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A frame good for anything?



This question might have been asked several times. Is there a general purpose frame? Wanna main a new frame and looking for someone who is fast, fun, can use both melee and guns, fun and that I can take anywhere (survival, defense, intercept, spy etc). A frame good for both solo and party play. And did I mention fun xD? Which frame/frames fit into this list, and Who you enjoy more? 

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Loki. Not just because of my stat "most used frame (for 3 years)", no, simply, because it is more than an allrounder.

You have stealth. The counterpart to Rhino's Iron Skin. Makes you "invurnable", in terms of "no damage", since the enemy is not able to see ya, thus being safe.

Having the possibility for massive CC (crowd control) with Radial Disarm.

Luring enemies to a specific spot, if using Decoy in combination with Radial Disarm and blasting them away with a Tonkor, Penta, or whatever you like as an AoE weapon.


You can combine every aspect of him, since he needs absolutely NO STRENGTH MODS! Having an avg. 13s invisibility, over 32m radial disarming range, decoy maintains for approx 20s.

You can use this even for high level defenses (Lv 35+ nodes) and solo them. There is absolutely no stress involved for you, since you will maintain your invisibility and disarm as well, luring the enemy to the center (either core or decoy) and having fun shooting them sky high.

Edited by 0Skyrim0
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I would say a well modded Loki can go everywhere. He is maybe not the 100% Best Choice Frame for every Mission-Type but he can do every mission just fine.

Capture, Rescue, Spy, Sabotage, Deception - Here he shines the most

Sorties, Survival - in some he is brillant in others he is just ok but total not a bad choice

Def, Interception - Disarm-Loki here you go!

Problems he got? Nullifier and Scambus get on his nerves but still handable...oh and he can die easily if you dont know what you do(or a good damn valkyr runs around in your back and you end up as bullet sponge)

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radial disarm/decoy for defense/mobile defense/sabotage(if you have to hold any point basically minus interception works because in my opinion invi works better)make sure though your weapons are AoE or have large range melee weapon---

Invisability/decoy/switch teleport for what ever is left because extermination invi multiplier on unaltered/deception can't see u can't touch you/spy can't see you can't touch you....basically......capture easy to sneak pass the enemy get to position headshot your target bam if he gets to far a little switch to get him back.Hive type mission waltz right in shoot the tumors and boom walk right out.

Loki will perform as well as you have prepare him in combat....basically all his powers have utility

radial-disarm -takes enemy weapons away forcing them to be melee...with augmentation proc radiation

Switch teleport-put u in the location of the target enemy or ally...with augmentation or two loki max duration and augmented God Mode for whatever ally gets switch

Decoy-Decoy attract enemy fire and enemy to the decoy perfect synch with disarm and setting up explosive AoE type weapons

Invisability- make u not targetable unless weapons are loud then it brings them to your location but not fire upon you and gives you damage multiplier because mechanics...in addition with augmentation you now have silenced all your weapons making it easy for you to get kills without alerting other enemies

SO yeah Loki fits all shoes....Yes some can do the job better then him but he can do and bring something to all jobs  

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Even though I mainly play as Loki and would like to promote him, objectively, Excalibur is a decent all-rounder. Good survivability and mobility, and quick to recover from energy drains and leaves room for any adjustments if built for efficiency. Clear crowds, take on single tough enemies, clean up flying enemies, keep hostiles away from objectives and allies, stun them and pick them off one by one, you name it. Excalibur can pretty much do anything effectively.

Edited by LABAL
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Loki/Prime without question. Loki is arguably the most diversive frame out there. He is good for anything really, more so than Frost, who many people claim to be versatile (at least on the wiki).

His Invisibility can be useful in any situation, especially in Spy mode, so he can remain undetected throughout the entire ordeal.

His Decoy can be used as an aggro sponge to take the heat off of yourself or your team mates.

His Switch Teleport can be useful for downed squad mates who are surrounded by a horde of Butchers, Heavy Gunners and what not, so you can safely teleport them to the rest of the team to be revived (if Invisibility isn't an option, since you can still get downed fairly easily if you're in the cross fire whilst reviving someone), or you can switch places with an enemy to confuse him, giving you just enough time to do quick work of him, before he makes quick work of you! 

Radial Disarm though is the king in my book. With the Augment Irradiating Disarm you will be the king of the battlefield and own your enemies. Disarming all enemies within a certain radius is useful enough on its own, but couple that with a Radiation proc, and there will be no stopping you. Disarming and confusing adversaries can be especially useful in Interception or Defense modes, even in Survival it's what keeps me and my team mates alive after the 60 min. mark in the void.

He can be build to balance out all skills, and he would still be one of the best. With most Warframes, you tend to only want to use him/her for one or two abilities only, and will build accordingly, otherwise your utility or DPS would fall off compared to your squad mates after a certain point. This is where Loki excels in my book. I mostly use him for his disarming and invisibility skills though, and it works perfectly in sync. I also use his teleport frequently, though that's mostly just for fun.

In short: Loki sounds exactly like who you're looking for here. He is good for all game modes.

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  • Excalibur
  • Frost
  • Rhino
  • Loki

Those 4 are among the most versatile frames in the game and each of them can run pretty much run any mission type and be useful. Each of them is also equally useful for solo and team play. They are also all 4 part of the meta and frequently requested in recruitment chat.

Just be warned that of those 4 Loki requires the most mods and probably also knowledge of game mechanics to work well.

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Volt Prime is THE jack-of-all-trades frame. He has decent offense, defense, CC, utility. He goes fast, he hits hard, he's relatively well built on shields and armor and health. He has a ton of energy. He can't slaughter enemies like exalted blade or old miasma (let's be honest nothing should, those need a nerf BUT I DIGRESS) and he can't holdout a ton of locations at once like frost, but if you're looking for that one guy that can do everything pretty dang good- it's Volt Prime. (Normal volt is great too, but he has less energy and basically 0 armor so the buff is a lot more important than on most other prime frames).

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Well Warframe isnt about "main'ing" only 1 frame. If anything you should try to get all the frames. Least wise, your ready for anything. All frames serves a purpose. for example. 

Limbo - Capture, Rescue

Valkyr- Sorties, Survival

Nehza- Fast Runs (meaning like farming Alad V for Sensors.)

Sayrn- Crowd Debuffer

Mag- Destroys Corpus

just a couple to name.


Ps: The frame your describing dont exsist. There is no one frame that is good at all game modes (hint: thats why you should get all of them. A frame than can use both melee & guns honestly dont make any sense. Im not sure what answer your looking for there. 

Edited by (XB1)Cash201293
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6 minutes ago, (XB1)Cash201293 said:

Ps: The frame your describing dont exsist. There is no one frame that is good at all game modes (hint: thats why you should get all of them. A frame than can use both melee & guns honestly dont make any sense. Im not sure what answer your looking for there. 


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For general missions and stuff, I like Rhino, Volt, Excalibur, Frost, Valkyr, and Nezha. I find them to be great solo and on a team.  They all can bring something useful for the team in different situations.  All of the frames can be fast if you slap a rush mod on them, but I would go with either Volt and his speed ability and Nezha if you want someone fast out of the box. Rhino Prime with arcane Vanguard Helmet is fast, but both are only available via trading from other players because Rhino Prime has been vaulted and arcane helmets have been taken out of circulation long time ago.   Most of them are viable using for melee and gun because they're not that squishy if build right.   Most people probably don't share my opinion, but from that list I find Excalibur, Volt, and Nezha to be really fun.  Frost is definitely a lot more interesting post-rework, but he's slow moving so that lowers the fun factor.  At least Frost is now useful outside of defense missions. People complain Volt's powers don't do enough damage, but he's more of a crowd control and team utility frame.  Good news is Volt's rework is coming so hopefully his damage potential will be upped, but in some ways Volt is one of the most balanced frame in game already.

The only possible problem I see with all these frames is the ability to do spy missions if you want to get around undetected, but you can easily solve that problem by using Shade or Huras Kubrow.  Limbo and Loki are still king of spy missions, but if you learned the tricks and layout of the various vaults, you can use any frame in spy missions.

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I woud say Vauban is a pretty good allrounder with Bastille and Vortex. 


That said I would not suggest using only one warframe for all mission types. Let alone that playing in a team or playing solo also needs different frames. Using only one warframe makes the game boring real fast. Please get hold of different frames, use them and have fun.

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NyxNyxNyx Nyyyyx... well at least for me, she's my most used frame (I think... either her or Loki). Not sure if most people would find her fun though. As for why, she's well rounded (not too squishy, not too tanky, fairly fast and mobile) and for solo content her chaos and absorb are awesome.

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I can pretty much do anything I like with Volt Prime as long as I run an efficiency build (Fleeting Expertize rank 4, Streamline rank 4, Primed continuity/constitution). On defense and excavation, multiple instances of Electric Shield can be as efficient as Frost's Snowglobe. On survival, as long as you also have Quick Thinking and Flow, you are guaranteed to last kinda long. On Interception, Speed will allow you to reach objectives very quickly and not loose too much time. And if you go for anything else, you can rush it very quick. Unless you go for a Spy Mission : you can't really rush it and Volt has no real perk for those, but you can still finish those pretty easly as long as you learned about how to proceed in each rooms.

You can go with a classic Volt of course, but you'll be way less tanky.

Nyx is also kinda potent. I did surprisingly well in defense with her (thanks Absorb), and she's also good for anything else. If you use Chaos intelligently, nothing bad can happen to you.

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45 minutes ago, (XB1)Cash201293 said:

Ps: The frame your describing dont exsist. There is no one frame that is good at all game modes (hint: thats why you should get all of them. A frame than can use both melee & guns honestly dont make any sense. Im not sure what answer your looking for there. 

Volt says hi.

EDIT: Plus- "that can use both melee and guns doesn't make sense". What? Tenno- "masters of gun and blade". We're supposed to be masters of any and all weapons. Your comment is the thing that doesn't make sense...

Also you're*.

Edited by Stratego89
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I can't think of a more versatile frame than Excalibur. He has good tools for every single mission in the game, has at least one meta-build and still is the best frame to mow down tough enemies quickly. He is a one of the best frames for prolonged Survivals and also a one of the best universal Sortie frames.


Oberon on the other hand would be "the worst" all-round frame. He is all-rounded, yes, however he is bad on everything.

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1 hour ago, (XB1)Cash201293 said:

Well Warframe isnt about "main'ing" only 1 frame. If anything you should try to get all the frames. Least wise, your ready for anything. All frames serves a purpose. for example. 

Limbro - Capture, Rescue

Now that defense Sorties has been changed into defending an organic object, instead of a material one, this is what Limbo excels at more than Frost, due to his Banish. Sadly, even after the blatantly obvious change, I still mostly see Frosts everywhere with their Snow Globes covering the entire field, blocking everybody's line of fire. I very rarely run into a fellow Limbo in Sorties, it's mostly just myself. But I can't tell you how things would've ended if there wasn't a Limbo to protect the objective every time.

Anyway, just wanted to get it out there.

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Oberon definitely is a fun all-rounder, decent damage skills with 100% knockdown + confusion, and team healing / buffing? Neat.

There's also e.g. Equinox, you can go charging in with Maim stuns / blasts, stealth with Rest,

heal with Mend, buff with Provoke or defend with Rest + Peaceful Provocation Pacify.

Ember isn't too shabby, either - damage aside, Accelerant + Firequake is pretty serious CC that can be a big help in many missions.

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The most nutt cracking frames seems to be: Valkyr, Loki, Trinity, Vauban, Frost, Mag(Corpus). At least this are most popular.

In the end you gonna grab them all. So just build next. If you love it give it potate as sign of affection. If dont like, well mastery is always good.

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