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Where are the Veteran players???


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i mostly play solo but from time to time play in group but somehow usualy end up in team with a MR10 or lower saying that i do stuff wrong or not using "the right weapons" or some that just ignores what i say and turnst on all the life supports when they arive (ofc im telling them that we dont need to use them when we still are on 50%+) and then rages at me for doing a "bad job" or stuff like that. also thankts to the DDOS that have been going on i havnt been able to play that much latley since i cant even be in the liset without geting kicked out. hope my puppy dont die :c

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I usually solo things because i can take my time, pause, and do what i want without having low level players try and rush me. I also lurk in the forums while standing in my liset (wish i could meditate in my ship). 

Don't get me wrong i like helping new players they are usually pretty nice, but i just want to challenge myself and not have such a, in a word, anchor, when i want to push my limits with test loadouts.

Also if you guys are wondering if I happen to be a vet, in-game time 1100 hours or so and MR21 been around since update 7.


Things I do, cause i've become burn't out, chill in Maroo's bazaar (I like the ambiance), chill in my ship, or try to go as long as i can on apollodorus, usually have a team of pugs.

Edited by Dreadnaught75
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3 hours ago, KnotOfMetal said:

I think most veterans have reached the point where it's just easier to solo or play with a group you know than play with pugs and the problems they bring.


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It's been easier just to solo everything for a long time now. Though I still mainly play with pugs because they keep things 'interesting' (and I don't have to talk to anyone). Why just today I was given a 3hr affinity booster and went to do the sorties. Upon the last sortie I stood to gain a 'giant load of focus points' only to have the host run-off after completing the last extractor. You see interesting and maddening; though it's not just disconnections, people cheesing easy content, and players asking players to go camping with them.

Some of the funnest people I've met were in pugs. There have been people that only communicated through in-game actions. Players that stayed for an hour with me on apollodorus, all of us had low leveled gear (cause why not). Others who I continually get matched with and have come to know.  Pugs can be the greatest and the worst matches you'll play, it's really a gamble to see just who you get.

Edited by Postal_pat
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Wow. It seems like from these answers that there needs to be some thought into freshening the experience for veteran players. I don't know what could be done but it's sad to hear that the experience of playing with newer players is so bad that people are sticking to people they know. I'm not saying it's right or wrong but that just isn't me - I like playing with all the different people out there, despite some of the bad apples i run into. What I do have a problem with is only finding low level players, and their goal is to rush through and level as fast as possible. I also Solo a lot of the content; Spy, Sabotage, Deception, Syndicate Missions that have Medallion searches, Capture missions, low level Void mobile defense... All because I keep running into bad players. With the new(ish) "1 player standing on extraction ends the whole mission" thing I cannot trust newer players in say, Syndicate missions. But all of those issues were non issues about a year ago - now the proliferation of newer players and absence of older players has watered down the fun of Warframe in the aspect of an organized, methodical gameplay mechanic. I can see why people are running away from random games now, and it only gets worse the more people who leave the mode.

Edited by magusat999
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34 minutes ago, Trichouette said:

That's maybe because veteran players (like me I guess) aren't using matchmaking / recruitment channel, simply because they either have friends or a clan to play with, and they would rather play with them than with random people.

We vets either play with a fixed group of friends or just do things by ourselves, unless we really need someone to start such mission, like raids, or we are just bored and want to help some random noob from our alliance of clans 

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I tend to only really PUG stuff like casul Draco or Alerts.

Why would I use the recruiting chat for random people, when I have a much better place (my friends list) to recruit teammates?


I don't have anything against low level guys or PUGs in general, it's just that the people on my friends list are people that I can chat with in game and have fun with, and that is something I almost never find in PUGs

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2 hours ago, KnotOfMetal said:

I think most veterans have reached the point where it's just easier to solo or play with a group you know than play with pugs and the problems they bring.


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Pretty much this (I'm MR17, Idk if you call that a veteran player [I've been playing since 2014 I think] but that's it)

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It's important to note that matchmaking is designed to match you up with players of similar mastery, within reason and localization limitations. Jumping into random alerts, boss nodes, and even sorties, as a MR 20 veteran, I'm mostly matched with players who are MR 15 or above, with occasional exceptions of course. Mastery certainly isn't indicative of average play time, but it's a helpful gauge. 

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I've been around since before Operation: Sling-Stone in U6-7(?) with 385 hours in at MR 10, so I guess I can be considered 'Veteran'. I personally play WF regularly, but over the past few weeks I haven't had too much interest in doing anything. I mostly lurk on recruiting or in a Relay and join in on some Void runs for certain Prime parts, but it's getting old for me. The grind is wearing me down more than my gimp'd leg from a bad Airborne training jump, and that's hard to beat in most cases. I'm waiting to see how U19 is, but unless another major quest like Second Dream comes out (THE FEELS!) or major rework of game mechanics, I'll just hop on Steam and play ArmA III. More random actual coop work and voice chat BSing there.

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Just now, DJ_Redwire said:

It's important to note that matchmaking is designed to match you up with players of similar mastery, within reason and localization limitations. Jumping into random alerts, boss nodes, and even sorties, as a MR 20 veteran, I'm mostly matched with players who are MR 15 or above, with occasional exceptions of course. Mastery certainly isn't indicative of average play time, but it's a helpful gauge. 

Well something must be wrong because I am MR 20, been playing for three years and I keep getting matched up with MR 10's and below! I'm talking even in higher level areas. This wasn't happening early last year - seems to be a new phenomenon.

Also, on  a point others have made about playing with friends - I can do that, but not exclusively. I like playing with fresh new people. I also don't care to hear someone's voice when I am playing... can't get into the whole teamspeak thing. It's already bad enough that players text chat with each other, I don't want to hear some nerdy whining in my ear as I play... but that's just me. It just came to me that it wasn't so not long ago - as a matter of fact new players were the minority of play - now they seem to have taken over...

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The current star chart is a mixed bag for me. I'll sometimes run into people that are at a similar skill level or amount of time played, or put into a game with newbies. I don't have issues with newbies, but when they're the type to try and latch onto you for being the 'best' player in the group and expecting someone to unlock all manner of content and to give a few freebies, I'll have to cut my losses and continue with solo.

Even though I'm part of a clan/alliance, I've been solo on content, because these things seem to have a recurring cycle, more so now that the entire alliance seems to recruit only newbies that are along for the ride.

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4 hours ago, magusat999 said:

I have noticed over the last couple of weeks perusing PUGs in the Recruiting Channel and random games from the map - that at least from my perspective, there aren't may experienced players around anymore. maybe it's my matchmaking, maybe they just don't do Recruiting Channel? I have hosted T4 void level missions and MAYBE one person could have some experience. Mostly the players I keep running into are relatively new - like MR 7 - 8 with only a few Warframes and a very short amount of game time. Was there a mass exodus or what? I started playing three years ago, and even up to the beginning of last year I couldn't throw a pillow without hitting a Veteran player - am I just imagining things or have a lot of old school players just moved on? And if so - why?

Some of us are around... but most of us are playing with clan/friends, solo, or in my case spamming draco to help people and thats it..... i dont really have anything left to do here, i quit for a while till second dream, came back did that, got all the weapons i didnt have and am now back to helping draco. I game hop when ive nothing to do here anymore, maybe other vets are doing the same.

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Honestly all I have seen are MR 6-11 now days. Not saying those players are bad or not skilled. But I have definitely noticed a decline in higher MR players/vets. I mostly play solo as that is what i've always done since 2013. And if i'm not solo then I play with a small group of close friends.

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Part of being around long enough to be a 'vet' is finding your niche. I play with my clan and friends, only venture on recruiting every now and then for various bits. I tend to run public matches on randomly because I can carry hard. I do also solo alot, good chance to test builds, try out various tweeks, etc without skewed results. I've also been in draco almost exclusively, formaing everything under the sun multiple times. Lotta vets sit in raids/void content with clanmates though. 

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There's a regular habit of a good portion of veterans... only coming back for updates or large events, due to burnout, time constraints, other games taking precedence, etc.  That, along with the tendencies towards solo'ing, raids, sorties, specific groups, etc. mean you'll encounter fewer vets on random star chart missions.

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As you can probably tell from the replies, everybody has their own reasons for why they do or dont keep playing.

For me, I started solo, and apart from a friend or two joining in along the way, thats the way it will stay.

Im sure you are all very nice, sociable people, but Im not and thats not going to change no matter what DE do, sorry.

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Most vets play solo or with friends/clanmates/recurringRaidingParties. You won't find them in recruitment chat. Which is sad, because I don't play on enough of a schedule to have a regular group to go with, and like meeting new people even though they often don't really reciprocate. 

A decent place to find vets in PUBs is in high level sortees which scare off a lot of the newer players with a fairly high difficultly and crappy reward pool. I play them a lot for fun and occasionally find some decent folk. 

Edited by JoeLorodeath
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I've been playing since early 2013, MR 18 now.

  • I don't do T4's when there's not a specific item/BP I'm looking for
  • I find a lot of MR 19-21's when recruiting people for sorties
  • It massively depends on the mission type. ex When I have to do a spy mission I prefer going it alone or with people I know who are competent. 
  • Pugs aren't friendly 80% of the time. I'd rather ask to play with people I know than pug with a bunch of mutes.
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been playing around November 2013.

i've stop playing this game Religiously sometime during 2015 simply becasue i feel like i've done everything that i could do in this game (which i know i have not)

i have still not compleated the 8 player Raid on hard mode, and have yet to try the raid for the j3000 golem.

when i do jump on the game, i normally play for about 1-2 hours unless somthing really hooks me back into the game. as of my pug experience, im normally grouped up with mr 8-12 players which is nice, although they seem to all have the Tonkor, is that the new starting gun now?

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I have been playing since April of 2013.


Real life has gotten in the way of my playing recently, but I do still play. But has gotten to the point that I am asking myself WHY I still play. Every time I go in, I see MR4 players leeching the sorties. I see people demanding taxis to Venus. I see everyone carrying Tonkor and using Ember if they have it. No thought required.


I DO still enjoy Warframe, but I think I am going to stick with solo runs for now. Because it's not about MY fun anymore. it's about everyone else doing everything they can to screw my fun in the name of theirs. I know it is nothing personal for most of them. They simply don't know any better. I find that sad, but there are always other games.


I will come back to Warframe occasionally, because nothing else is quite like it. But random groups are generally not worth the angst. I will keep playing, but nowhere near as much.

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I'd assume most vets are playing higher leveled areas for better rewards. I see some high ranks here and there when I am doing alerts but that is it really. Personally I solo a lot not because I want to but because most missions are dead, no one plays them and I only join groups if with my friend or doing alerts. Since there are so many new players it will always be easier to find them over the rest of the vets in this game.

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