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Are the Sentients really in Tau?


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Out of curiosity, I went to search for more info in the Tau System and what I found didnt match what we've heard of the Old War so far.

In the "Crewman" Synthesis we find that that the Orokin were planing to go to Tau Ceti, the reason being that of the 5 planets that orbist that system, 2 are seemly habitable and thus: having resources they needed and a crapton of space debris orbiting and bombarding those worlds (Which made "The Crewman" necessary).

The War might not have been in Tau is what the soldier in the Mag Prime codex says: "The alien Blue Star was dark and blinding."

Tau has a yellow star, and its colder than our Sun.

The closest Blue Star is in Alpha Centauri, 4LY away from Sol. While Tau is 11LY away.

It brings this conclusion:

The Orokin Era was composed of an actual interstellar civilization and not just a spacefaring one (For those who dont know the difference: Interstellar means that it can travel from a Solar System to another, Spacefaring means to travel in space. We are currently Spacefaring since we can travel to our Moon for exemple.). The War started in Tau and gradually moved to Alpha Centauri and was threatening to come to Sol, that was when the Tenno were deployed.

Which brings to question how long did the War last? It did not take months or years of that I'm sure... Decades? Centuries?

If we are going out of the Sol Sytem in the future, we will probably go to Alpha Centauri first to confirm this "Alien Blue Star" of the codex. And no, Alpha Centauri has no habitable planets IRL that we know of. We dont know what the Orokin might have made the habitable.

Just throwing this out there.

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Did the Orokin ever actually make it to Tau? As far as I've read the Orokin sent the Sentients to build a solar rail to Tau in order to make interstellar travel possible (but did they actually finish?). Then at some point the Sentients turned on the Orokin which is when The Great War began.

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I would like to just point out that DE doesn't necessarily try and accurately reflect the real-life surface condition and details of the spaces we're exploring, for instance phobos has no atmosphere (Which would make a lot of the wind effects impossible) but this is not in any way reflected by the tile set in game (Which would make much more sense on the surface of mars) not to mention the lack of a moon in earth's orbit making seeing at night without some artificial light essentially IMPOSSIBLE. Warframe very much is a science fantasy story.

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As the trivia on the Sentient's wiki page states, it would appear the specific "Tau System" is not actually named in full to be any that we know, only suggested to be Tau Ceti. The yellow star seems to discredit the idea, but names could well change over centuries and millennia to refer to an entirely different star-system. How well along the projects of colonization had gone by the time of the war is unknown, but I´d certainly love to find out. 

Also I´d like to see at what state the Tau System was left in the aftermath, and as to whether or not the Sentients were simply expunged from the Origin System or brought down, or possibly lay dormant in Tau and such.

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Lore doesn't specify Tau Ceti, nor does it specify Mag's blue star.

It's not a bad guess but it's not technically more plausible than "it wasn't Tau Ceti but somewhere else" or "the Sentients did something to the Tau Ceti sun".

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1 minute ago, Basilisk1991 said:

I would like to just point out that DE doesn't necessarily try and accurately reflect the real-life surface condition and details of the spaces we're exploring, for instance phobos has no atmosphere (Which would make a lot of the wind effects impossible) but this is not in any way reflected by the tile set in game (Which would make much more sense on the surface of mars) not to mention the lack of a moon in earth's orbit making seeing at night without some artificial light essentially IMPOSSIBLE. Warframe very much is a science fantasy story.

There's a difference between making something slightly unrealistic to improve authenticity and stating factual errors. There's three answers to the question we can come up with now.

DE made a mistake.

Something happened to Tau Ceti, possibly caused by the Sentients.

The ship landed in another system or the protagonist suffered from unknown visual apparitions.

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13 minutes ago, Basilisk1991 said:

not to mention the lack of a moon in earth's orbit making seeing at night without some artificial light essentially IMPOSSIBLE.

Spoiler if you haven't played The Second Dream 


If you look up on an earth tile set you can see the moon.


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As for the length of the old war, I suppose it lasted centuries at least. The Orokin were already losing when they decided to use the Tenno, and then the Tenno still managed to create their own, unique culture. The Tenno might have appeared already decades into the war.

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1 hour ago, RideaTear said:

Did the Orokin ever actually make it to Tau? As far as I've read the Orokin sent the Sentients to build a solar rail to Tau in order to make interstellar travel possible (but did they actually finish?). Then at some point the Sentients turned on the Orokin which is when The Great War began.

It is very possible they actually made it there, in the Second Dream


one of the dialog options "I remember holding a hand", has the Operator mention that they were waiting for the jump to Tau.

The War didnt start immediately, there was a period of peace between Tau being travelable and the Old War.

59 minutes ago, Belgard said:

Lore doesn't specify Tau Ceti, nor does it specify Mag's blue star.

It's not a bad guess but it's not technically more plausible than "it wasn't Tau Ceti but somewhere else" or "the Sentients did something to the Tau Ceti sun".

The Crewman Sythesis specifies it.



Tuvul interrupted, "Our laws are sacred but do not forget The Plan, Ballas." His visage turned down to me, "Countless other ventures have failed The Plan, how will this machine fulfill its design?"

I tried to catch my breath and speak, "The crossing to the Tau system is perilous. Adaptation and replication are the only way a terraforming journey can be made. They will build an interstellar rail as they travel, they will adapt to the host planet and prepare it to our arrival. They will save you."


The Second Dream specifies it.


(Option: ...a hand, held in mine aboard the Zariman.)

  • The soft lines of a hand. My mother's, I think. We were watching the stars, awaiting the jump to Tau. She was afraid.

Mag Prime Codex HINTS it.


My lungs were flattened, eyes full of death. Ship debris glittered like a night snow. The alien blue star was dark and blinding beyond us. The countless articulating worm-ships of our enemy, ringed in glowing discs, undulating and heat-bursting the surviving soldiers like me. This is where I died. I wa

The only one we can doubt is if it happened in Alpha Centauri. But the next blue star is in Orion's Belt: 762LY away from here so....

48 minutes ago, Littlerift said:

I always assumed that they chose Tau because historically Tau (the Greek letter) was associated with life and rebirth, and Tau is the location where the Sentients were 'reborn' into the current form.

I thought so too, but when I looked into Tau Ceti, it seems 2 of the 5 planets there have conditions to be habitable, the difference is that they are bombarded by cosmic debris much more than Earth is, to the point of actually impacting the surface.

Edited by Kao-Snake
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Maybe the rail required passing through another system?  There's no explanation of what the rail actually is, but either materials or convenience might dictate that the rail pass through the Centauri system before heading on to Tau.  And no, I'm not sure how the distances there work out, but they don't seem to be in opposite directions from each other, either. 

I'm more curious as to how they're going to pull the trick with the Sentients getting back while supposedly not being able to use the known FTL system in the universe. 

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1 hour ago, Kao-Snake said:

The Crewman Sythesis specifies it.
The Second Dream specifies it.

Neither says "Tau Ceti" both say "Tau system" so the point is, you don't know for certain whether the "Tau system" had a blue star or not.

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1 hour ago, Belgard said:

Neither says "Tau Ceti" both say "Tau system" so the point is, you don't know for certain whether the "Tau system" had a blue star or not.


1 hour ago, VoidNomade said:

I find this overly complicated.

I choose ockham´s razor in this case.

Not really complicated, here:

Tau Ceti is the name of the star in the constelation of Cetus. As we are known to be in the Solar System because the name of our star is Sol (Which is "Sun" in Latin), so the Tau System has Tau Ceti as it's star.

14 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

no, they're in Uranus... seriously, take a look!

Only 1 Sentient is in Uranus: Hunhow.

The rest is out there somewhere.

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4 hours ago, Basilisk1991 said:

I would like to just point out that DE doesn't necessarily try and accurately reflect the real-life surface condition and details of the spaces we're exploring, for instance phobos has no atmosphere (Which would make a lot of the wind effects impossible) but this is not in any way reflected by the tile set in game (Which would make much more sense on the surface of mars) not to mention the lack of a moon in earth's orbit making seeing at night without some artificial light essentially IMPOSSIBLE. Warframe very much is a science fantasy story.

im guessing you havent looked up at the sky after the second dream?


The orokin moon can be seen


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2 minutes ago, (XB1)A Frikn Grizzly said:

Ever heard of terraforming?

Yup, Venus got Terraformed into a fridge and Phobos into a desert. 

3 hours ago, Cephalon_Ordis said:

if you're getting your butt kicked at the moon. do you think they're in Tau?

The ones we came across on the moon are just Drones. Natah is a Sentient, not a drone. Hunhow is a Sentient, not a drone.

17 minutes ago, AdunSaveMe said:

This assumes the systems in the Warframe universe are the same as ours.

The solar system is. But that doesn't mean the rest are, and it doesn't mean the lore was written with your same ideas in mind.

Well, then that's a bit weird. We got the same amount of planets and are the named the same. It would be a bit odd to take it the wrong.

Am curious if there some Sentients at Tau?

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2 hours ago, (XB1)A Frikn Grizzly said:

Ever heard of terraforming?

Which is why I put "In Real Life".

Besides, Terraforming doesnt mean the place will have the resources you want (which is the reason they went to Tau)

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5 hours ago, AuroraSonicBoom said:

DE made a mistake.

Or they just didn't really feel like having to stick to real world physics when it's inconvenient, I'm fine with DE changing stuff with regard to the general surface conditrions and physics on other planets as they please if it means the game is better for it.


2 hours ago, (XB1)BroaderSaucer said:

im guessing you havent looked up at the sky after the second dream?

I was specifically talking about BEFORE the Second Dream (Where nightly earth missions were still a thing), I get that retcons are a thing but it still ultimately illustrates that DE is more than happy to tell real life physics to shove it if they think it makes the game better. My point was that Rule of Cool is very much in effect here and I really should have made that more obvious in my first post.

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2 hours ago, Kao-Snake said:


Not really complicated, here:

Tau Ceti is the name of the star in the constelation of Cetus. As we are known to be in the Solar System because the name of our star is Sol (Which is "Sun" in Latin), so the Tau System has Tau Ceti as it's star.

I think you completely missed my point. For me both codexi refers to the same place because of ockham´s razor on things we do now. People saying "yadayada we don´t know for sure that it´s the same because of Tau-that because of Tau-this" = they make it overly complicated for no reason other than arguing for the sake of arguing

Edited by VoidNomade
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4 minutes ago, VoidNomade said:

I think you completely missed my point. For me both codexi refers to the same place. People saying "yadayada we don´t know for sure that it´s the same" = they make it complicated

True, we did kind of deviate a bit from the topic the title implies, although so did much of the opening post anyway, so it kinda turned into this kind of discussion.

On the title, yeah... I´d very much like to know what sort of presence the Sentients have in the system, if they left it behind(I would sort of doubt that for some reason) when they went to make war on the Orokin, or if they were largely destroyed there, or went into a dormant state there at the end of the war. With Teshin's words on "enemies beyond the Outer Terminus", I´d like to consider the last one the most likely. It´s kind of hard to tell whether or not Hunhow meant only the other Sentients in the Origin System would awaken subsequent to his own, or if the Sentients then residing in the Tau System would also awaken in response. 

Sort of leads me to guess they´ve not been terribly active over there, though I have little but pondering thoughts to back it up. 

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