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Coming Soon: Devstream #71!


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13 minutes ago, Magicfingers said:

why is Facebook required to use chat?

if we don't have Facebook, does that knock us out of winning the plat prizes?

Where did you see them say facebook is required? You're only required to have a twitch account and be logged in so they can...you know...identify you and all. Facebook has nothing to do with plat prizes

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Lately some Warframe Groups started asking the question again "Will we ever see a male/female oposite sex skins for our warframes?". I guess its a good question to ask since you are getting better and better at doing what you do and now the community also helps by making custom skins and helmets, not to mention the chinese devision that gives you a much needed help to keep up the pace.

I know that you already gave answer to this question in the past, but things change and I know that deep inside you wanted to make a male/female versions of each Warframe from the start. :)

I dont ask if it will happen within a year, just if the possibility still exists for the future.

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Can we get temp bots in Conclave untill players join? CTC is kinda bull when there are only two people on the map. Other than some limbo broken-ness I like Darksectors back in the day. I think they would be awesome with the balancing work being done in Conclave.

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1. ETA on Volt Rework?

2. When Volt get hes deluxe skin?

3.When Silva & Aegis ill be buffed to reasonable lvl?

4.When black colored cosmetics being gray gets fixed?3/4 of Volt Amp skin colored black is gray.

5.When will you get ride of Body Count mod and build the timer into melee combo counter?its a bandaid mod that should never exist.


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When are Hold Down Melee attacks going to be fixed? Currently we need to do 1 fast strike before we can charge a melee strike. If a stance also has an E - Hold E combo, it will override Charge attack strikes making us need 2 Fast strikes before charging up the strike.

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Soo, could it be possible in the Market, to have a little icon or something to see if you already completed a weapon? Getting pretty tired of the wandering back and forth between the codex, finding a weapon you havent completed yet, looking in the market, find more weapons you may or may not already have completed, check in the codex again.... It would be nice with the little codex "complete" symbol or something to indicate that you already mastered it ^^'

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Any chance you could look into problems with finishing the Second Dream quest please? :) I've seen a few people with the same issues (starting from last Friday onwards) where the quest bugs out after you place the operator in their chair. Submitted a ticket but no response yet, most likely due to the DDOS issues from the same weekend. 


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Q1(Geoff): A long time ago in Devstream 19 you presented agile and noble stances for melee weapons, but these never got implemented. Are weapon grip based noble and agile idle stances off the table? 1, 2

Q2(Scott): Are popularity statistics affecting which frames and weapons you focus on when it comes to rebalancing? Can severely underplayed gear *cough*Banshee/Zephyr*cough* "cut in line" in your personal queue?

Q3(Steve): Have you settled on a way to allow players access to the Void after the main rift has been destroyed by the Sentients? Will every location get a void portal tile that can be activated by us via keys or otherwise?

Q4(General): Can you share anything on what's planned for a unique Sedna tileset? Since Warframe takes at least a millennium from now can we assume Sedna's position in the outer reaches of the solar system to determine what the location and it's themed enemies(Nightwatch?) will look like?

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1) Have you ever thought of a Void assassination key?(Neural sentry)Void Spy? Void Deception?

2)To mr [DE]Steve : people don't really feel like they're space ninja, but rather scifi-rambo-killing-machines. What do you want to do to enhance that aspect of our roots?
3) When are you going to expand the wildlife? There's only 3 or 4 different units...
4) When is Typhus coming?(now that Mios is here...) Are you still looking at our fan concepts?! (Vespa,Furion,Myst,Apex...Anything?)

5) What's the cloth physics progress?(for Frost & Volt)
6) When are Nekros,Volt & other old frames getting some attention?(especially Nekros, now that Iranos is being quite similar on some aspects)

7) Passive abilities : have you thought about adding % elemental resistance to elemental frames?(Ember resisting to fire,Frost to cold,Saryn to toxic,Volt to electricity...)
8) Any teaser about upcoming content to be excited about for this year? We need interesting reasons to play 9 months more...
9) The kubrow AI got problems. Can we have the ability to give them orders/lead them ourselves?Like a pet owner would do with his loyal friend.(same for the upcoming Kavats?)

10) Will we ever be able to talk to relays NPC's? How would you bring more life to Warframe's universe?
11) Are Archwing <--> ground missions planned? (not like Uranus : from the ground to space)

12) Wouldn't it be great to have a section where we can see all the cinematics we've unlocked yet?(Like Second dream cinematics, because they looked amazing)

13) Melee 2.0 combos are really hard to do with all these "hold" & "pauses". Why can't we do this with several buttons instead, like most fighting games??


14) To mr [DE]Steve : Any footage/news on the new solar map?
15) Deception seems very very outdated. when will you give it the Spy 2.0 treatment?

16) It seems like a lot of items aren't buyable separately from certain packs. Why can't we have this option (even at a higher cost)?
When will you update the market's prices?

17) What's the deal with Umbra warframes? What makes them different than skins? Are they more interesting than stat boosts? How will we obtain them?

18) When will quests & past events be replayable?
19) What are your plans to improve Parkour & Stealth?(ledge mechanic,better transition between moves...)

20) When are you going to replace the look of Phorid? He's just a bigger & red infested charger...
21) When will the syndicates leaders lead their mission entirely?(with their own transmissions)
22) You gave the Destreza it's own idle animation. When are you going to do the same with all the other melee weapon types? (most of it are just your warframe holding the weapon like they weren't martial artists)
23) Have you ever thought about Archwing Conclave?


Edited by unknow99
Removed some answered questions.
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13 minutes ago, Zorrandor said:

Where did you see them say facebook is required? You're only required to have a twitch account and be logged in so they can...you know...identify you and all. Facebook has nothing to do with plat prizes

you have to have facebook before you can use the chat function. i know. if you try to use it without facebook, it tells you you have to connect to facebook in order to use it.  and it only follows that they would choose a winner from the ones that can use the chat if you have to be connected to it to use the chat.

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Will different types of Corpus Crewmen, Moas and Ospreys ever be differentiated by more than just color? The Grineer enemies have some differences in terms of their model (Lancers having a mask VS Troopers having a helmet), but Corpus enemies are mostly just the same Crewman, Moa and Osprey repainted and resized.

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i was wondering if you had considered making attachments on warframes colorable individually  , so that my syandana isnt slave to the better color set up for my armor , or so my armor isnt stuck looking bad cuz my syandana goes better with those colors , i would like to be able to make all my frames look perfect but at the current moment with how the posisioning of some of the reflective or matalic looking serfaces it becomes hard to maximize your color possablilitys and your over all perfect look , tyvm if u happen to take your time for this Question as it has been one iv thought about for months and have never actually posted                                                                                                               and if you happen to get the chance can you look at the stalker , G3 , and Zenuka sigils , on Every single warframe ( on ps4) idk about other servers , these 3 sigils are off center slightly to the left side of the warframe , it is hardly seeable but its enough for OCD ppl like me to see , i love thse sigils and they are amazing but this single fact has kept me from using them , even using the settings it only then makes it offset to the other side , if trade for a day strait to get these sigils to center , unfortunatly to no succession , pretty plz would you look into this 

Edited by (PS4)IrSchm33
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4 minutes ago, AuroraSonicBoom said:

Q1(Geoff): A long time ago in Devstream 19 you presented agile and noble stances for melee weapons, but these never got implemented. Are weapon grip based noble and agile idle stances off the table? 1, 2

Q2(Scott): Are popularity statistics affecting which frames and weapons you focus on when it comes to rebalancing? Can severely underplayed gear *cough*Banshee/Zephyr*cough* "cut in line" in your personal queue?

Q3(Steve): Have you settled on a way to allow players access to the Void after the main rift has been destroyed by the Sentients? Will every location get a void portal tile that can be activated by us via keys or otherwise?

Q4(General): Can you share anything on what's planned for a unique Sedna tileset? Since Warframe takes at least a millennium from now can we assume Sedna's position in the outer reaches of the solar system to determine what the location and it's themed enemies(Nightwatch?) will look like?

Thaaank you : this one disappeared from most people's radar, I'm glad to not be the only one remembering about it!! :)



Edited by unknow99
Also : we need news on a new tileset!!
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Sweet! I actually have questions this time. c:


1) Will Mesa ever get a exalted weapon ult? I feel like this would do a tremendous amount of good things for her and kill her mentality as a turret.

2) With the release of Spira/Prime can the Despair perhaps get some love? Despair is one of the more rarer stalker weapons and now it falls under Hate since Hate was recently buffed. For the rng-ness of this weapon and how much easier it would be just to pick up a Spira/Hikou, the poor thing has nothing to offer over the rest.

3) Would it be possible to remove the forced curve in the Pakal syandana? I understand it might be that way for some of the kinematics in the SD but in-game it can look kinda silly being propped up if you're on a zip line or something.

4) Ember Prime PBR when? I want my blue sexy flames to match. c:

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Usual crew? My usual questions then.

Q1. Back in 2012 when you (re)started development on Warframe, how did you imagine the game to be played (in terms of gameplay and people using it)?

Q2. What's your vision for Archwing? Where do you see the mode in the future and what were your original intentions for it?

Q3. I liked the old Grineer Sawman back in 2013. Any chance they could make a comeback in some way?

Q4. How are the multi-shot fix, the plans to remove Serration and co. and the plans to rebalance mastery rank requirements progressing?

Q5. Is there a reason against replacing the current Skana and Lato as starter weapons with MK-1 variants and buff the regular version to a more mid tier position? Doesn't the current starter weapon selection seem a bit odd with these two?

Q6. Which other weapons are in for a visual makeover and how do you judge a weapon as being in need of it currently?

PS: How is the new Burston model progressing?

Q7. Have you considered adding locations to the new star chart which would only exist as lore texts (perhaps with some images), rather than mission tilsets, in order to make the Origin System feel more populated?

For example orbital colony clusters, major cities, trade hubs (for common goods), or nomad fleets?

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