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Mastery Rank for Sorties


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There is probably some minimum effort aproach to sortie:

  • Valkyr or RHino if we dont die that is half of victory
  • Some basic mods which drop everywhere
  • Syndicate mods from friendly clanmate
  • 300 plat for some harder mods or maybe prime weapons and a couples of potatoes
  • 1mln credits to level up mods which is just 50x sechuras (could drive crazy ;-)
  • Second Dream done for emergency focus ulti (Naramon turn lv 80 mobs against each other)

So there are options to be useful, even before most players decide it is good time for Sortie.

If someone choose to not be useful he will do it with MR0 or MR20.

Edited by felixsylvaris
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15 minutes ago, trieuazn0 said:

A Conclave requirment should be a thing for sorties as it shows the player is Geared with weapons and mods to run the mission (minimum of 800-1000 perhaps)

Conclave score says as little as Mastery Requirement does. in that doesn't say a whole lot / quite vague.

infact, to get actually high Conclave Scores, you deliberately Equip bad Mod Loadouts.

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Just now, taiiat said:

Conclave score says as little as Mastery Requirement does. in that doesn't say a whole lot / quite vague.

infact, to get actually high Conclave Scores, you deliberately Equip bad Mod Loadouts.

I guess DE needs to look at conclave ratings then, since it could be a pretty good tool to gauge player loadouts.

Of course, that needs weapon/mod rebalancing as well, which also needs enemy rebalancing, etc.

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3 minutes ago, p3z1 said:

since it could be a pretty good tool to gauge player loadouts.

maybe. however inevitably, there's going to be some niche Loadout that doesn't tally that much Conclave that someone will like, and they'll get locked out or something eventually because of it.
and that'll always happen.

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Just now, taiiat said:

maybe. however inevitably, there's going to be some niche Loadout that doesn't tally that much Conclave that someone will like, and they'll get locked out or something eventually because of it.
and that'll always happen.

Well, it IS a niche build. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't.

Then again, who am I to judge builds on a wonky system like today's conclave ratings on mods.

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2 hours ago, Nelkeel said:

Proposing to raise MR cap for sorties to 12 or sth like that. Rly don't like MR4 with Volt and MK-1 kunai entering my party. Yes i know i can search for party members on my own, but i really think it is a stupid idea for the matchmaking system to allow players that are not yet used to the game to do end game content.

I don't like that idea, and here's why.

I forgot why; why not make it like someone else mentioned. Some trial period, like in diablo 3. Or just make some sort of initiation quests that possess things in the sortie missions.

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This is very good idea to make quest for sorties, since quest are fun and give some MMO feeling into warframe.

Name: Trial by Fire


  • Second Dream done
  • Master Rank 4

General Rule: Enemies level 60+. Frame level 30 required. All condition of Sortie applies (hacking rules and stuff)


  1. Lone Tenno with essencial information was kidnapped by Grineer (as princes Peach) so we need Rescue him. Unfortunetly it took place in Eximus Stronghold.
  2. Lone Tenno is alive and safe, and now we go to abandoned Corpus lab to finish the job. Unfortunetly there is no Corpus there, but mutated Infested with elemental resistance. We need to cover Lone Tenno. Survival.
  3. We survived. Have data. Now we can take care of filthy Corpus. It would be mixed type sabotage mission with several reactor breaking in, and some finishing defense extraction point module. Corpus. Energy Reduction.

Resultion: Since we saved Lone Tenno (again) and prove our worth He (or She) will provide us with high priority targets now.


  • Orokin Reactor BP.
  • Sorties mode unlocked

Note: Any player can help us in quest. But will only progress his quest if he is on the same stage.


Edited by felixsylvaris
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2 hours ago, Nelkeel said:

Proposing to raise MR cap for sorties to 12 or sth like that. Rly don't like MR4 with Volt and MK-1 kunai entering my party. Yes i know i can search for party members on my own, but i really think it is a stupid idea for the matchmaking system to allow players that are not yet used to the game to do end game content.

I'm proposing they raise the grammatical requirements of being allowed to post of the forums to a 12th grade level or something like that.  I really dislike having to read posts by 4th graders.  Yes I know I don't have to read them but its a stupid idea blah blah blah...

Was that too harsh? So is your proposal.  If you dislike those that arrive in your purely random public squad, there is an abort button on the escape menu.  I use it often when I get a group I don't like. I leave even if the person is question is MR 19 if the frame they select is not something I want to play alongside for a pcr... sorry particular mission.

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Conclave isn't any better at showing a players competency or readiness for Sorties.   I can make a crap build that has really high conclave, MR12+ and still suck worse than Carrier. 

It honestly sounds like we just need a better matchmaking system.

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I tend to agree that seeing a MR4 player with a super squishy frame and kubrow is usually doomed to fail a Sortie but it isnt the Mastery ranking that's the problem. It's the Conclave rating.

It might benefit everyone if the Sorties had conclave limits and perhaps put a note for weaker players 'upgrading mods will increase your rating and power'.

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9 hours ago, Rinslaughter said:

So because your too lazy to find a group yourself or solo it you want the devs to cut out a large portion of the community from attempting to gain exclusive items that are only on the loot table for a short time? I would be ok with requiring a lvl 30 frame and 1 lvl 30 weapon but MR12.... what if someone with 500+ hrs in the game doesn't like mass crafting junk weapons/frames just to boost MR and has all the top teir weapons/frames already? This is a huge non-issue and you just need to chill and find a group.

It's not that i'm lazy, but personally i think that having a risk when going on public matchmaking is a bit wrong. Also, if u are not farming weapons what ARE you doing in warframe?

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9 hours ago, Xekrin said:

I'm proposing they raise the grammatical requirements of being allowed to post of the forums to a 12th grade level or something like that.  I really dislike having to read posts by 4th graders.  Yes I know I don't have to read them but its a stupid idea blah blah blah...

Was that too harsh? So is your proposal.  If you dislike those that arrive in your purely random public squad, there is an abort button on the escape menu.  I use it often when I get a group I don't like. I leave even if the person is question is MR 19 if the frame they select is not something I want to play alongside for a pcr... sorry particular mission.

No, it's not too harsh, I'm sorry for my grammatical errors like "sth", "rly", "u". Won't happen again. Okay, so look at it this way. You start a new MMO. You're low lvl and still finding your way through the mechanics and combat. There is an event and it gives event exclusive items. You try to go but you can't because you don't meet certain requirements. You don't get frustrated or anything because you know you just didn't have enough lvl or equipment to finish the event or even dailies for that matter. Lot's of MMO's unlock dailies at max lvl. I know i can't compare Warframe to other MMO's, but i'm trying to prove a point here.

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19 hours ago, Nelkeel said:

Proposing to raise MR cap for sorties to 12 or sth like that. Rly don't like MR4 with Volt and MK-1 kunai entering my party. Yes i know i can search for party members on my own, but i really think it is a stupid idea for the matchmaking system to allow players that are not yet used to the game to do end game content.

Maybe have the system group similar level bands together for sorties with the diffuculty level raised for the higher lvls with equal higher rewards.

But be prepared to be stuck in a squad on your own if you dont have the right lvl..

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Honestly, if you're a high MR player with good stuff and the right build , you can usually carry a team of noobs trough most sorties anyways. Sure you'll be rezzing them left and right, but hey, that's part of what being an experienced player about.

If you're contantly failing sorties with low MR randoms as a high MR player, it might be time to consider your builds / frame usage and to tailor them to actually carry the group.


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9 hours ago, Nelkeel said:

It's not that i'm lazy, but personally i think that having a risk when going on public matchmaking is a bit wrong. Also, if u are not farming weapons what ARE you doing in warframe?

Same as in every game, trying to have fun.

I think a lot of players forget what games are for...

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48 minutes ago, Fifield said:

Same as in every game, trying to have fun.

I think a lot of players forget what games are for...

Having fun is building a duration rhino build with previous rhino so you can charge through 3 rooms or build a volt solely on speed. Going on sorties with low lvl gear and can't killing enemies thus failing the mission is not fun. Making orokin drones fly horizontaly with nukor before it was nerfed, that is fun. Farming weapons and having your friends laughing in your face when you're not getting the part you needed after the 30th run, that is fun :D

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22 hours ago, Nelkeel said:

 I know i can't compare Warframe to other MMO's, but i'm trying to prove a point here.


The main problem with locking content under MR here is it isn't a direct reflection of what levels are in other MMO's.  Once any player ranks up their first frame/weapon to 30, there is no way to tell exactly what has happened to that frame/weapon afterward.

Any MR2 - 4 can potato any weapon / frame, even starter ones and proceed to forma those starter weapons/ frames multiple times without ever increasing in Mastery Rank overall.  Anyone can remain at any Mastery Rank for as long as they desire, either because they are holding off on ranking more equipment to 30 or because they haven't completed the MR Tests for whatever reason.

There is no exact and true way of determining one's experience/expertese in this game based on a number.  That is the problem.  Nearly every other game (that I know of) has a single reference for experience gained.  A level 50 is level 50.  Max Leveled players are the top of the game,  In Warframe that is not the case.

It is up to the developers to decide if they ever want to design a way to determine true experience and ability in this game for others to measure you by, until then they use MR for most content blocks, and it should be left in their hands.  If they deem MR4 to be high enough for sorties.  Well, so be it.  It is then left up to the players.

Many of the current MR locks in this game are rather silly I agree, locking out certain weapons while much better weapons are easily obtainable is one of the problems we face, but its out of our control, they know about it, many have already complained about it, there is nothing we can do but wait and see.

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23 hours ago, Xekrin said:


The main problem with locking content under MR here is it isn't a direct reflection of what levels are in other MMO's.  Once any player ranks up their first frame/weapon to 30, there is no way to tell exactly what has happened to that frame/weapon afterward.

Any MR2 - 4 can potato any weapon / frame, even starter ones and proceed to forma those starter weapons/ frames multiple times without ever increasing in Mastery Rank overall.  Anyone can remain at any Mastery Rank for as long as they desire, either because they are holding off on ranking more equipment to 30 or because they haven't completed the MR Tests for whatever reason.

There is no exact and true way of determining one's experience/expertese in this game based on a number.  That is the problem.  Nearly every other game (that I know of) has a single reference for experience gained.  A level 50 is level 50.  Max Leveled players are the top of the game,  In Warframe that is not the case.

It is up to the developers to decide if they ever want to design a way to determine true experience and ability in this game for others to measure you by, until then they use MR for most content blocks, and it should be left in their hands.  If they deem MR4 to be high enough for sorties.  Well, so be it.  It is then left up to the players.

Many of the current MR locks in this game are rather silly I agree, locking out certain weapons while much better weapons are easily obtainable is one of the problems we face, but its out of our control, they know about it, many have already complained about it, there is nothing we can do but wait and see.

Well ofcourse MR is only a number and is no way of determining one's skill in Warframe. Still I think something needs to be done when we are talking about sorties. The idea for a test or a challenge specially designed to test one's skill for sorties is also good since we all know that MR means nothing

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To be fair when we open for pubs doing Sorties the forth player is usually a welcome meatshield. For spy missions we never open, because it usually ends in a cluster f...est.

Warframe would really need a proper lobby system tho. Nothing is more painful than doing Void keyshare hostings. That feature should be already exist with automatic key save to avoid that key grifting and long setup times.

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