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About the Lunaro teaser


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we were shown this image:


Here you can clearly see the operators standing and posing. The question is, have they regained enough muscle mass to warrant these activities? During the Second Dream, the operators could barely crawl and that seemed difficult for them. The way this teaser played out, it seems the operators will play a major role. The thing is, even if the somatic link has a sort of quick regeneration feature, it would take more than a couple months (if that) for their muscles to rebuild. What do you think?

Edited by LordOfScrugging
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Assuming they don't just sit aroumd in the orbiter all day, a super human child should've (i think) been able to move atound again. Their first apperance was sp suddenand overwelming to them so i understand the sense that they can't walk properly hence the crawly crawl

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1 hour ago, (PS4)watt4hem said:

Assuming they don't just sit aroumd in the orbiter all day, a super human child should've (i think) been able to move atound again. Their first apperance was sp suddenand overwelming to them so i understand the sense that they can't walk properly hence the crawly crawl

They can move with their powers obviously, but what the operators are doing is a physical movement. They must have gone through some form of rehabilitation in order to be able to move freely once more. I also wonder what role the operators will play during Lunaro. maybe they can be an assist of sorts? like say your frame cannot just reach the "ball" as we'll call it and the operator comes in and assists the frame.

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17 minutes ago, LordOfScrugging said:

They can move with their powers obviously, but what the operators are doing is a physical movement. They must have gone through some form of rehabilitation in order to be able to move freely once more. I also wonder what role the operators will play during Lunaro. maybe they can be an assist of sorts? like say your frame cannot just reach the "ball" as we'll call it and the operator comes in and assists the frame.

Maybe the operator IS the ball?

I would be surprised if superhuman space wizards weren't able to recover from who knows how long stasis. Anyway, Lunaro looks interesting. I'm hoping for space quidditch.

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2 hours ago, LordOfScrugging said:

The thing is, even if the somatic link has a sort of quick regeneration feature, it would take more than a couple months (if that) for their muscles to rebuild. What do you think?

Uh...U18 was released 4 months(soon 5, actually) ago. 

In a futuristic world where technology so advanced it seems to be magic exists...I think it's fine. 

Not to mention, right now they can already "teleport" in a copy (or is it even themselves?) during missions and fire lazerbeams and whatnot....So yea...no matter what. 

PLUS. Their bodies do not actually LOOK atrophied...so if we are just basing everything on assumptions , anyway....I'll go ahead and claim that the Orokin pods in the 2nd Dream quests actually stimulated their muscles....so the real reason they couldn't movie freely after waking up was just because the sleepy drugs were still wearing off and they are just not used to walking.
Like having the knowledge how to drive a bycicle...but then just not doing it for 50 years...of course you're gonna suck at it at first.

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1 hour ago, Shehriazad said:

Uh...U18 was released 4 months(soon 5, actually) ago. 

In a futuristic world where technology so advanced it seems to be magic exists...I think it's fine. 

Not to mention, right now they can already "teleport" in a copy (or is it even themselves?) during missions and fire lazerbeams and whatnot....So yea...no matter what. 

PLUS. Their bodies do not actually LOOK atrophied...so if we are just basing everything on assumptions , anyway....I'll go ahead and claim that the Orokin pods in the 2nd Dream quests actually stimulated their muscles....so the real reason they couldn't movie freely after waking up was just because the sleepy drugs were still wearing off and they are just not used to walking.
Like having the knowledge how to drive a bycicle...but then just not doing it for 50 years...of course you're gonna suck at it at first.

5 months being awake over an indiscernable amount of time sleeping. If we're going by that train of thought though, they'd need to have been on pretty powerful drugs to keep them asleep that long and they wouldn't even be able to crawl if that were the case. they'd just be barely conscious. (the bit about sending a copy or whatever isn't relevant since they aren't physically doing anything)

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14 minutes ago, LordOfScrugging said:

5 months being awake over an indiscernable amount of time sleeping. If we're going by that train of thought though, they'd need to have been on pretty powerful drugs to keep them asleep that long and they wouldn't even be able to crawl if that were the case. they'd just be barely conscious. (the bit about sending a copy or whatever isn't relevant since they aren't physically doing anything)

Well, if the story from Inaros' and Baro Ki'teer's quest are any indication...

Baro could probably be in his 30s-50s? (I can't tell.)

That would put the fall of the Orokin at around approximately 25-45 years ago (or possibly even sooner than that) assuming he was around 5-7 years old.


We were previously led to believe that the Fall of the Orokin was the distant distant past, like thousands of years due to the fact that there was no definitive information given on how long ago it was.

Now we know that the Orokin were around when Baro Ki'teer was a child and he most likely remembers the Fall.

Edited by EirwynTelyn
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14 minutes ago, EirwynTelyn said:

Well, if the story from Inaros' and Baro Ki'teer's quest are any indication...

Baro could probably be in his 30s-50s? (I can't tell.)

That would put the fall of the Orokin at around approximately 25-45 years ago (or possibly even sooner than that) assuming he was around 5-7 years old.


We were previously led to believe that the Fall of the Orokin was the distant distant past, like thousands of years due to the fact that there was no definitive information given on how long ago it was.

Now we know that the Orokin were around when Baro Ki'teer was a child and he most likely remembers the Fall.

Human aging is most likely slower than modern times. Darvo is centuries old (i think it's 300? can't remember off the top of my head) So i'm not sure how aging will be. Unless DE specifically states dates of events then it's all speculation. But still 25-45 years is still a decent length of time (assuming void exposure only granted operators powers and not changed anything having to do with their aging or atrophy of muscles)

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44 minutes ago, EirwynTelyn said:

Well, if the story from Inaros' and Baro Ki'teer's quest are any indication...

Baro could probably be in his 30s-50s? (I can't tell.)

That would put the fall of the Orokin at around approximately 25-45 years ago (or possibly even sooner than that) assuming he was around 5-7 years old.


We were previously led to believe that the Fall of the Orokin was the distant distant past, like thousands of years due to the fact that there was no definitive information given on how long ago it was.

Now we know that the Orokin were around when Baro Ki'teer was a child and he most likely remembers the Fall.

He was being told a legend of Inaros, so any mention of the Orokin was referring to the past.Considering the Grineer were at the colony attacking stage when this happened this was after the Orokin had fallen and who had become nothing more then boogiemen in a bedtime stories.

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The clothing is still being worked on, and this is a teaser, would be cool if they had auxiliary exoskeletons like Hybrid Assistive Limb moa like legs i.ex: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_k30yeCk4c to move around.I would put cool stickers on it. Just the fact that the operators have a part on it, opens up the gates of heavenly awesomeness,they are using their chosen frame, and you're seeing the face behind it, that means you'll see more of the operators in the world outside the battlefield and orbiter.that alone sent a shiver down my spine in a good way

Also a cool stuff was the tree, if turned the trunk becomes a platform opening up a cool possible feature, we don't know if the map is static or if it has segmented parts that shift, or if it shifts as a whole.

Since it's not combat pvp that will open up unique mods, or maybe none at all, maybe all of the stats or special move abilities are connected to the frames themselves opening up a lot of tactical decision into team building for those matches, a team to focus highly on mobility? defense/steal? unique special moves for each frame?

Will it have  two goals or just one that both teams will have to dispute over it? How will the "ball" be? active or stationary? will it start on the middle of the field hovering above ground? will it be like a tag game?parkour near zero g?

Lights come up on the trailer meaning it is an arena that opens up a lot of mechanical liberty, will the Dojo placement coming in the rework of new map will have any thing to do with local leagues? will we have a smaller Dojo room to train in? Even though Tenshin presents it, will we have npc "coaches"?Will we be able to see replays?A huge screen on relays so the other tenno could watch the games?a "tv" screen on the orbiter?i'm going overboard again oohhh So many questions and so much hype

devstream at pax killed me, so much awesomeness in one stream

I woke up with this intro in my head. Anxious to see what DE is cooking, for now, Capture the cephalon the "goal" that you jump through at the begining of vay hek or other earth missions near the platforms right before the trunk, battlefield and Dojo pillars will be my training grounds. Already got a team and talked with a friend for inter clan training


Edited by NovusNova
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1 hour ago, EirwynTelyn said:

Well, if the story from Inaros' and Baro Ki'teer's quest are any indication...

Baro could probably be in his 30s-50s? (I can't tell.)

That would put the fall of the Orokin at around approximately 25-45 years ago (or possibly even sooner than that) assuming he was around 5-7 years old.


We were previously led to believe that the Fall of the Orokin was the distant distant past, like thousands of years due to the fact that there was no definitive information given on how long ago it was.

Now we know that the Orokin were around when Baro Ki'teer was a child and he most likely remembers the Fall.


1 hour ago, LordOfScrugging said:

Human aging is most likely slower than modern times. Darvo is centuries old (i think it's 300? can't remember off the top of my head) So i'm not sure how aging will be. Unless DE specifically states dates of events then it's all speculation. But still 25-45 years is still a decent length of time (assuming void exposure only granted operators powers and not changed anything having to do with their aging or atrophy of muscles)

Darvo is (almost?)109 years old. When we found out his age was in an Special Alert 2 or so years ago that introduce the Hyena pack. Who knows how old is Frohd Brek, his father.

The Orokin Era was Thousands of years ago at the very least.

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if you watched the trailer during the live event you may notice an awkward silence after they play it. i had the exact same reaction and in my case it was because to me those perky kids can't exist in a universe ravaged by conflict, the attitude, voice acting operators have .. it just doesn't fit. having said that i'm very much looking forward to this new mode i'm sure it will be fun. 

i love the idea of the operator being fragile and in contrast with the frames and broken twisted orokin children fits the bill perfectly. but i imagine them scarred for life and very much changed mentally beyond their apparent age. i wish their dialogue reflected a more mature and aware personality being that they went to that hell where reason fails and came back. 

what if they could communicate telepathically? the sound guys could go wild with all kinds of effects to give more depth to maybe some rewritten lines for the operator more compatible with the warframe universe. DE pls. voice packs maybe? i'd buy them in a heartbeat.

physically i can see them being capable of anything within the realm of reason why not? advanced techmology and extraordinary mental abilities can, i imagine, achieve even more then i can imagine. i mean if tenno can fix dna degradation for kubrows sure i can believe the operators can be in great shape for anything ... even "sports"


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8 hours ago, LordOfScrugging said:

5 months being awake over an indiscernable amount of time sleeping. If we're going by that train of thought though, they'd need to have been on pretty powerful drugs to keep them asleep that long and they wouldn't even be able to crawl if that were the case. they'd just be barely conscious. (the bit about sending a copy or whatever isn't relevant since they aren't physically doing anything)

They could have been in some kind of stasis chamber that more or less preserved their bodies and kept them in a twilight state (anxiolytic effect) for a variety of reasons (reduce trauma, deal with stress, et al). The frames are partially organic and they were preserved for centuries with no real effect.

Given the nature of Orokin technology (since that underpins virtually all the technology in the WF universe) atrophy is probably not an issue. Look at going into the Void and clearing a citadel, while intact they probably haven't been visited in years or perhaps centuries and the corrupted are in perfect shape when you encounter them. While you only explore a small area of the citadels there doesn't seem to be much given in the way for house keeping the corrupted who are essentially mindless drones and are replaced by hapless explorers ensnared by the neural sentries.  

Most likely they are stored in stasis until an intruder is detected and released to defend the citadel. If the corrupted were left to merely mill about until trespassers breached the citadel then large areas of the base would have to be given over to maintaining them - sleeping areas, feeding areas, even areas where you would have breed them as they passed away due to age when not being actively replaced by intruders. Ergo somewhere tucked away in the citadel (since the spawn points seem to be mostly elevator like areas) are large chambers where the corrupted are kept in stasis until needed and released and return to and are tended by (equipment refurbished, bodies healed and so on).

Conversely when you enter a derelict there are no corrupted so it can be assumed the very equipment that sustained them failed and turned their stasis chambers into giant tombs.  

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Just now, Khazid_Hae said:

They could have been in some kind of stasis chamber that more or less preserved their bodies and kept them in a twilight state (anxiolytic effect) for a variety of reasons (reduce trauma, deal with stress, et al). The frames are partially organic and they were preserved for centuries with no real effect.

Given the nature of Orokin technology (since that underpins virtually all the technology in the WF universe) atrophy is probably not an issue. Look at going into the Void and clearing a citadel, while intact they probably haven't been visited in years or perhaps centuries and the corrupted are in perfect shape when you encounter them. While you only explore a small area of the citadels there doesn't seem to be much given in the way for house keeping the corrupted who are essentially mindless drones and are replaced by hapless explorers ensnared by the neural sentries.  

Most likely they are stored in stasis until an intruder is detected and released to defend the citadel. If the corrupted were left to merely mill about until trespassers breached the citadel then large areas of the base would have to be given over to maintaining them - sleeping areas, feeding areas, even areas where you would have breed them as they passed away due to age when not being actively replaced by intruders. Ergo somewhere tucked away in the citadel (since the spawn points seem to be mostly elevator like areas) are large chambers where the corrupted are kept in stasis until needed and released and return to and are tended by (equipment refurbished, bodies healed and so on).

Conversely when you enter a derelict there are no corrupted so it can be assumed the very equipment that sustained them failed and turned their stasis chambers into giant tombs.  

The thing about the corrupted is they are mind controlled enemies, as opposed to enemies from a "corrupted" faction. It seems the neural sentry can just possess intruders that stumble into the void. So there is a nearly endless supply of bodies from the constant incursions grineer and corpus make into the void. We don't know if the neural sentry is capable of sustaining the life of their possessed units so there is also that.

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