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Weapon stats in nexus are buffed (hint of damage 3.0 change?)


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If you guys check warframe nexus app, it can be seen that some weapons have been buffed, some are minor but some are quite major. Some could be a result of rounding, but some weapons are changed quite significantly so it doesn't seem to be a mistake. Could it be that weapons stats in nexus are the future stats when damage 3.0 is implemented?

There are a lots of weapons, so i just pick some key primary weapons. Melee and Secondary also got buffed, but nothing unique that is worth mentioning. The interesting parts are the bows. Their damage are buffed significantly, but their crit chances are now on par with snipers.

If it's not on the list it doesn't mean it didn't get buffed/changed. I also simplify the damage for quick reading, so there could be some mistakes here. Please check the app yourself for more details

Forgot to say that none of these are 100% legit, it could always be just a mistake on anyone handling the app. So take it with a grain of salt


  • Spoiler


    • Boltor Prime : Current : 55, Nexus : 58
    • Braton Prime : Current : 35, Nexus : 38
    • Prisma Grakata : Current : 11 , Nexus : 15
    • Soma Prime : Current : 12, Nexus : 20




  • Spoiler


    • Dread : Current : 200, Nexus : 600, crit chance : 25%
    • Daikyu : Current : 350, Nexus : 805, crit chance : 25%
    • Paris Prime : Current : 200, Nexus : 581, crit chance : 25%
    • Rakta Cernos : Current : 300, Nexus : 676, crit chance : 20%
    • Attica : Current : 125, Nexus :137




  • Spoiler


    • Latron Prime : Current : 85, Nexus : 103
    • Sybaris : Current : 70, Nexus : 88
    • Lanka : Current : 525, Nexus : 656
    • Rubico : Current : 250, Nexus : 300
    • Vectis Prime : Current : 325, Nexus : 407
    • Vulkar Wraith : Current : 250, Nexus : 300




  • Spoiler


    • Hek : Current : 525, Nexus : 578
    • Vaykor Hek : Current : 525, Nexus : 656
    • Sancti Tigris : Current : 1260, Nexus : 1354



Edited by Rekkou
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5 minutes ago, SubjectL said:

This is going to get removed UNLESS its a bug


Your not meant to leak data, keep it to your clan/friends

Posting official stuff from an official app is leaking?

@topic: If this is true then just why? All these weapons doesn´t need a damage buff.

Edited by Kuestenjung
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15 minutes ago, Grobbus said:
22 minutes ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

Why the hek were the crits messed up on the bows???


But the damage appears to be 3 times higher? It's like a free crit. Well it's not but it's hell of a buff.

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23 minutes ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

Why the hek were the crits messed up on the bows???

my guess is this is the same as dex sybaris leak, it had wrong stats at first then got fixed

also, I don`t think with removing dmg mods can come a crit nerf, but a buff, DE can mess up this bad I think

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47 minutes ago, Kuestenjung said:

Posting official stuff from an official app is leaking?

@topic: If this is true then just why? All these weapons doesn´t need a damage buff.

It's not about just buffing weapons.  It's about how the changes to mods will reflect on the weapons, and their power relative to any changes in enemy stats and scaling.  If the Braton MKI for example were buffed to 22 damage (would like to see the app numbers,) we might infer that means enemies will have a higher base hp.  If you look at the bow and soma number tweaks, One can assume crit is getting a kick in the groin.  If we're to suspect the idea is less "spikes" in damage growth, that might suggest enemy scaling won't be nearly as steep as it is now.

But seeing numbers for weapons from an app alone isn't enough to provide solid evidence for any of the above, just suggests the possibility.

Edited by Littleman88
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24 minutes ago, SubjectL said:

Bows with less crit but more damage.. 25% crit chance.. With a banshee.. With diakyu.... I LOVE WHAT WILL COME NEXT! <3 (We need the warframe emoji on the forums)

We do have them though :clem: 

Also, I see the Boar Prime remains unchanged. Give it some more love (and PBR) please ;_; And Latron Prime, it needs more base crit! ;_; ;_;

Edited by NightmareT12
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4 hours ago, Bizzaro21 said:


praise da Lotus if this is true

i dont think i will ever touch snipers as long as they aren't able to bypass bubbles, so pointless buffs

de still doesn't understand the REAL problem with snipers

only reason im keeping a vectis around is for sorties

Edited by (PS4)SektorZR1
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44 minutes ago, (PS4)SektorZR1 said:

i dont think i will ever touch snipers until they aren't able to bypass bubbles so pointless buffs

de still doesn't understand the REAL problem with snipers

well at least they will be usable outside, now only lanka and vulkar get me anywhere, dunno bout rubico, others 100% suck...

as of now, the one shot weapons don`t one-shot anything S9MqoV0.png

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