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What if Disney bought DE and made Warframe canon to Star Wars?


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2 hours ago, Manolishill said:

It would be so cool, the Grineer would ally with the Empire so the bad guys would finally have soldiers who can aim at their targets. The Tennos would join the Republic and the Jedis/Warframes fighting the evil together by combining their powers into an unstoppable force, the Corpus would take advantage of this situation by selling products to both factions and salvaging the dead in order to gain the highest possible profit and the Sentient would see that everything has gone to hell and they would decide to destroy the entire universe.

If that happened, I would quit. I like SW but I don't like Disney SW.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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Disney getting ahold of Warframe means a couple of things.

1. The Baby Warframe show. Look at that cute baby waby Warframe. What "War"frame. No we mean Tennoiriffic frame!!!

2. Micky would get an Loki suit. Donald an Excalibur. Goofy would rock the Rhino, and so forth. They would also make stupid poses in them while Grineer soldiers danced around in musical numbers by Space Mountain.

3. Lotus would suffer two fates. Either die, since no mother can be allowed to live in a Disney Universe, or she'd become a princess with her own float. 

4. Lawyers, lawyers, lawyers everywhere. 

5. Say goodbye to gore.

6. Say goodbye to De the minute they have a bad month. Studio shut down, save the stockholders!!! Abort abort abort. 

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At any moment, a burst of highly radioactive high energy particles from a Gamma Ray Burst could hit this solar system and extinguish mankind and every living thing on this planet in an instant.  That would be infinitely more merciful then Disney buying DE.  (Possibly slightly exaggerated statement)

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If Disney ever buys Warframe we can at least expect an awesome movie for it. Are people hating Disney for nothing? They had the same reaction when they owned Star Wars, they proved everyone wrong and made a great movie.

Edited by BlazerEraser
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Disney don't even know how to star wars.

How is a company that is convinced talking cars are the best thing to ever happen on Earth, supposed to wrap their minds around mutated children who massmurder soldiers and twisted infected monsters all day long?


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If we could get all of the funding that Disney could put into it without DE giving up any creative control or having to integrate it into an existing franchise, I would be totally fine with that! Otherwise, Disney can keep their grubby mitts off of Warframe! LOL Though it might be funny to see how they deal with Valkyr as a Disney princess!!! LMAO

Edited by (PS4)CowboyJeff72
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15 minutes ago, TalonBlue said:

I'd love any real company take over this game from DE, because they don't have the first @(*()$ clue how to balance and maintain this game. Art design? Sure. Everything else? They suck.

Are you high? DE is thousands of times better than Disney, or almost any similar company for that matter. Are they perfect? Absolutely not. But I'd rather take DE over pleaseshootmenowwithaKraken Disney. They ruin everything they touch. 

Oh and the game, while not perfect [yet] is still much more balanced than it used to be.

Edited by PrVonTuckIII
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