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RIP competitive PvP. Dark Sectors will no longer have PvP according to dev stream 71.


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3 minutes ago, kubbi said:

As a person that dislikes pvp in warframe I'm glad it won't be part of it.

I would just like to point out although I can respect your statement. it's basically a non-statement.

Of course as a person who dislikes PVP (which you just admitted to) you will be glad when it's no longer a part of the game.

That would be like me simply saying as a person who greatly enjoys PVP I am happy conclave is a part of the game. It's a non-statement.

And not only is it a non-statement it isn't even feedback.


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23 minutes ago, (XB1)CFE CALiPRIME said:

So if you lose and DS become pvp what will all of yall pvers do than ?? lol. Instead of complaining about pvp why not go and play it and get good at it

Why don't we just settle this with a mandatory login poll?

Put it to a vote.

Personally, I don't like the arbitrary balancing imposed by Conclave PvP.  It's just more nerfing in my opinion.  It's just my opinion, but I know that there are may who agree with me.  While you personally may not, I respect that.  Many may agree with you, I don't know.

I liked the old DS conflicts with unrestricted combat and advanced modding of specters.  They have not removed that part and many clans (like mine) have heavily invested in those and solar rails.  It's not cheap at all.  I'd really hate to see those go to waste if the nerf DS as was briefly mentioned.  

I also believe the community has demonstrated an aversion to their paln and they will change their minds.  Remember their motto: "Never say Never".

Edited by (XB1)Zoltan6201
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5 minutes ago, (XB1)Zoltan6201 said:

Why don't we just settle this with a mandatory login poll?

Put it to a vote.

Personally, I don't like the arbitrary balancing imposed by Conclave PvP.  It's just more nerfing in my opinion.  It's just my opinion, but I know that there are may who agree with me.  While you personally may not, I respect that.  Many may agree with you, I don't know.

I liked the old DS conflicts with unrestricted combat and advanced modding of specters.  They have not removed that part and many clans (like mine) have heavily invested in those and solar rails.  It's not cheap at all.  I'd really hate to see those go to waste if the nerf DS as was briefly mentioned.  

I also believe the community has demonstrated an aversion to their paln and they will change their minds.  Remember their motto: "Never say Never".

That's imba for a number of reasons. Too many railers have quit the game to get an accurate count of the Pro-Railing voters.

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I'm not a fan of PvP.  I'm not good enough to excel at it, never felt any need to get better at it, and my preference has always been to play cooperatively rather than compete against other players.  This doesn't make me right, or anybody else wrong - s'just my individual play style, that's all.

That said, when WF first dropped DE made it clear it was not a PvP game, and they had no plans to make it one.  Eventually players who wanted a WF PvP mode made themselves heard on the forums, and DE changed their mind.  But it was always a bolt-on, despite DE's efforts to try and balance weapons twice, once for PvE and once for PvP.

Well, the "votes" are in, and either it doesn't appear that enough players are playing PvP to make it a viable mode going forward, or else DE looked at the metrics and decided it wasn't a good enough idea from a financial or asset-allocation standpoint.

As a PvE fan, I've always suspected that the calls for PvP came from a very vocal minority.  I have no idea what the actual players numbers were, but if my (and many others') suspicions were correct and the player base for PvP was loud but small, that could easily be why the game mode may be disappearing.

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And tbh i like pve and pvp but sometimes you get tierd of grinding all day so what u do when you are tired ut go play pvp side its almost a complete balanced of the game like YING N YANG penut butter n jelly milk n cereal 

Edited by (XB1)CFE CALiPRIME
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7 minutes ago, PanUmbrian said:

I'm not a fan of PvP.  I'm not good enough to excel at it, never felt any need to get better at it, and my preference has always been to play cooperatively rather than compete against other players.  This doesn't make me right, or anybody else wrong - s'just my individual play style, that's all.

That said, when WF first dropped DE made it clear it was not a PvP game, and they had no plans to make it one.  Eventually players who wanted a WF PvP mode made themselves heard on the forums, and DE changed their mind.  But it was always a bolt-on, despite DE's efforts to try and balance weapons twice, once for PvE and once for PvP.

Well, the "votes" are in, and either it doesn't appear that enough players are playing PvP to make it a viable mode going forward, or else DE looked at the metrics and decided it wasn't a good enough idea from a financial or asset-allocation standpoint.

As a PvE fan, I've always suspected that the calls for PvP came from a very vocal minority.  I have no idea what the actual players numbers were, but if my (and many others') suspicions were correct and the player base for PvP was loud but small, that could easily be why the game mode may be disappearing.

Either that or DE is trying to figure out how to implement PvP without interfering with PvE. They probably see dark sectors as a full on PvE thing, so they might be pulling out any PvP stuff from it in order to move it elsewhere. For all we know, dark sector rail conflicts were an experimental attempt to integrate PvP with PvE, and it wasn't received very well.

Just a thought.

Edited by Pizzarugi
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Just now, Pizzarugi said:

Either that or DE is trying to figure out how to implement PvP without interfering with PvE. They probably see dark sectors as a full on PvE thing, so they might be pulling out any PvP stuff from it in order to move it elsewhere.

Just a thought.

You could be right.  I think I'd like to see the assets and programming already invested in PvP/DS put to some other use that benefits players like myself who don't PvP, rather than simply no longer used if the game mode is indeed discarded.

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5 minutes ago, (XB1)CFE Discord said:

That's imba for a number of reasons. Too many railers have quit the game to get an accurate count of the Pro-Railing voters.

Yes, many have left or taken leaves of absence. DE will never be as pro-active as to put it to a population vote anyway.

It might settle the debate, though.

They can certainly look at the reception that Conclave is getting based on participation.

I just wish that they would pay more attention to clans and stop saying that over a year has passed since they removed DS Conflicts.  It doesn't make them look like they care about clans or the community as a whole at all.

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Does this mean clan Spectres will finally have a reason for existing?

If so, I better rebuild our dojo's solar rail lab.


To be honest, I'm rather happy about this development. Especially with how PvP has been handled in the past. I loved the original version of Dark Sectors, where anyone of any skill level or internet quality could contribute.

Edited by Aoden
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3 minutes ago, PanUmbrian said:

You could be right.  I think I'd like to see the assets and programming already invested in PvP/DS put to some other use that benefits players like myself who don't PvP, rather than simply no longer used if the game mode is indeed discarded.

I wouldn't be surprised if the devs recycled the mechanics and put it somewhere else. That's how we essentially got Nyx, after all. Better to reuse it than waste it.

Edited by Pizzarugi
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2 hours ago, Pizzarugi said:

Simple: You want to access a specific dark sector, but you couldn't, because of a new solar rail conflict. PvE players are locked out of that area until the conflict is resolved.

And then afterward, you have to pray to god that the new clan that owns that sector doesn't bend over the dark sector users by taxing the hell out of them.

DE already fixed that by allowing us to play on multiple instances of the same node. They fixed that like 8 months ago.

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I will note that for all that PvP has a lot of passionate advocates, Conclave isn't exactly constantly abuzz with activity. I'm low ranked in the Conclave, and every so often I think to myself that I'll spend a couple of matches doing this 'git gud' thing that I've heard so much about. Well, been waiting about half an hour now to see if anyone else might log in and play some Conclave.


Still waiting.






(I do enjoy Conclave, even if I'm not very good yet. Have to be bad at something before you can be good at it.)

Edited by BornWithTeeth
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I remember the old pvp dark sectors and in my honest opinion... they sucked balls

the clans almost never put any decent battle pays for you to have any interest to join them
and after who ever won either put ridiculous taxes on the nodes or then didnt
(please oh please oh please dont ever bring that spunk back I dont want anything to do with taxes or ingame "politics" between clans)

I think pvp should be and stay in the conclave and be purely optional
yet have its own rewards and expansions so it has enough player base to stay on surface
which is largely what DE is doing with lunaro and all that

I actually find the Idea of competitive pve Idea extremely fun
something challenging with its own reward system that encourages people to team up

as always that is merely just my opinion

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On 20.05.2016 at 7:08 PM, Twistedsparkle said:

I remember the old pvp dark sectors and in my honest opinion... they sucked balls

the clans almost never put any decent battle pays for you to have any interest to join them
and after who ever won either put ridiculous taxes on the nodes or then didnt
(please oh please oh please dont ever bring that spunk back I dont want anything to do with taxes or ingame "politics" between clans)

I think pvp should be and stay in the conclave and be purely optional
yet have its own rewards and expansions so it has enough player base to stay on surface
which is largely what DE is doing with lunaro and all that

I actually find the Idea of competitive pve Idea extremely fun
something challenging with its own reward system that encourages people to team up

as always that is merely just my opinion

Why do people keep pushing this absurd "team up to PVE" concept, I will never understand... Don`t you want a calm objective based PVP mode like the Rails were? It was basically home brewing a frame which you progressively unlocked in the conflict, with easy to kill NPCs and human opponents that started from scratch just like you. As a PVE aficionado you would have had an edge over others since you had more PVE runs under your belt and thus better, rarer mods.

However, i think that people that say they are more into PVE are just making excuses for how bad they are... Rails were hardly as punishing as the Conclave is. I like PVP, if you couldn`t tell, and hell, even I think that the PVP 2.0 is extremely elitist. But the Solar Rails - MINUS the micromanagement (i.e. controlling clans deciding the amount of resources you get per DS mission) - were SPLENDID.

But because some people got it in their heads that Warframe is a PVE game they also assumed that gives them veto power over any PVP element - be it good (Solar Rails), or bad (Conclave 2.0). Don`t like it? Don`t play it. But don`t badger the devs until they remove it and making the rest of suffer.

All you want from Warframe is grinding the same stuff for virtual currency? Seeing big numbers in your resource menu is one the emptiest accomplishment ever if you gain them exclusively by PVE.  So you didn`t participate in Solar Rails because of low battle pay? That`s the most childish reason for not doing something fun I`ve ever heard...

When i read stuff like "PVP should be purely optional" i die inside a little... Especially since in this case Rails were completely optional. But all the Farmville players who migrated to Warframe couldn`t farm dem fat credits in dark sectors so naturally the Conflict had to go...

TL;DR: Solar Rail PVP didn`t suck balls, players with scrub mentality did.

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On 5/19/2016 at 2:49 PM, Pizzarugi said:

Either that or DE is trying to figure out how to implement PvP without interfering with PvE. They probably see dark sectors as a full on PvE thing, so they might be pulling out any PvP stuff from it in order to move it elsewhere. For all we know, dark sector rail conflicts were an experimental attempt to integrate PvP with PvE, and it wasn't received very well.

Just a thought.

Personally like the solar rail conflicts better in the day, but noticed that's on hold now.

Conclave is all that I've escaped from WoW PvP, you start out with nothing and a guy with everything kills you before you spawn. No mid-range to get used of the map and speed, just be ganked across the field with a literal cheap shot.

They could do PvP in the world like they do conflicts between Corpus vs Grineer. PvErs can defend and PvPers can attack deal. BUT, mixing the two means no limits on weapons like in Conclave. So Tonkor spam PvPers have to accept and group up themselves to take out targets (good luck with that in a typical AFK PvP group!).

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