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Update 18.8.0


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8 hours ago, Nama_Sui_Seijin said:

True, but still they are both vandal weapons. And if one is trade able then the other one(s) also should become imo.

It will become trade-able only if it's parts start appearing as Sortie rewards. 

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8 hours ago, 8gbMoreRAM said:

Buff Oberon 

Oberon needs only 2 buffs:

1) Double the amount of time survivors of Reckoning are blinded.  This will still be less than half the time of Excal or Mirage's blinds, in a MUCH shorter radius, and Reckoning costs twice as much energy already.  It's a reasonable buff that is nevertheless useful.

2) Renewal needs to drain about 70% less energy per second.  The initial cost is fine, the fairly weak amount of healing is fine, but the drain is too severe for the amount of healing you get.

If DE changes nothing else about Oberon besides just those 2 things, I will be very, very happy.  I'm not saying they can't buff him more, but those 2 little charges are all I feel like he really NEEDS to have.  He doesn't need to be OP.  His flexibility is his greatest strength.  The fact that he's "above-average at everything, master of nothing" is perfectly fine to me.  He just need to be "above average" instead of "below average" on everything, and right now those two little tweaks would accomplish this, as far as I'm concerned.

Tiny tweaks like this should happen in the same patch where we get deluxe skins.  I would hope the same will happen for Banshee when we get hers, though like Oberon, we will probably get the deluxe skin for Banshee, and then it'll be 3-5 months, after Mag and Volt and even still more other frames get their own full reworks before we can get basic "quality of life" fixes for these two.

EDIT: I should mention I am not a huge fan of either Banshee or Oberon.  I do often bring Oberon for PUGs simply because he is good at sliding into any role and you never know what composition you'll have in a game that's already in progress.  It was a struggle for me to even find enough times to actually play her to get Banshee to 30, much less do it twice more to throw on 2 more forma, and I'll probably never forma her again.  And my favorite frame, by far, is still Mag, even if I spend most of my time on Saryn these days.  I say all this for one reason: I am not suggesting that Mag doesn't need a rework, or somehow illogically that Banshee/Oberon should take priority.  I'm just saying that 2 or 3 MINOR tweaks could've been pumped out with minimal effort to complement the skin, and they could still get a full rework later.

Edited by chuckdm
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SERIOUSLY. Can we please fix the "fix" when you really nerfed energy drain abilities to be stacked with energy draining enemies already? This is horrible. Can you at least make it so that multiple enemies that cause energy drain don't stack with each other? It's too much. Energy restore packs aren't enough and barely anyone plays Trinity (though more common than Limbo) or Limbo to counter act the bs. Please roll this back to the way you had it as a FEATURE. Thanks in advance.

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6 minutes ago, KakarrotSSJ4 said:

SERIOUSLY. Can we please fix the "fix" when you really nerfed energy drain abilities to be stacked with energy draining enemies already? This is horrible. Can you at least make it so that multiple enemies that cause energy drain don't stack with each other? It's too much. Energy restore packs aren't enough and barely anyone plays Trinity (though more common than Limbo) or Limbo to counter act the bs. Please roll this back to the way you had it as a FEATURE. Thanks in advance.

I have to agree, and this only makes sense.  The stacking damage resistance from multiple Ancients was made to not stack.  It makes no sense that multiple energy drains stack.

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On 06/04/2016 at 11:09 PM, xxSnivyxx said:

Fixed the Huntsman Soma Skin not applying properly to the Soma Prime.

But it made the soma look like a bullpump rifle. That was the reason I was going to buy it. DE, make a bullpump soma skin!

Goddamn it that's the only reason I got the damn skin. It made the some prime look so much more elegant and sleek, unlike the bulky default soma p.

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20 hours ago, Roboplus said:

No it isn't. It's the only thing that matters. It was flavor. It was different. Now its trash.

Its inconsistent, unreliable DPS and the effort isn't worth the outcome. Dual Toxocyst was trumped by effortless weapons like Lex Prime, Atomos, Aksomati/Azima. There was never a reason to use it before other than just being different. Now there's no reason to use it at all.

It would have been easier to change the in-game description to match the weapon's function, than to change the function to match the description.

Remember when they changed Kohm from projectile to hitscan? That was necessary from a performance perspective, but because it lost its ability to ricochet shots it was almost globally considered a nerf (and that was a weapon becoming hitscan!). It was too system intensive to remain as it was, so as much as it hurt the weapon, the nerf had to happen.

But this? There was no reason for this.

I hated hated HATED that update. I have never used my Kohm since. It used to be one of my favorite weapons. But with the RoF nerf to it and getting rid of the amazing fireworks display of bouncing particles that my system could run fine (#MasterRace), it's now a stupid piece of garbage that isn't work the time and forma. Is it possible to request forma refunds from DE over S#&$ like this? Cause I want a LOT of wasted forma back, from the Kohm, now from the Toxocysts... it's crap.

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Not in Patch Notes:

(STEALTH NERF!) Energy drain from Eximus Units drains energy even with continuous powers active (/STEALTH NERF)

(STEALTH BUFF) Guardian Eximus Shield drones can render INVULNERABLE all nearby units (/STEALTH BUFF)


Previously when WoF, Hysteria (etc) were up, parasitics could not drain energy. THIS WAS VITAL as in Eximus strongholds energy was a very rare commodity due to the following oversight: EXIMUS UNITS DO NOT DROP ENERGY!

I actually don't mind the Stealth Nerf (though that it is not listed is annoying).. But please add Energy to the Eximus Drop Tables. As it is now in Eximus Strongholds (where is is wall to wall Eximus after a few min of survival, or other missions of endless base type) it is not only Eximus Stronghold as the condition it is ALSO: NO ENERGY.

So again please my (very dead) Valkyr begs you: make her not lose power to the endless swarm of Parasitics, or make the Parasitics able to drop energy.

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That ice cicle is an okay weapon, but its cost is way too high.


"•    Secondary Weapons that used Sniper Ammo will now consume Pistol Ammo and use Pistol Ammo pickups. Pistol Ammo pickups have been adjusted for these weapons to deliver 10 Ammo on pickup. "

._. >> o_o >> ouo >> 0U0







Peace out.



Edited by MokutoBunshi
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Nice to meet you Megan, you see I have a problem with the update, after downloaded the update I have been playing at hieracon dark sector a few times and each time in certain point of the mission the screen freezes and then turns to black, the sound stills there but enemies don't hit me, so I quit and close warframe, it's frustrating because I lost affinity in each black screen and sometimes the rewards because the host where I was playing is not available.

I checked warframe cache files and the problem stills there, so I verified Steam cache too and then opted to start the game, for my surprise the game started to download again 11 gigabytes omg.

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On 07.04.2016 at 7:39 AM, Roboplus said:

No it isn't. It's the only thing that matters. It was flavor. It was different. Now its trash.

Its inconsistent, unreliable DPS and the effort isn't worth the outcome. Dual Toxocyst was trumped by effortless weapons like Lex Prime, Atomos, Aksomati/Azima. There was never a reason to use it before other than just being different. Now there's no reason to use it at all.

It would have been easier to change the in-game description to match the weapon's function, than to change the function to match the description.

Remember when they changed Kohm from projectile to hitscan? That was necessary from a performance perspective, but because it lost its ability to ricochet shots it was almost globally considered a nerf (and that was a weapon becoming hitscan!). It was too system intensive to remain as it was, so as much as it hurt the weapon, the nerf had to happen.

But this? There was no reason for this.

Yep there really was no reason for that nerf. Or they at least could make basic stats a bit better, or make it get new buff before previous one ends. Seriously buff it in any way before nerfing it please.

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16 hours ago, KakarrotSSJ4 said:

SERIOUSLY. Can we please fix the "fix" when you really nerfed energy drain abilities to be stacked with energy draining enemies already? This is horrible. Can you at least make it so that multiple enemies that cause energy drain don't stack with each other? It's too much. Energy restore packs aren't enough and barely anyone plays Trinity (though more common than Limbo) or Limbo to counter act the bs. Please roll this back to the way you had it as a FEATURE. Thanks in advance.

Maybe this could be when DE realizes they have wasted potential when it comes to Limbo, and decide to give him the TLC he deserves?


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