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Sorties hurt those who use plat


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1 hour ago, swizzybeatzjamz said:

I purchase plat every blue moon to support the game. Most of the time you can make alot of plat in just 30 min of trading. But I have ran across a problem with sorties. I purchased the frame nezha with plat. Most of the time I get on warframe run a sortie and and run a t4 and maybe a raid and Its kind of discouraging when you play a sortie and a nezha helm drops when you already purchased nezha.... I don't know if this happens with other weapons.... But it just doesn't seem fair. I feel that if your purchased her then there is no reason why I should get parts to drop.

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Warframe is a free to play game. Every item and stuff out there are farmable - excluding weapon/warframe slots and some cosmetics.

While using plat you are taking a shortcut: saving your own time from farming items and resources and saving some waiting time on crafting. If you decide not to farm but get the new stuff right away, it's your decision. This helps particularly those players who don't have the time to farm stuff cause they are making money IRL.

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I do not think they do. If you are a new players, and have trouble doing sorties and even when you do sorties you don't get nezha parts and even assuming you get nezha in the 2 weeks span then you have to get nitain to build it and wait 3 and a half days for the frame to be done and you have to put a potato in the frame and so forth I think that is a pretty decent trade off for not buying nezha with plat. On the other side you can always sell nezha parts for plat for cheap since. Some people will always want to buy nezha so that can finish him faster and with the influx of players you should be able to pay off the nezha you bought.

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you do realize that when you buy something that has a chance to drop in a mission, you MIGHT still get it in a mission, right? and that you're paying plat for the convenience of having it NOW rather than playing and hoping you get it LATER?

I'm not sure you have a leg to stand on here, bud. you circumvented the drop tables by purchasing something. I would run the same risk if I bought a Strun wraith part via trading, as the Sorties could still give me that exact same part, as it isn't ticked off, but that's a risk I'd be willing to take since I could just trade the spare and get my plat back. it could still happen, and you have to bear this in mind when purchasing something that can be obtained by other means.

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This thread reminds me of people going all pitchforks and torches when a rare item is made more accessible, because of "lost prestige".

It makes no sense at all, but people can get their panties twisted in such a painful way, you'd think someone robbed them of their retirement funds and leave them to rot out in the streets. Oh cry me a river.

Edited by Currilicious
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7 hours ago, Tesseract7777 said:

 Like some people don't WANT to deal with trade chat at all.

I don't want to deal with it. But I still do. Just like running 80 of the same void over and over to get that one part drop, it's not like I WANT to do that. But RNG is a *@##$.

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Imho... don't buy stuff, you can get ingame. I didn't even buy Loki prime. For me it's basically just swag and inventory slots. If you tried, farming something and it is just too tedious, you might reconsider, but before you tried getting something in-game, I'd say, don't buy it.

Bought Frost myself, waaay back in the days (yeah, Frost, not Frost Prime ;) ). Has been my second frame and I don't even regret it, even though, with all my stuff today, I probably could farm a full Frost set in 30mins or so. :)

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15 minutes ago, Lanieu said:

Or they could enact the Token System they said they were going to do.

Haven't seen the live-stream, but someone mentioned, that it wasn't something they "promised" to do, but someone in the stream said, they would "consider". Which MIGHT mean, that the one dude said something, that ended up in a thresh bin immediately afterwards. Just saying: a token system might come or not. I'm not sure, they ever took a definite position on that one. (If I'm wrong, please correct me, preferably with a link to the source ;) )

Edited by DjaAkh
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1 minute ago, swizzybeatzjamz said:

I dont feel as if I wasted plat on nezha at all. I just simply feel it's a waste for me to do a sortie only for me to get another nezha set. When there are other rewards. Sorties arnt like bosses that you can grind over and over again . you get one chance a day

...And you get another chance tomorrow.

It's not wasted time as you got creds and affinity for completing them.

I get where you are going from an opportunity cost standpoint.... By makingf the parts tradeable, DE has done every reasonable thing they could to insulate you from the frustration of doing sorties inside their weighted RNG system.

Worst case... build another Nezha put different lenses on it and have other parties with it.

Absent that, sell the parts or save them for the day that Nezha is replaced in sorties with something else and people need the parts.

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