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Next Prime Frame Confirmed! Vauban Prime!


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I don't see why a new thread was made for this but don't be surprised if ti's merged in the main one.

I think he'll get some shiny parts and I'm guessing power capacity cause he's a caster. Of course some polarity or two extra as well. The rest is just raw speculation.

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6 hours ago, (PS4)Elctrcstel said:


personally i think its going to be Vauban Prime. those arms look a little too thick to be Nekros

Image URL: https://n8k6e2y6.ssl.hwcdn.net/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/field/image/VaubanPrimeTease_PAXeast_Website.jpg

Vauban Prime confirmed. I wonder what weapons will come with him?

Not gunna lie, leaving the name in the url is quite funny. Someone at DE facepalmed so hard today when they realized it themselves xD

It was probably the CM, im going with DERebecca having goofed ;)

Edited by MillbrookWest
Do we get in trouble for @linking the staff? Force of habbit. my bad >_>
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7 hours ago, vazerd68 said:

I'm quite surprised. I never expected them to release vauban outside of alerts.

Here's the twist: now featuring Prime Alerts, where its when there is a Booben part alert, there could be a small chance for another alert within the alert while you're doing the alert mission to get this new special alert. To which when it will prompt you go into another mission to get a Booben Prime part inside that alert, instead of the prior alert where the vanilla Booben part is the usual alert reward.

Jokes aside, I'm definitely curious what he looks like now! And curious if he'll still have his Kingdom Hearts-esque'd / Goofy Movie shoes that originally was off-putting to me, but soon grown to adore it will still be present lol.
As well as [presumably] what the lore-teaser video will be about regarding Booben Prime!



#alertception #boobenprime4prez #hebetterbebling


Edited by HalfDarkShadow
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So disappointed they didn't break the gender pattern and make Banshee. I really would have prefered it.

Fortunately, I also like Vauban.

Just wait until his parts only drop from rare containers sometimes found in new timed Void Alerts that require five keys to go on and also randomly steal twenty bucks from your wallet and call you a nerd.

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