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Developer Workshop: Chat UI Overhaul


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I hope changing the chat means you're looking into fixing the integration on controller players with the existing chat. I play in Big Picture mode and have a keyboard connected (which is good because pressing the T key is the only way to bring up the chat at all) and after pressing the X button on my 360 controller to engage typing I get this:TJ4WP19.jpg


This is horrible if it occurs in a mission because I'm not able to see the game screen at all. It almost feels like being punished because I learned how to play this type of game on a controller and not a keyboard.

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"to align better with the rest of the UI"

the rest of the UI is not even finished, there are things that have different design than the other

...u should rather start working on usability and efficiency of the entire UI and HUD design, it might look good, but that's all there's to it

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I hope it will be possible to disable this "emoji"... Completely. Or at least replace them with regular text smiles....

And I hope that would be also possible to switch back to text channel names from icons....

And, IMHO, best chat interface:

Channel list -- left(or upper/bottom)

Chat -- center

User list -- right(or left)

Input line -- bottom, right under the chat/userlist

All borders -- 1 pixel black (or white) line

1 pixel spacer around all borders and other elements

( Optional -- nickname indent line in chat )

Timestamp variants: HH:MM / HHMM / HH:MM:SS / HHMMSS ...

Compact monospace font, at least something like Consolas or Fixedsys

And everything resizable.... And that would be nice to be able to creatt custom (invite only) channels too...


P.S. Compact-minimalistic version -- without extra spacers, no dots in timestamps/date, no extra spacers, only minimum required to make text readable, no bold/italic fonts....

Edited by RadYogh
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Looks really nice, can't wait to test that out in the game.


Now what I'd really like to see is some kind of (possibly opt-in) broadcast feature, with which I could ask people on my friend list if someone's interested in running a mission. And I don't mean it should just broadcast a personal message; instead it should open a channel which automatically adds all the guys who have this enabled.

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This feel really little spot to click on also can you do following :

-When looking to recruit able to : allow / ban some frame also add MR restriction?

-For Item linking : Please before doing this think twice , I find this feature awsome but there will be some major abuse like the current chat system the better spammer / who copy paste overshadow others sellers/buyers Hope this won't do something worst 

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On 2/23/2016 at 6:58 AM, DE_Adam said:

There are a lot of changes are coming for Chat, and we wanted to give everyone a preview on what to expect on 18.5 and beyond.  Visually it’s been totally redesigned to align better with the rest of the UI, as well as added new functionality that will make chatting with players more intuitive. 

Major changes include a collapsible user list, with channel tabs are now appearing as icons.  Private messages will still show full names, and will appear next to the channel icons.


We've added emoji support to the chat, the generic ones you’d expect, plus a few Warframe-themed emojis including everyone's favorite Grineer:



You can also change the theme for emojis to your liking:




Emojis can be selected from a side menu or you can use the new auto complete feature of the chat.




The new auto-complete can be also used to type the names of players who have recently spoken using the prefix @, and doing this will cause the player to see a special notification in chat.   The auto-complete function will have full support on PC and PS4, but the Xbox One keyboard unfortunately does not have the ability to support this feature.

We also added chat history for PC, so by pressing up while focused on the chat textfield you will see previous messages you sent.

POST U18.5 Changes:

Unfortunately, some features we're most excited about are not ready for release with 18.5, but are very close to completion.  The following features are scheduled for release after 18.5, as soon as they are up to our standard of quality:

  • Mission linking in chat: This will allow players to select a Derelict Survival Key (for example) and beside the invite button there will be recruit button which will let you send a message to either Clan, Alliance or Recruitment chat channels. The message will have a clickable link, which will allow players to join your mission.
  • Item linking in chat: This will allow player to show Mods, weapons, and other items in chat via a link.  The link will show details of the items sent, like when you preview an item in the store.
  • Clickable player names:  Currently you can click on the names of players who sent messages, but we want to have the same functionality for when you see a player name sent through the auto-complete feature.

those post 18.5 changes sound so dang awesome :D

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Good gravy.  Guys, I like the changes and the graphics update, but this 'autocomplete' for emojis is awful.

I can't do so much as an ":D" to my team without tapping a few extra times to skip past a bunch of stupid emoticon suggestions that I'll never want to use.

Please let us disable this autocomplete 'feature'.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It would be nice if each tab could have it's own color. I've been sending the wrong txt to the wrong tab. = ) If i'm actively chatting with someone and another person sends me a message it shows up in the same window with the same color. yeah I know I should pay more attention but sometimes we get busy doing other things.

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What we wanted: The ability to customize which chat channels we can see in one tab (color-coordinated of course), and the ability to use slash commands (such as /party, /clan, /alliance) to change which chat channel we were talking in.

What we got: the same features, just with emotes.

Edited by Magnar21
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  • 2 weeks later...

I really want a friends tab,  here's why,  say I have lots of friends who are not in my clan or alliance,  and I want to run missions with them,,  I have to go communication then friends just to see if there on,  not too good,  I always miss when my friend's are actually on because I can't check every 5 minutes,  so if we  have a friends tab,  it will be just as if it's a clan chat,  where you can post and all your friend's can see,  so if I wanna run a lor for example,  and you still need more people,  but don't wanna go to recruiting,  you can post in clan,  alliance and friends,  also please show notifications in chat,  so if you get a friend request you can see it,  most of time I gave dozens that I didn't even know I had,  please consider these ideas, thanks De,  for this wonderful place to play and call home. Long live de

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