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Infested noises and Orbiter - NOT U19 [Megathread]


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3 minutes ago, VxeR said:

Yeah Ordis had the door locked... But did you notice the cracks in his avatar? Maybe he'll go insane and open that S#&$ and the orbiter will be overrun by infested (thus temporarly inusable) and that will trigger the "find a Kavat to clean up this mess" quest.

Why would we need a kavat to clean our ship from infested? I'm pretty sure the ignis can handle it too. 

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Its probably not anything dangerous. Ordis would have said something and the Lotus would never have allowed us put our operators on the orbiter if it means we would be closer to danger. 


Or maybe we need a new orbiter...

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The somatic link goes dead, transference severed. With a hiss and a clank, the capsule unfolds, revealing a darkened ship to you. The dim emergency lights barely reach the edges of the room and the undulating noises of the transference chamber have gone quiet.
Cut off from your Warframe, you feel exposed, weak... abandoned. You cautiously call out to the ships Cephalon, but Ordis does not respond, only the echoes of your own voice reach you. Pondering your next move, you are hesistant to leave your seat, but then you notice the doorway opposite you is open. You muster your strength, stretching your rarely used limbs and awkwardly climb out of your seat. A cool glow eminates beyond the doorway from beneath a glass panel, it strains your eyes and as you approach you notice the absence of all sound. None of the hums, hisses or clicks that you are used to are present.
Your body objects to the unusual physical stress you put upon it, so you lean on the door for a brief moment. A slight tapping... clicking, like your kubrows nails on metal comes from your right. Another open door. A sudden, loud clanking of metal jolts you, but you cannot see past the doorframe. You remind yourself that Tenno are brave and proceed...

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if you turn the volume up REALLY loud, you can hear a rythmic noise along with the "infested" moans. I think it kind of resembles the sounds of bubbles, which makes me think they might be in test tubes of some sort.

Nvm, the other door has the same noise but without the infested noises

Edited by laysonbaal
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And this is what the Liset looks like from the outside:










Also, the model itself for the ship is massive. Probably 5x the length of the visible Liset, and 3x the height. There are also weird "Dark zones" moving in between the cockpit and the main body, and from the main body to the 2nd Dream section.

Edited by Heroic_Shinji
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Why not just...post how? Or a link to the thread in question? I mean this thread is of the same exact topic as the one being asked about. What ever happened to just being helpful for the sake of being helpful?


Interesting. Gonna try it next time I'm on.

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I can't seem to find a screenshot, but i'll hit it up next time i see, but Ordis has some "random" dialogue while in the Orbiter he says something about Missing memories and the ship being trashed and asks you, what if Ordis did those things? 

And adding to my paranoia his dialogue regarding the old war , he says he remembers there were lies, but he doesn't know what they were.

Not to mention, the infested sounds, the white tree thing which only appears in Orokin tile sets seems to almost "Infest" the ship


Why didn't the Lotus encourage Cephalion Simaris to help recover Ordis' memories but instead dismissed it as the normal not the right time, These things might not even be anything but it seems odd attention to details and was wondering if anyone has any info to help me 


TL;DR: Some Dialogue unlocked after completing quests seem Ordis might have damaged himself on purpose yet Lotus doesn't seem to want to fix him


- With Love, Pineapple

Edited by INFERNOpineapple
Peeps didn't read over it fully
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Just now, WolfayHD said:

Lmao i found this glitch last week. Ship looks like 10 times bigger than it actually is 

If you fall quickly press esc + s + ENTER

This takes you to navigation

Yeah there are definitely more rooms in the liset than we currently know of. Recently people have noticed odd Infested noises coming from the right closed door way when leaving the Operator room. Intriguing stuff.

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1 minute ago, Cidolfus said:

Yeah there are definitely more rooms in the liset than we currently know of. Recently people have noticed odd Infested noises coming from the right closed door way when leaving the Operator room. Intriguing stuff.

Yea my friend found a way to get under the ship and see behind the focus room Operator and the closed doors and He thought it was in correlation to Ordis Always saying "Hmm ordis thought the orbiters compartment much larger than this"

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1 hour ago, Aetherial_Enigma said:

The Second Dream, not played it yet?


1 hour ago, Stratego89 said:

You need to play your quests.

I've completed most quests a couple of times, the Second Dream doesn't really explain anything about "The Old War" Ordis and his lost memories. I read up on all the quests prior to asking so i was sure to make sure i didn't miss anything, and again that doesn't explain the noises in the ship :P Maybe you just read over it so i'll add a TL;DR xD 

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