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Yes, a Bursa thread.


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They are completely broken in sorties. Their stats as well as their spawn mechanic.

Lets put aside their (completely bonkers) HP scaling/mobility/CC/frontal immunity and damage aside for a second and talk about the spawn mechanic. As shown in the screenshot below, the enemy count is 456. When i started it was about 400 (which is nuts in solo) and kept raising one by one every time lotus alerted me of a Bursa spawn.

It was close to 500 when i died for the 4th time. So lets say the enemy count was 400 at the start and 500 when i failed. That means it spawned 100 Bursas.

One hundred sortie level Bursas.

Instead of replacing an enemy (as it should) it ADDS one to the existing counter. I have to ask, is anyone able to do corpus sortie exterminates without cheese tactics? I resorted to Loki once again.

DE pls fix.




Edited by Misgenesis
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I completely agree with you here. You can hardly kill one when another spawns. Not to mention they kill you instantly when you screw something up and have tons of health. I tried today's exterminate a couple of times and eventually took Valkyr. It is possible to stop their spawns by turning of the alarms, but it is hard to do with their aoe and knockdowns. Invisibility frames also can have a hard time after bursas start spawning. Isolator bursa for example keeps on shooting its nullifying bubbles and spamming knockdowns; doesn't matter if you're invisible or not. It wouldnt be half bad if it was possible to finish the mission without any alarms, but try doing that with most of the frames.

This needs to be adressed. While we're at it, extermination in general needs to be adressed. Infinite spawns like this one, large groups of enemies spawning on top of one another, and maps too tight to fit everything all need to go.

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Assuming you're decently geared if you're doing a Sortie, there's a few tricks to try. They are vulnerable to finishers, Excalibur is by far the easiest way to kill them via RB, but most frames have abilities that will stun them too, opening then to easy kills, anything with Puncture and Radiation seems to work(Sancti Tigris, Vaykor Hek both one shot level 100 bursa) other weapons will work too, I quite like Nikana finishers, yet to try Covert Lethality on them. But the most important thing is to drop Air Support to stop them spawning, trust me it's your best friend. 

Edited by Zilchy
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I have to agree with @Zilchy. If you're decently geared, you should't have much problem, i still remember False Profit and how easy was to disable them with a Melee smash on their back. Although i know they're completely Overpowered because of their spamming mechanics, i think they could get a really nice slowdown and health/shield reduction for the Sortie Missions as they are a pain sometimes (I admit that) and make the sorties almost impossible to complete (Had this happening on the last sortie i did). 

Some tweaking should bring back a more balanced behavior for the Bursas without making them really easy to defeat, i like the challenge they present. 

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The other problem is the bursa's spamming attacks. If there are multiple and you get knocked down it is impossible to get back up because they attack so often with their knockdown attack.

Also if there are some sapping osprey with them it doesn't matter which Warframe you are it is almost impossible. I tried with a Rhino that had every power strength mod on and my Iron Skin still went down in a couple of seconds hence making Rhino useless

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3 hours ago, Misgenesis said:

Not in my experience. I use Toxin and Radiation on my SancTigris and it barely scratches them.

Are you shooting them in the rear console after stunning them? That's what I do. 

1 hour ago, MajPinkie346 said:

The other problem is the bursa's spamming attacks. If there are multiple and you get knocked down it is impossible to get back up because they attack so often with their knockdown attack.

Also if there are some sapping osprey with them it doesn't matter which Warframe you are it is almost impossible. I tried with a Rhino that had every power strength mod on and my Iron Skin still went down in a couple of seconds hence making Rhino useless

CC them before they can CC you. Air support charges locks down alarms and prevents more from spawning. Another tip for the speed of their turn around, equip Coolant leak on your sentinel and use bullet time as you jump over them or slide past them. The most dangerous attack is the Isolator's nullify blob and you get a warning  to dodge because the Bursa will make that shriekong sound before firing it.

Edited by Zilchy
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33 minutes ago, Spellcasterz said:

As was said,bursas also utterly nullify some Frames,which if they are to stay with their current overwhelming spawn mechanics needs to change.

Solo Nyx might as well leave as soon as an alarm goes up in a corpus sortie.

It's not the strongest frame for dealing with them, as I found out when running a test on each frame for another thread, but she's not completely incapable. Mind Control is duration reduced, but does give you a chance to pump some free damage into the back panel (remember it does take the damage once MC wears off). Absorb damage just gets completely 'lol,  nope'd though, with that frontal shielding.

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Might be bad in sorties, but it's also bad in average extermination alerts. I was soloing one yesterday, starting with about 140 enemys, no consoles to deactivate alarms. After like 20 seconds lotus started to announce the alarm has attracted a bursa. So I killed it, it spawned another one, I killed it, another one spawned... and so one. I left the mission at around 78/225, just because it wasn't that fun to do.

Besides, other corpus enemys just disappeared from time to time as soon as I was aiming at them; resulting in "...the alarm has attracted a bursa". Forgot to take a screenshot of the area, that had no more standard enemys, but was fully populated with bursas.

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Bursa are completely fine in Sorties. Sorties are end-game content which is supposed to be a final test for your strength.

On the opposite, I suggest to increase Manic spawn rates and make Juggernaut spawn chance 100% soon after 2nd roar in sortie missions.

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The general Bursa spawn rate needs to be adjusted.  With their inclusion, Corpus missions went from "a respite from Grineer armor" to tiptoeing around trying desperately to not set off an alarm.  With Manics, at least you know that you're going to get a break once you've killed it, as it's rare to get consecutive spawns.  With Bursas, their level increases every time they spawn, and for low level players, it's virtually impossible to take down a Bursa before the next one spawns on areas as early as Jupiter.  I was helping someone chop up Salad V, but by far the greatest threat was not the boss, but the Isolator Bursa that kept dragging the poor guy around with its tow-line.  Combined with its lengthy knockdown, he eventually gave up trying to fight it himself and had to ask for help from the rest of the squad.  It was a particularly sadistic Bursa, as it seemed much more intent on knocking him to the ground than actually shooting him.

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7 hours ago, SonicSonedit said:

Bursa are completely fine in Sorties. Sorties are end-game content which is supposed to be a final test for your strength.

On the opposite, I suggest to increase Manic spawn rates and make Juggernaut spawn chance 100% soon after 2nd roar in sortie missions.


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On 2/25/2016 at 0:21 AM, Zilchy said:

Air support charges locks down alarms and prevents more from spawning. 


Except you cannot drive a pimp ship and use useful air support charges.  


Off-Topic:  I made a post before that air support charges need to be independent of ship and each ship you craft unlocks a new blue print charge.  In otherwords, everyone gets the security, the you get new blue prints you can craft if you own new ship.  


The lotus ship is my least favorite, but I have to run it if I want most advantages.  


On-Topic:  Mirage hall of mirrors with synod simulor makes short work of them at any level. Sure it's cheese, but everything tastes better with cheese.



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Today i was playing syndicate daily mission, which was a corpus mission. Almost all enemies were killed, when 1 bursa showed up. I hacked it and another bursa comes (and more enemies). Finally i had to abort mission, because there was like 4-5 bursas and i was playing alone, so it would take too much time to hack/kill them all. This needs to be fixed, mission should be possible to finish with all enemies killed (it was showing 77//77), even when there would be bursas alive.

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4 minutes ago, Lazard said:

Today i was playing syndicate daily mission, which was a corpus mission. Almost all enemies were killed, when 1 bursa showed up. I hacked it and another bursa comes (and more enemies). Finally i had to abort mission, because there was like 4-5 bursas and i was playing alone, so it would take too much time to hack/kill them all. This needs to be fixed, mission should be possible to finish with all enemies killed (it was showing 77//77), even when there would be bursas alive.

Now that's just stupid. 

And I can agree with the constant Bursa spawning, I had that happening to me.

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Two showed up on yesterdays sortie 3. It was a Defense mission, with elemental resistance. They spawned at the end of the final wave. I was in a PUG consisting of MR19's and 20's. We battled for ~20 mins, by the end 3/4 of us were out of revives and the host QQ'd and we disbanded. I changed my load-out and jumped back in it. New PUG was a MR8, 9 and 12 and myself (20). Thought to myself, this should quick, and it was! No, not that, we steam rolled the mission with no bursas spawning.

So yea, I have no idea what causes them to spawn. There was no active alarm, unless defense mission are "always on" alarm mechanics. 

I enjoy them being added back into the game with higher spawn rates. But, 2 level 100's with elemental resistance and lord knows what kind of armor scaling, T_T

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The Bursas are supposed to be a difficult, rare, enemy to encounter that requires the crazy advanced tactics of sticking your Boltor Prime up its arse in order to down it and hack it. *EDIT* Which can prove nearly impossible when it's Denial(?) Bursas that freak out and spam Shockwave to knock you down infinitely until you and your teamates are killed. The others have their own annoying things to them, but I've been most pissed at the Denials.

I think the most broken thing here, that is possibly a coding error, is the fact that it INCREASES the enemy counter of a set-and-stone Exterminate mission (varies in amount to kill, but BEFORE the mission begins). Honestly it's so bad, that it has to be a bug, there's no way that this could be intentional. It makes Corpus Sortie Exterminates so incredibly frustrating when you're constantly backtracking to kill a bunch of stupid Bursas that constantly increase the kill-count amount, nearly leading in an endless cycle if you're not quick enough. 

Don't worry, man. You're not the only one here...

Edited by ViolettaFoxx
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On March 1, 2016 at 8:18 AM, SonicSonedit said:

Bursa are completely fine in Sorties. Sorties are end-game content which is supposed to be a final test for your strength.

On the opposite, I suggest to increase Manic spawn rates and make Juggernaut spawn chance 100% soon after 2nd roar in sortie missions.

One of the best ideas on the forums in a long time. Please promote this dude to king of the forums.

Fantastic idea, i love it! This would be great.

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