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Bursa Feedback


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Just now, IceColdHawk said:

Hold on a second. Did you try pressing 2 followed by 1 with nekros? 2 makes them flee and 1 makes them stop and stand still as long as they are feared. I personally find nekros extremely effective against bursas. Really overrated because the majority only builds on the 3.

Huh, I didn't know that. Well, in that case, Hydroid's the only frame that actually can't take on a Bursa. Thanks for the tip!

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Just now, Valsako said:

Huh, I didn't know that. Well, in that case, Hydroid's the only frame that actually can't take on a Bursa. Thanks for the tip!

No problem. Btw, i've meant to say UNDERrated, not overrated. Dammit brain afk...

4 minutes ago, SnakeWildlife said:

Exactly man, if you have more than the normal count of Bursa's, you have been spawning them delibrately due to ignoring security camera's and obvious neglect of your situation.

I was actually trying hard to get them spawn. Idk it never worked for me lol.

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I understand the idea of a bursa but at this stage it is in a difficult place. While getting behind them is a challange in itself, it is not as rewarding as it should be. Even if you hit the console with the right damagetypes, they still take to long to take down. The hitboxes are all over the place. Not just the bursa itself but shockwaves and homing cc is really the cherry on top. As soon as there are 3 you better just run away. You can try as hard as you want but somehow somewhere someones gonna trigger the alarms and WHOOPS where did that bursa come from?

A really easy solution to this would be to reduce the spawnrate so only 2 bursas can be active at once. 2 bursas are BARELY doable. On top of that tweaking the hitboxes is a necessity so we can fight them as intended. Sure they are supposed to be hard but if you are moving and trying to dodge their stuff, it should at least be doable. It sure is fun being knocked down midair and then getting a rope attached to your crotch that drags you all over the place, rendering you inactive for 10 seconds, right?

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30 minutes ago, matto said:

I like them too but there are other issues with them.

For example :

Shockwave transe.

Bursas getting stucked to a wall so you can't shoot the hacking console at all.

Banshee's sonar unable to create a second weak spot.


These are not problems in my opinion...

I mean, if you don't have CC and deliberately left the alarm on, well you wanted it, here they are.

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14 minutes ago, SnakeWildlife said:

Exactly man, if you have more than the normal count of Bursa's, you have been spawning them delibrately due to ignoring security camera's and obvious neglect of your situation.

No one in this thread has said they want the buras taken out, only that the spawn rate and hitbox be fixed so that they can be killed. It's a clear issue if this has been raised more than once. But honestly unless you trawl all over the forums every single day I've only seen this thread address the issue with the bursas, I've seen oberon ones, login issue ones but never ones like this before. You come across as trying to pick a fight on other people trying to offer positive ways to make bursas more reasonable than impossible for some people. Unless you have a good suggestion for them, calling people ignorant over the security cameras is inconsiderate and unfair. 

4 minutes ago, bolivianhighcommander said:


1) Alarms ring

2) turn off Alarms 

4) enjoy bursa free mission.

with the most MINIMAL effort you can have zero bursas. 

For these complaints to be taken seriously show that you havent overlooked the tools that DE gave you to deal with the problem. 

But you're not understanding the issue, sure get rid of the alarms but that doesn't make the bursas go away does it? The spawn rate needs to be adjusted and the dodgy hitbox fixed. Then bursas can be dealt with in a more reasonable fashion then without too much bs to go through.

Edited by LittleArachnid
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Just now, LittleArachnid said:

No one in this thread has said they want the buras taken out, only that the spawn rate and hitbox be fixed so that they can be killed. It's a clear issue if this has been raised more than once. But honestly unless you trawl all over the forums every single day I've only seen this thread address the issue with the bursas, I've seen oberon ones, login issue ones but never ones like this before. You come across as trying to pick a fight on other people trying to offer positive ways to make bursas more reasonable than impossible for some people. Unless you have a good suggestion for them, calling people ignorant over the security cameras is inconsiderate and unfair. 

But you're not understanding the issue, sure get rid of the alarms but that doesn't make the bursas go away does it? The spawn rate needs to be adjusted and the dodgy hitbox fixed. 

Some seem to forget they also spawn in missions with no alarms to turn off and in an annoying amount there too. Once again one or two is fine but when 4 or more are around and keep spawning in a mission with no alarms it is not a matter of "you did something wrong" it is now "guess what you have to deal with even though it makes no sense to the mechanics".

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Out of the three contest winners the Bursa are the furthest from original intent and coincidentally the worst. Particularly the Isolator, those got no chill at all.

No idea how or why DE turned walking barricade / riot units into stampeding death machines but boy did they done did it. Seems like a running theme with Corpus in general, nonsensical unit designs with lots of overlap of poor mechanics attached to duplicates of duplicates.

12 minutes ago, bolivianhighcommander said:


1) Alarms ring

2) turn off Alarms 

4) enjoy bursa free mission.

with the most MINIMAL effort you can have zero bursas. 

For these complaints to be taken seriously show that you havent overlooked the tools that DE gave you to deal with the problem. 

"There's a theoretical way to circumvent it, it can't be a problem, it can't be!"

Please don't.

Is it even worth mentioning that turning off alarms just doesn't work 100% of the time?
Seems like it is.

Edited by Artarrwen
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3 minutes ago, LittleArachnid said:

But you're not understanding the issue, sure get rid of the alarms but that doesn't make the bursas go away does it? The spawn rate needs to be adjusted and the dodgy hitbox fixed. Then bursas can be dealt with in a more reasonable fashion.


If you turn off the alarms promptly....the bursas NEVER SPAWN. 

If i dont want bursas...i go turn off the alarm. No bursas ever spawn. 

I always do this. It never fails. I've never had a problem doing this. Its beyond easy. It boggles my mind that anyone doesnt do this if they know they are going to struggle with a spawning bursa. Wtf. 

This is why people here are making accusation of negligence and ignorance...because they know and i know that you only get any bursas at all if you deliberately ignore the alarms. 

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7 minutes ago, bolivianhighcommander said:


1) Alarms ring

2) turn off Alarms 

4) enjoy bursa free mission.

with the most MINIMAL effort you can have zero bursas. 

For these complaints to be taken seriously show that you havent overlooked the tools that DE gave you to deal with the problem. 

valid point, but lately i've been encountering them in missions where no alarm has been sounded, and no way to turn the alarm off and stop their spawning. for example, exterminate with fire hazard going on. they keep spawning and spawning and they scale up pretty fast. 1-2 at a time is fine. 3-4 lvl 60+ is not. in a normal exterminate mission. (why i dont just rush the mission - usually i'm hunting down syndicate medallions or such things) i'm no noob, i've nice powerful weapons and frames at my disposal, but i dont want to feel forced to bring all my best gear to deal with one badly implemented enemy. just tone them down a little. either bs spawn rate, or broken scaling, or their insane speed. 

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Bursas in about range of 30 to 35 corpus mission levels are easy to deal with. You just get punished from neglecting them and not tearing them apart when you get the chance.

Real soldiers knows one thing. If there is a threat on the field and this can get to you. Nail it down until there is nothing left.

Bursas just requires you to have a bit different approach. Weaponry like Penta and Kulstar are their bane. EV Trinity can sap the life out of the bursas by slapping a Well of Life on one and then using Energy Vampire just before the WoL stops.

I understand your frustration but believe me. Bursas were MUCH more painful in the event they were introduced first time. Right now. They are fine as what they are.

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Bursas spawn rate should be reduced, to for example 1 bursa for each wave of def\interception and like 2-3 in total for extermination missions etc, and make them unable to call reinforcement (coz starting at 160 targets to kill and ending mission with like 200+ isn't most pleasant thing vs 80-90 lvl eximus dudes). Also cut some of their damage (maybe), but that knock down that left you lying on the floor for 4 secs should to go for sure.

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Can someone explain to me, in great detail, why they even brought back the Isolator Bursas? Didn't they cause some particularly nasty seizures during False Profit because their slams caused far too much disorientating :poop: (screenshake, flashing lights, ect.) to happen all at once?

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Gee, what a mess.

32 minutes ago, SnakeWildlife said:

Multiple Bursa's is caused by players not dealing with them and being ignorant about security camera's. How can the game be at fault when you neglect obvious mechanics.  You cause your own problems, and then complain about them on the forums...rather than handling the situation correctly.

This is why we're sick of these posts popping up over and over. -_-

This is the greatest VALID complaint most of you here dont have an answer for, because in said games where 5+ Bursa's appear, they appear because YOU CAUSED THEM TO SPAWN DELIBRATELY.

Remember that these Bursas are supposed to be mini-bosses of some sorts. You don't see manics spawning in groups of 5 even during their glory days now do ya? The only time I see more than 3 manics on a single mission was way back on a Tactical Alert specifically made so that you have to face 80 manics at once. 

Alright, back to Bursas. They're pretty much guaranteed to spawn in hordes on high level def and surv which becomes quite a problem when you deal with Sortie modifiers like increased Shield/Armor. Their knockdowns also ignore mods like Handspring & Constitution with increased knockdown duration, where you're unable to do anything aside from watching it nuking the s**t out of you.

"AoE one-shots because the game's scaling sucks" and spawn problems aside, they add a decent challenge and I welcome their addition to the game. But they're far, far from perfect on their current state.

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Bursas do not need to spawn less often.  HOWEVER, they need to spawn less quickly after the alarms go off, to give us enough time to clear a room so we don't DIE while trying to turn off the alarms to prevent them from spawning if we don't want them too, especially with frames of the glass cannon variety.

Also, manics need a buff.  Because right now, they are in no way difficult to kill with any frame or weapon (assuming you're not rank 0, because then EVERYTHING is a threat).

43 minutes ago, SnakeWildlife said:

Multiple Bursa's is caused by players not dealing with them and being ignorant about security camera's. How can the game be at fault when you neglect obvious mechanics.  You cause your own problems, and then complain about them on the forums...rather than handling the situation correctly.

This is why we're sick of these posts popping up over and over. -_-

This is the greatest VALID complaint most of you here dont have an answer for, because in said games where 5+ Bursa's appear, they appear because YOU CAUSED THEM TO SPAWN DELIBRATELY.

People don't know the mechanics of what ACTUALLY makes the riot moas spawn (why they don't know is probably just because no one told them), and then come and cry on the forums when they have six at once (because they just ran through the mission with alarms blaring the whole way).

I wouldn't go so far as to say it was done deliberately, though, since the problem is usually they either just haven't bothered to learn what's causing them to spawn (if they're a veteran), or haven't been playing for long (and don't know yet the magic of the wiki).  In addition, telling them they're "ignorant" when the truth is they didn't realize there was something they needed to know?  Really?

I don't know about you, but I'm one of the few people in my Clan who actually reads patch notes.

Your point that bursa spawns are the fault of the player is not wrong, but your attitude needs an adjustment.

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32 minutes ago, LittleArachnid said:

What about when bursas spawned in missions as plexus raises where they didn't raise the alarms? Is the squad still "bad" or are the people "ignorant" about the cameras then?


So you admit that turning off alarms promptly (and destroying cameras) solves the problem in most cases?

Yay...already the bursa issue has been mostly solved.

Which was my point all along. 

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I am not even sure it has something to do with cameras (in some specific cases). When I see that people reported having 10 to 15 bursas in Corpus Interception or Defense or even Survival sorties, it just doesn't make any sense.

Edited by matto
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1 hour ago, AdunSaveMe said:

Even if they were easier they'd still be poorly designed.

If their invulnerability hitbox matched their models you might have it rewarding aim more than cheese.


Didn't the original fan concept had this as a "Bunker Down" feature? The shields would deploy making the Bursa invulnerable from the front, but it would become immobile in the process.

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