ?


2nd question: Will Kubrow AI ever get looked at? They're ludicrously aggressive, make no attempt to avoid hazards like Osprey sappers, and have terrible pathfinding.




(Also, please give us a Tyl Regor noggle.)

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