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Worst Corpus enemy : Bursa


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they aren't that bad. I like them because they give you a genuine reason to keep the Alarms off. If you were to do Warframe missions IRL, you would want to avoid alerting anybody at all, but in Warframe, without the Bursas, there isn't really a penalty for being discovered other than the annoying lockdowns which a Cipher can solve. with Bursas, you are inclined to play a little differently, and you can finally say "oh SHISH!" if you set off an alarm. makes it way more fun IMO.

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3 hours ago, siralextraffo said:

I honestly like the Bursa addition, but I admit that yesterday I quite paniced during Sortie 3, as one guy left after 5 minutes, the friend I was playing with(connected with Skype too)ended the revives at minute 8 and the other PUG was a Mag which really did a good job but finished the revives at 4 minutes left.

I found myself alone with Ash, dealing with all those bubbles preventing me to use BS and Ospreys everywhere: I did just fine until Bursa started to spawn and boy, the field became really a bloody mess.

I managed to complete the mission but it was really on the edge between intense fun and frustration, luckily on the fun side for a few millimeters...

I know the feel. Once myself on a sortie, 2 or 3, don't remember, was a defense for Corpus. 2 players, a friend and me. I was in charge of CC while my friend was a Tryn. It was all fine with unlimited CC until due to reasons, my friend started afking from time to time.

You can imagine my frustration in the last waves, being basically me against enemies meant for 2 players. A real pain, but I managed to do it.

I certainly don't wish that to anyone. If the techs alone were bad enough... You can imagine the rest.

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I haven't been playing sorties since the second season because I chose to use my limited time doing other things, like helping clan members with frame/weapon farming etc and I already have the sortie reward weapons. However, I started again two days ago to farm the Sheev parts.

I felt I should add a few comments that are related to the OPs post.

1. Bursas are just a small part of the overall core problem with the direction the game is being developed.

2. Bursas alone (even with the multi, overlapping spawn rates) can be dealt with using the right gear and a little organization.

3. Its when the Bursas are combined with mine ospreys that materialize out of thin (laggy?) air and one-shot you or multiple party members. There is also the mystery (for me) deaths from some unidentified enemy (snipers maybe?)

The reason I say this is that a Sortie #1 shouldn't be so glitched and/or intentionally hard or impossible to complete. Let me explain...

Yesterday, the party I was in (3 orther pugs) didn't have too much of a problem killing the 229 (1st try) or 300+ (2nd & 3rd try) corpus in the exterminate sortie #1. We revived each other when down and handled Bursas well until we completed our kill number.  THEN, even more bursas, ospreys and corpus crewmen kept spawning and we never got the green extraction marker on the mini map. Now we all started dropping like flies and started using our revives. I ran ahead to look for the end Tile and was one-shotted on a tile that had no enemies or displayed any on the mini map.

^ We eventually ran out of revives waiting for extract marker and had to abort a completed mission. This happened 2 more times in a row. I then tried to stealth solo it but every enemy I snuck up behind (invis loki) didn't give stealth finisher and sounded alarm. I logged out of warframe and came back a few hours later and completed the sortie with another PUG without a problem.

The problem as I see it is that the design of the missions is like an algorithm that has many sub-routines that artificially boost the AI when players trigger hidden switches like killing too quickly, use AOE nukes or run thru maps too quick (like late spawners back at the beginning of maps) <-----  Just my tinfoil hat theory.  I think mission balance needs another approach besides instant spawn overpowered nukers that no one even had a chance to react to, let alone players without top end gamer systems and internet.

Anywho, was just very disappointed in how sorties have evolved. With my mediocre system I think i'll forgo sorties and just play more stable parts of the game and trade for the parts.  

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The bursa's ARE the worst enemy because they can spawn AFTER the exterminate counter has already completed (which is bull*$#%)

A few sorties back with the corpus exterminate mission, I joined a PUG and ran through the exterminate mission with them. Aside from the bursas triggering more bursas, when we finally got to 303/303 MORE bursas kept spawning preventing us from completing the mission. The counter did not go up anymore, it stayed at 303 while we continued to fight wave after wave of bursas at the extraction point.

This happened AGAIN with todays sortie (27th of February) with the sabotage mission, after having to restart a few times (since radial explosions while you are raising the core destroys the core before it becomes destroyable and glitches the mission [I.E. anyone using synoid simulor]) the PUG I was in finished destroying the core. We were then tasked with killing the remaining corpus, and after one bursa ended with 45/45. Except it DIDN'T end, and while we were going to extraction we had three more bursas spawn, making the mission uncompleteable. After 15 bursas spawning while we are at extraction, we all aborted the mission and I joined another PUG. We killed the core, killed the corpus, killed the last bursa and headed to extraction with 110/111 since the bursa was still dying. We ALMOST made it to the extraction (at this point the kill counter got to 111/111) before we had one more bursa literally spawn right in front of us at extraction. Thankfully it did not bring any of its buddies along and we were able to kill it, wait for it to die, and complete. (On a side note, someone brought a Tonkor into the Assault Rifle only mission, how the hell does that work?)

Furthermore, on normal corpus exterminate missions, I can run Equinox with a decent range Maim (for those of you who don't play Equinox, Maim deals slash damage in an aura) which destroys any corpus camera before I get in range of it. Without any alarm happening, and without any camera beeping at me, I STILL had a bursa trigger. So whatever they are tied to needs to be discussed, or FIXED.

One fix that I have heard that I like is limiting the amount of bursas that can spawn per map
A less ideal one is making them weaker/reducing armor/reducing health/lower damage (they are one of the few mobs that are actually challenging, even if they are stronger than some bosses, they are pitifully weak to CC)
One fix that NEEDS to happen is to make them obey the knockdown rules that everything else follows. The waves should not knockdown a rhino with ironskin or nezha with warding halo. I have also noticed that my frames that have Handspring equipped, don't always jump straight back up, but go through the normal animation.


Bursas can spawn after you have killed everything and the exterminate counter is complete
"Alarms" that trigger bursas seem to be whatever the hell DE wants, it doesn't seem to matter what you do unless you go Loki and not touch ANYTHING
Fix them by limiting them in SOME manner
* ideal: limit spawns per map
* less ideal: reduce health/armor/damage
Make them obey the knockdown rules everything else uses, a bursa should not knockdown a Rhino with Iron Skin or a Nezha with Warding Halo



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The problem seems to be less with the Bursas themselves and more with their crazy spawn rates. They're like hydra heads: kill one and two more have shown up. When you only have to deal with one (maybe even two) they're a lot more manageable.

That said though, there's something particularly agitating about Isolator Bursas and that one ground slam they have that takes like five seconds to recover from, which they usually follow up with a OHKO shotgun blast to the face. It's just... wow. GG Isolators. At least the other Bursas have the courtesy to kill you quickly, but these bastards just love to let it sink in that they're going to kill you while you can only watch.

Edited by Paradoxbomb
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They come WITHOUT alarms!

The sortie I completed we killed everything going there, and everything back. NO ALARMS still spawned
Exterminates that I do with Equinox killing everything there and maim destroying all cameras. NO ALARMS still spawned

If they ONLY came when the alarms were triggered this wouldn't be half the issue that it is, but they come with or without alarms, can spawn AFTER the kill counter is complete (preventing the mission from completing), and what else that triggers them is unknown.

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1 hour ago, FoxnEagle said:

They come WITHOUT alarms!

The sortie I completed we killed everything going there, and everything back. NO ALARMS still spawned
Exterminates that I do with Equinox killing everything there and maim destroying all cameras. NO ALARMS still spawned

If they ONLY came when the alarms were triggered this wouldn't be half the issue that it is, but they come with or without alarms, can spawn AFTER the kill counter is complete (preventing the mission from completing), and what else that triggers them is unknown.

During sortie missions alarms are automatically on and you can't turn them off.

At least that happened when I did today's sortie.

The only way around it is to smash a window to cause a lockdown, then hack the panel and it will let you hack it again to turn off the alarms.

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Sometimes missions do begin like that, i have faced a few on phobos, stealth kills become impossible and the enemies go after you when you begin the mission, you have to force a loackdown and then hack twice.

Bursas are indeed annoying and an enemy that delays simplistic missions, but they don't break the game to the point it deserves fixing.

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I have had next to no experience fighting them. So when one of them spawns I am like "What the hell is that?".


I recently fought one and its possey of sappers, miners a tech and two elite crewmen.

I genuinly ccould not for the life of me figure out how to kill it and aborted the mission oit of sheer frustration. 

why? first I died from something I could not see. It was a grenade I later found out.

it then stomped and the favourite part, flashed me with a glorious whitescreen. during wich it killed me again with a new grenade.

I get that you need to know how theh work to beat them, but this was my first ever in warframe that I was too frustrated to keep playing.

for me, that is not fun.

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I have had a bursa spawn literally right behind me. The alarms had just gone off and I had just killed the guy who just activated the alarms and it spawned. It proceeded to spawn more bursas after I killed it and disabled the alarms . . . if I had actually had taken a video I would have a clip where lotus is telling me that a bursa spawned twice in a row with the warning ending and starting again.

A few of the problems I have with the bursas include: (Also please correct me if I'm wrong or misunderstanding something that I've experienced)

  • Immunity to punch through (shoot a bow at one and it should go through its shields and hit it)
  • Immunity or seemingly so from splash damage if you shoot it from the front
  • Incredibly spammy knock down proc
  • Can spawn another when it is dead
  • Can spawn with alarms off if the alarms have been triggered at all
  • Can spawn immediately after alarms have been triggered.
  • One of the bursas can trigger the alarms which then causes more to spawn faster
  • Can spawn after all kills have been done in an exterminate
  • Takes reduced damage from headshots (either 10% or 20%) unlike anything else in the game
  • Can spawn too close to the player for someone to react
  • No level cap
  • Can spawn on any planet (thus giving new players a horrible day)

Again, please correct me if I'm wrong but for the moment I'll be avoiding Corpus missions in general.

Edit: Maybe there could have an event where the Tenno and Grineer work together to sabotage the Bursa production to make them easier to deal with.

Edited by AwesmePersn
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On 25.2.2016 at 3:53 PM, Charko said:

Bursa are harder then many Corpus boss… 

Exactly what I thought. Especially when they come in packs of 2 or 3. 


On 27.2.2016 at 8:41 PM, FoxnEagle said:

They come WITHOUT alarms!

I had three bursa at wave 5 of a defense mission. Killing them was hard work and there was nothing to enjoy. When I want tough enemies I go for sorties but do not expect something like this in a normal/relaxing grind mission. It just feels out of proportion and it breaks the flow of the missions. 

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On 2/25/2016 at 3:42 AM, Shoelip said:

The more Bursas you let spawn the higher their level gets.  You need to shut down the alarms as quickly as possible to avoid them.  Also I'm not sure what was going on with your mission, KnaveofSwords.  That just sounds like a bug.

Except that turning off the alarms doesn't stop them from spawning.

For example I was leveling all freshly formaed gear and hopped into Venus thinking that since I was leveling everything up (low conclave and highest piece of gear starting the mission was level 8) it wouldn't be too bad a place to go.  And I decided to PUG the simple exterminate.

Lo and behold by the end of the Exterminate we had faced over 150 enemies due to Bursas endless spawns.  Even though we never triggered the alarms.  We had destroyed every camera before it spotted us and no unit had triggered the alarms.  Yet the Bursas kept spawning and spawning and spawning and spawning.

And even though no one was in maxed out gear, all low MR players except for myself who didn't even have level 10 gear, the Bursas were level 30ish.

Fact is Bursas are just flat broken and need to be fixed.

On 2/27/2016 at 0:34 PM, IronWolfKnight said:

Turn. the. damn. alarms. off.

Seriously it should be known by now that Bursas only come after you if the alarms are currently on.

Turning off the alarms doesn't help.  Even in normal starchart missions.

Especially when they start spawning after you kill all the enemies on a map in an Exterminate with no alarms and the mission becomes uncompletable because a Bursa spawned somewhere behind you and by the time you reach that bursa and down it 3 or 4 more have also spawned making it an endless problem with absolutely no end in sight or way to stop it.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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23 minutes ago, Tsukinoki said:


Except that turning off the alarms doesn't stop them from spawning.

For example I was leveling all freshly formaed gear and hopped into Venus thinking that since I was leveling everything up (low conclave and highest piece of gear starting the mission was level 8) it wouldn't be too bad a place to go.  And I decided to PUG the simple exterminate.

Lo and behold by the end of the Exterminate we had faced over 150 enemies due to Bursas endless spawns.  Even though we never triggered the alarms.  We had destroyed every camera before it spotted us and no unit had triggered the alarms.  Yet the Bursas kept spawning and spawning and spawning and spawning.

And even though no one was in maxed out gear, all low MR players except for myself who didn't even have level 10 gear, the Bursas were level 30ish.

Fact is Bursas are just flat broken and need to be fixed.

Turning off the alarms doesn't help.  Even in normal starchart missions.

Especially when they start spawning after you kill all the enemies on a map in an Exterminate with no alarms and the mission becomes uncompletable because a Bursa spawned somewhere behind you and by the time you reach that bursa and down it 3 or 4 more have also spawned making it an endless problem with absolutely no end in sight or way to stop it.

Hm, definitely a bug.  That's never happened to me.  In any Exterminate game I've played Bursas only ever spawned when the alarms were triggered.

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23 hours ago, k0Sh_wf said:

Exactly what I thought. Especially when they come in packs of 2 or 3. 


I had three bursa at wave 5 of a defense mission. Killing them was hard work and there was nothing to enjoy. When I want tough enemies I go for sorties but do not expect something like this in a normal/relaxing grind mission. It just feels out of proportion and it breaks the flow of the missions. 

Unfortunately that's what brainless powering fanboy's want, crying about lacking of challenge every now and then for their fully modded Tonkor and Boltor Prime. They got T4, they got Raid, they got Sorties, they got tons of annoying fieldboss but they never satisfied... it would be great if such players really use their brain, thinking about the impact on other who prefer relaxing in every single normal missions. Everytime after DE released a new mob, what I feel was only a gasp about their disgusting poorly-defined balance.

Edited by VCaptiion
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