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Why I avoid the Corpus.


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Ill try to make this as succinct as possible. First some background as to the type of player I am so you understand where this feedback is coming from. I have been playing since closed beta and spend about 75% of my game time solo. I firmly hold the belief that mastery rank does not matter so I shall not include mine. Now that the boring stuff is out of the way....onto even more boring stuff !

I have noticed a disturbing trend in my games as of late. If I have a choice, I will avoid any and all Corpus content. While this at first glance may seem like its a difficulty issue, it would be a mistake to view that fact in this manner. I play solo for the difficulty as group content is often much easier than its solo counterpart. The reason I avoid the Corpus is because they are just plainly not fun. And that is because as a faction they are loaded with content that limits my gameplay in cheap and dirty ways. I play this game because of the Warframes, without them I would not play. And as it stands the Corpus have to many ways to keep me from playing with my Warframe. 

Now I understand that the current answer to making the game more difficult is to limit our Warframe usage. From Corpus dirty milk to attacking our energy outright before the mission begins (sortie and tactical alert conditions). Now forgive me for this, I do not wish to insult anyone when I say that this cannot continue. At some point it gets to be to much. Now it is generally understood and excepted as to why this is happening and there is no need to call out any single play style or Warframe. This kind of content is not fun (to some it may be) but not to the mass majority of players I know. There has got to a better way to deliver challenging content to higher geared players and groups. I am not going to play arm chair developer here, I freely admit that beyond giving the broken parts of the game a firm nuclear nuking, that I have no idea on how to go about this.

But what I do know is that slowly, overtime, I am having less and less fun as more and more sorties and tactical alerts limit my energy pool and thus how often I can play the main component of the game. One of the developers once said that its time to look at Warframes dirty laundry (the issue of multishot). I humbly request that you find other ways to challenge me and others going forward. Keeping me from using my powers is a short term and unsustainable solution as it becomes a crutch in game design. Sure its a fast and easy way to balance the problematic aspects of the game but it also affects the other half of the game which is not a problem. 

Thank you for reading. If you chose to do so. 


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Why I have started to avoid Corpus:

The alarm has attracted a Bursa... The alarm has attracted a Bursa... The alarm has attracted a Bursa...

All the while no consoles are actually "active" allowing me to disable the alarm.

That and freaking nullifiers. If I wanted to play a simple shoot'em up, I wouldn't play WF. Our powers and abilities is what set this game apart.

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inb4 someone tells you to "git gud"

I can understand that power limits are annoying, but it's really difficult to find a balance since the idea of balance is subjective any way you look at it. what you deem a fair and fun challenge might feel like a slap in the face to others, and DE have to try and please the majority crowd or they'll want to leave. the majority of us (yourself likely included) still faceroll Nullifiers and Combas as it is. only Bursas and Hyekka Masters seem to be a bit ridiculous at the moment, judging by the gargantuan amount of threads mentioning them, but there are likely builds to defeat them easily as well.

we need to come together as a community and agree on a single, intelligent idea.

good luck with that.


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I mostly agree with what you said.

I only do Corpus missions when they're in sorties (and it's waaaay more often than the other factions I've noticed lately) and I go with the easy mode: Mag, Trin + CC so i'm done with it as fast as possible.

So annoying...

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Nullifying is a gimmick that should go away. It hampers gameplay and is plainly annoying. Only modular units are more or less fine, because you can easily cancel their ability.

But Corpus in general could use more unique enemies and should reduce the number of crewmen. We should see more robots, since it is supposed to be the Corpus' thing. Hyenas should be introduced as regular enemies, there can be proxies that go invisible, snake-robots, etc. They can even get warframe-like units,the Zanuka project was there for a reason, wasn't it?

Edited by Genitive
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14 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

inb4 someone tells you to "git gud"

I can understand that power limits are annoying, but it's really difficult to find a balance since the idea of balance is subjective any way you look at it. what you deem a fair and fun challenge might feel like a slap in the face to others, and DE have to try and please the majority crowd or they'll want to leave. the majority of us (yourself likely included) still faceroll Nullifiers and Combas as it is. only Bursas and Hyekka Masters seem to be a bit ridiculous at the moment, judging by the gargantuan amount of threads mentioning them, but there are likely builds to defeat them easily as well.

we need to come together as a community and agree on a single, intelligent idea.

good luck with that.


I could be better, always strive to be, but I wouldn't put myself anywhere near bad... :)

Especially the nerfed version of bursas we have now aren't much of an issue although somewhat annoying.

I'm challenged when I hit T4 endless, sorties and when I get caught in subpar gear in altered/unknown situations, but it's the limitations removing what is otherwise core elements of WF that I'm personally not a fan of.

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Corpus are like crazy cat ladies, except instead of cats they just have bursas. Plus the whole nullifier thing got really annoying after seeing the first one.

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Am i really the onlyst one that has fun with corpus since i need to think a bit while fighting?


roomba -> shoot head, all save

nullifier  -> shoot fast or jump in for insta kill of nully

Bursa -> depends, havent done corpus since the change(the nerf, not the addition)

osperys -> dies instantly but more of priority then Moas

Crewmen -> fodder


 but yeah, on grinneer it is simpler... way simpler...

Edited by DeFragMe
forgott a letter
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It's been like that almost 2 years now : instead of tackling the underlying issue that is overpowered CC being the only response to a broken enemy scaling itself being a response to overpowered weapons, the devs just throw nullifier-type enemies and mechanics and rely more and more on forementioned broken enemy scaling in the hopes people will actually see it as "challenge", when all it is really is mostly unfair and unfun stuff. It's both ironic and sad at the same time. So much potential, yet we more and more get less and less ways to play the game, while the game itself gets more and more horizontal content, which unfortunately ends up mostly being mastery fodder because of all the problems listed above. It's a vicious circle that the devs seem unwilling or unable to break, despite all the feedback that tells how players want it to change badly, however difficult and painful an undertaking it would probably be.

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Sorties that limit your energy pool/regen are meant to challenge experienced players. Experienced players know there are assets like Rage mod, arcane Energize, Sahasa Kubrows and so on available for players to use as a means to recover energy.

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Hum... When I run corpus I tend to just run mag and derp everything... Normally works for everything except nulls, I just shoot/stab them.

Could it be power creep... As we have powered up so have the corpus, the infested and greneer just... haven't... 

I'd imaging this issue would boil down to the core functions of how the enemies work and fixing it would require a relook, refocus and redesign of the different factions core features/functions.


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LOL!! people complain about corpus when they are the only faction to provide an actual challenge. OH NO a NULLFIER!!!! sooooo HARD to kill a nullifier... you people complain an awful lot about a free to pay game. If you don't like play something else....

Edited by Robm
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I can't wait till people say, "Why I avoid the grineer." Of course, I think this might be over the top to assume.

I disagree with the OP's opinion. All he's saying, I don't like enemies that take away your powers, It's not fun, nor is it good game design.

These posts come directly from the recent additions towards new enemies, oh Comba came? I hate it, Bursas finally came back? I hate it, Nullifiers came? I hate it.

What do they all have in common? Power nullification, the one thing that allows powers to scale. And the one thing that DOES scale in high level missions. 

I'm looking at you focus passives.

I mean, I get the point by the post, saying that he doesn't want to insult or offend anyone.

But I would choose Corpus over grineer, since corpus provide more challenge than a faction that runs around with unlimited health, and non-stop firing. More like, shooting dry potatos, don't even start with the ease of the infested.

In other words, disabling a warframe's power+low health is corpus's style, grineer with high health disarms the warframe's weapons, and the infested......ummm runnng around like idiots, and having drain+CC capabilties to slow you down.

56 minutes ago, Genitive said:

Nullifying is a gimmick that should go away. It hampers gameplay and is plainly annoying. Only modular units are more or less fine, because you can easily cancel their ability.

But Corpus in general could use more unique enemies and should reduce the number of crewmen. We should see more robots, since it is supposed to be the Corpus' thing. Hyenas should be introduced as regular enemies, there can be proxies that go invisible, snake-robots, etc. They can even get warframe-like units,the Zanuka project was there for a reason, wasn't it?

If a unit with warframe compartments require warframe components, to use abilities, the corpus would have to be extremely successful, and alad V must have won.

However we won, and due to this, corpus made a technology designed not to use warframe components, so we can't have the corpus casting fireballs.

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Well said the op, and as i say, what is a warframe without its power? a plain soldier with a gun. Everyone well said their opinions hoping to see some change in the future.

Robm says "......oh no, nobody gives me attention, let me try to give irony since the ethics i've been taught lead me there and i'm safe behind monitor playin it cool and provoking while they beat me at school.."

The op wrote a very nice explained article in proper manner and i applaud him for that, too bad one came to play it smart (see Robm)! And who told you Robm that everyone plays free here? Since the moment that someone pays, he/she becomes a customer, and not a free to play user. Now crawl back to your hole.

Edited by spyros78
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plz DE nerf nullifiers ayy lmao

Corpus is my favorite faction to fight because they actually have legitimately challenging unit composition at lvl ~90 and higher.

Sapping Ospreys, Mine Ospreys, Bursas, Detron Crewmen, Nullifiers, oh my!

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As I said in my original post. Some people like this type of content. I and others however do not. As im fine with fighting grineer and infested. Its a gameplay issue not a difficulty issue. But to put it out there once more. I do not like the idea robbing the player of the reason they play this game, the Warframes. I solo all sortie content if possible (I cant do interceptions for some reason, guess im bad.) but ill stay away from corpus content because it pigeon holes me into a certain build to do it (rage mod is a prime example as  a must have mod in energy restricted missions). Can I do it? Yes. Do I have fun doing it? No. And thats why I play video games, fun. 

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42 minutes ago, Robm said:

LOL!! people complain about corpus when they are the only faction to provide an actual challenge. OH NO a NULLFIER!!!! sooooo HARD to kill a nullifier... you people complain an awful lot about a free to pay game. If you don't like play something else....

I actually agree with the OP. Been playing over 2 years now and recently Corpus just started to annoy me.


They are not difficult, just annoying enemies. Allow me to elaborate:


  • I like my one shot one kill weapons, I don't like spraying ammo. Nullifiers beat that play style. You shoot them at melee range or if you are already there just stab them. Or you'll need AoE / bullet spray weapons.
  • I don't want to reapply my self buffs or have to recharge them every 5 seconds when a Nullifier jumps on my back from a balcony. Again, can be counter played, but frustrating.
  • I don't want to have to wade through a bazillion instakill sapping mines from level 100 Sapping ospreys because my kubrow decided to stay in a room triggering more ospreys to spawn rather than to follow me.
  • Small easy to kill enemies with overpowered CC abilities are getting spawned in endless numbers.

Grineer Scorpions, Hyekka and Drahk masters, Bombards, Rollers and Napalms:
They either have AoE damage, knock you down, steal your guns, stagger you constantly. Yet they are fun to play against for me and I don't feel the need to specifically assemble a set of weapons with select mechanics to counter them. I can play against them with whatever frame or weapon I want to play with just by changing my approach.

Corpus challenge you by forcing your hand to use certain frames and weapons if you want to lessen your frustration. Do that or get frustrated and be ineffective.

What I see problematic with the Corpus is just these things:

  • Sapping Osprey SPAM and their SPAM of Sapping mines. - Lower numbers spawning and less overlapping damage zones with tiny mines would make it better. Damage is fine as it is as long as it is not an absolute area denial spam.
  • Bursa SPAM. - Make less spawn. 1-3 total per non-endless mission, never at once, but make them tougher.
  • Nullifiers. - Just no. We have the modular units, those are good. A lot better executed than this admittedly stop gap unit. Modular units don't negate your warframe AND weapons at the same time and reward player skill. (You know, headshots?)

In all honesty, the corpus had good units already, like the Leech Osprey: Has a nasty ability that you need to pay attention to, yet doesn't melt your eyeballs and don't block entire tiles and there are others like this one that barely even spawn.
Instead we get these newer units that are spamming the map and are just frustrating to play against. Not challenging. Frustrating.

So yeah. I avoid Corpus too. Corpus sorties especially. Only play them when I feel like using the equipment suited against corpus. Then I switch back to whatever I am more in the mood for and kill Infested and Grineer instead. 

If you think this is not a valid problem here is a challenge for you: Do a Sortie 3 survival with Saryn against corpus. Now do the same with whatever against Sortie 3 Grineer/Infested Survival. Compare your levels of being challenged/frustrated. 

(inb4 I still get called a scrub who needs to git gud)

Edited by TychusMechanicus
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31 minutes ago, spyros78 said:

Well said the op, and as i say, what is a warframe without its power? a plain soldier with a gun. Everyone well said their opinions hoping to see some change in the future.

What is a Warframe without its powers? A badass ninja with extremely good acrobatics, quick speed, what essentially amounts to a Tank's weaponry and its own shields and armor.

While I do agree that a lot of corpus enemies lean on the 'cheat' side of hard difficulty, I never found the Nullifiers or Combas to be anything more than a pest. Frankly, the only Corpus unit that was unfair was the Shock eximus and that got changed soon enough.

Just accept that power-denial is the Corpus thing. Hails of bullets is the Grineer thing. All-melee-fest is the Infested thing. It's how the story goes.

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3 minutes ago, Lyravain said:

a pest

See, that’s the thing. We play games for fun. Why would I want to deal with something whose primary mechanic is making me have less fun?

Also, the damage gating on the bubbles makes single shot weapons worth almost nothing if they don’t have AoE. Another thing is that 'frames vary greatly on how much a Nullifier affects their gameplay. A Chroma is rekt because he wants to build duration and strength, sacrificing efficiency. Losing his self-buffs is a real problem. Disarm Loki literally doesn’t care: He’s not staying invisible, and Irradiating Disarm takes full effect regardless of whether he’s in a Nullfier bubble or not… compare that with Chaos.

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That´s the general concept of DE that is just WRONG.

There should be things that makes you think twice about using your powers or if you engage in melee range or from distance. But the general concept of just nullifying  ALL your powers



Not because it´s hard because it´s just takes away a important part of the game and give nothing in return. It doesn´t even create a challenge for the player.

Other games handle those things with much more care. Like inventing a enemy that if you attack it with "magic" it gets berserk or other abilities that create a choice of handling and a challenge thus also enrich the gameplay and possibly the fun people have when they deal with those enemies.

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1 hour ago, Marthrym said:

It's been like that almost 2 years now : instead of tackling the underlying issue that is overpowered CC being the only response to a broken enemy scaling itself being a response to overpowered weapons, the devs just throw nullifier-type enemies and mechanics and rely more and more on forementioned broken enemy scaling in the hopes people will actually see it as "challenge", when all it is really is mostly unfair and unfun stuff. It's both ironic and sad at the same time. So much potential, yet we more and more get less and less ways to play the game, while the game itself gets more and more horizontal content, which unfortunately ends up mostly being mastery fodder because of all the problems listed above. It's a vicious circle that the devs seem unwilling or unable to break, despite all the feedback that tells how players want it to change badly, however difficult and painful an undertaking it would probably be.

this is the best analysis i've seen of this issue^  

this is primarily why I don't play upper level 70-100 missions... because high difficulty in WF is simply the same maps, the same mobs of bots... except players have less health/sheilds/power/weapons and bot mobs have more (no inspired maps and no upgraded AI).   this concept of difficulty is not fun to play and doesn't inspire mid level players (like me) to try to reach higher levels (not to mention the trivial rewards at high levels).

Edited by DeadlyPeanutt
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I have no "favourite" faction to fight or avoid, they all have their challenges. I change my playstyle to match. Sometimes you have to think outside the box. In the case of the nullifiers it's a simple "risk vs reward" concept. Regardless of which frame I've equipped, 9 times out of 10 I'll just run inside and shoot/melee the nulli in the face. Why? Because it's perhaps the most efficient way of doing it. Sure, you'll lose any cool buffs you have on, but that's the price you pay. Other options include Torid nades in their immediate path (this takes a little bit more skill/path reading to pull off well) and/or at the edge of their bubble, or in the event of a frame that I *really* don't wanna lose that fancy buff on, just simply shooting it until it bubble falls. It's not a hard concept to grasp and I don't know why people go on about it. It's called problem solving, there's usually more than one way to solve a problem.

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