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Is playing Trinity not very rewarding, or am I missing something?


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Trinity (Prime) IMO, is one of the nicest fashion frames out there, especially with the strega skin/deluxe pack, so I decided to build one. Got her to level 30, added a potato, and tried her for some time, but I'm not seeing rewarding play with her.

I found that not only she's squishy, most people don't even care for her abilities. It takes a lot of effort to keep her alive for very little reward. I was surprised that even mid-level level 40 mobs can easily kill her, even with overshields.

EV has been long surpassed by Zenurik+Energy Siphon. You can get more energy out of EV, sure, but Zenurik and killing enough mobs to drop orbs is more than enough. The argument is good for other frames, but merely as a redundancy. Also, can't cast EV if all your energy is leeched away, which makes it as weak as all the other passive energy restores. Its only marginally useful in an energy reduction sortie, but then again, 2-3 pizzas throughout the mission is enough to pull you through.

Blessing is a lot of work for immortality, which not all frames need or want. If they wanted immortality, they would have brought a Chroma, Frost, Valkyr or Wukong anyway. The self harm mechanic needs specific timing, and hiding in an secluded corner and timing it well. Given how squishy she is, a single shot might be enough to take her out in the midst of it.

Link would have been good but for the fact that your team mates will wipe them out in 3 seconds.

Well of life is easily substituted by rushing in with life-strike, which is quicker and easier anyway.

Not only that, CC is severely lacking, and prevention is better than cure. I feel like link should link something like 20 enemies over a massive area, for both CC, and so your teammates wouldn't just come in and kill everyone you're linked to.

Am I missing something? Everyone says Trinity is top tier, but I'm not seeing it

Edited by KBurn85
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She was super fun as a healer frame, but when EV overtook blessing the tides shifted. I loved healing my team, but now my teams just want energy. Her link got nerfed, because back in the day you could self damage yourself and kill any enemy you were linked to.

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I don't think your seeing the value in Trinity. She's the most rewarding to play. I love the feeling of blessing my allies right before death. (I don't self harm) Timing the bless right is a game in its self. 

Trinity. Squishy? Lol oh no. Trinity is not squishy & is far from it. Her Link ability is good. Also throwing her Bless into the mix. She can last longer than any frame. (Probably on the same survivability with Valkyr) 

Her energy vampire is great & isn't out performed by Energy Siphon & Zenurik because Trinity Energy Vampire is instantly gained rather than an increased rate its gained. Yes you can't cast it if your energy is gone. But if you have little energy left to the point you can either cast her Well of Life or Energy Vampire ability. Which you gonna cast? There's no reason for Trinity to have no energy at all tbh.

I would like to see Well Of Life to get changed for something else since its overlooked by Blessing & you would want for your allies to get low health for a good Bless. 

No frame can match Trinity. Trinity is at the top & no frame can knock her off her throne.

Edit: Also not to mention Trinity is the only frame that can kill any lvl'd enemy with her Well of Life & EV combo.

Edited by (XB1)Cash201293
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Link doesn’t end when its targets die. It will re-acquire if anything gets close.

Trinity is primarily good in high level content, when other 'frames start falling off. Trinity’s main feature is that she can endure basically anything; there’s nothing to endure if all the enemies are already dead.

People also really like to have Bless Trin in raids; you should have an EV to supply you and a gap of a second or so is… usually safe.

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For me, pre-made teams are not that fun to go with. And same with raids. You have just one role which is in a long run bit too monotonic. Either you have to bless or ev. But she's extremely satisfying to play with balanced build.

So, I use her on moon survivals when fighting against corpus faction and sentients and bursas. Had really nice runs there with random people cause the node is quite quiet. She is most fun if you have two players there (where you are that other player).

Edited by carnaga
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Yeah, you're missing something.  EV/bless builds aside, Trin is my go-to survive anything frame.  Just bring a good gun.

I'll agree that her 1 is lacking.  But, if you haven't taken an EV build and one-shotted heavy units with her 1-2 combo then you are really missing out.

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Playing trinity is boring but everybody love having a trinity with them (when well played)

There are usually 4 kind of trinity :

  1. Trinity EV, focusing on giving energy and overshield thanks to the syndicate augment mod. You need negative duration / max strength / max range to play her, and just spam 2.
  2. Trinity bless, focusing on granting "99% damage reduction" (so basically close to god mode) to you and your teamates. She just need intensify and max duration to be played, and any self damaging weapon + quick thinking mod. You need to lower your HP to 2 and use your ultimate and you'll grant everybody god mode for a duration of 20-30 sec depending on your mods.
  3. Trinity link, playing on the link augment that reduce target's armor to deal more damage to them. It's the least useful trinity imo...
  4. Average Trinity, using all spells (unless the first because it's the ultimate cr*p ability of warframe) to be... average. She can grant immortality and energy, but less efficiently.


If you find trinity not tanky, that means you're not playing her right, or you're playing her the EV way.

And WHO need CC when you're immortal ? Try to play her "bless" and you'll see how rewarding this is.

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10 minutes ago, -.SP.-G43riel said:

nope, trinity is pretty boring but prepare yourself for a wave of people telling how wrong you are for thinking like that of her

Trinity is best frame. Trinity is love Trinity is life! Nothing beats the Trinity!!!






I think you're missing the point of personal preferences and you're generally just viewing on paper stats.


Valkyr, Chroma and Wukong do have some invincibility of sorts but can any of them give an entire team 99% DR thus making your entire team immune to basically all damage for a while? Nope.


You're a Trinity, how the heck do you exactly lose all your energy asides from QT?

Link's duration does not end if you do not have someone in range and it gives you a locked 75% DR.


I think the problem I'm seeing here is that you plainly just don't like her style of  gameplay and you blame her for the most part.


edit: Yeah her first is bad.

Edited by izzatuw
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1 minute ago, carnaga said:

For me, pre-made teams are not that fun to go with. And same with raids. You have just one role which is in a long run bit too monotonic. Either you have to bless or ev. But she's extremely satisfying to play with balanced build.

This is so true. I was in a raid squad. My teammates was trying to recruit for a Bless Trinity. I told them in chat that I can just bring my Balanced build & keep an eye on everyone health while also supplying extra energy but they refused. Which was sad because I'm a very good Balanced Trinity but a Terrible "Self harm Bless" Trinity.

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I main Trin and I mostly run a sorta balanced build. I find fun in the challenge of monitoring the vitals of my allies and my Link/Bless timers etc..

Seems to require more focus than most other frames. Apart from that though, I gotta admit DE has made a poor job at making support frames. Trin is supposedly the fully dedicated support yet they haven't made her very fun :/  I've grown attached though so I'm ok with it. I'm open for suggestions as long as she doesn't lose purpose.

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1 minute ago, SanguineSavant said:

I like liquorice twists. Not everyone likes liquorice twists. I like pineapple on my pizza sometimes. Not everyone does. I play a warframe that bests suits the situation. Some people bring a mag to a draco match.

Fair enough but a decently thought out change can be universally accepted as an improvement. Can make people use her in non-organazed set-ups and have more fun for the benefit of the team :)

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18 minutes ago, (XB1)Cash201293 said:

I don't think your seeing the value in Trinity. She's the most rewarding to play. I love the feeling of blessing my allies right before death. (I don't self harm) Timing the bless right is a game in its self. 

Trinity. Squishy? Lol oh no. Trinity is not squishy & is far from it. Her Link ability is good. Also throwing her Bless into the mix. She can last longer than any frame. (Probably on the same survivability with Valkyr) 

Her energy vampire is great & isn't out performed by Energy Siphon & Zenurik because Trinity Energy Vampire is instantly gained rather than an increased rate its gained. Yes you can't cast it if your energy is gone. But if you have little energy left to the point you can either cast her Well of Life or Energy Vampire ability. Which you gonna cast? There's no reason for Trinity to have no energy at all tbh.

I would like to see Well Of Life to get changed for something else since its overlooked by Blessing & you would want for your allies to get low health for a good Bless. 

No frame can match Trinity. Trinity is at the top & no frame can knock her off her throne.

Edit: Also not to mention Trinity is the only frame that can kill any lvl'd enemy with her Well of Life & EV combo.

That last combo, I remember it getting removed... as the enemy scales HP down so does EV's damage. The combo doesn't exist anymore...

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23 minutes ago, Silverton said:

She was super fun as a healer frame, but when EV overtook blessing the tides shifted. I loved healing my team, but now my teams just want energy. Her link got nerfed, because back in the day you could self damage yourself and kill any enemy you were linked to.

You still can use link to tank and kill any enemy linked to you. Try a Abating Link build. With Intensify is usually enough to take all armor off, However, I prefer Range + Duration. Of course it's not as effective as it was on the old days, but's still very viable. As for the weapon, avoid primaries, try using any secondary compatible with Concealed Explosives.

The only problem this has is Blessing seems to get bugged A LOT when self-damaging, not curing you at all... 

ON TOPIC: Keep playing with builds, you may find one that suits you. At least that's what I try to do all the time, even with Wukong. ( I hate Wukong.)


Edited by Lokime
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As someone who loves playing Trinity, I can understand where your point of view is coming from.

Unlike most other frames Trinity lacks any type of meaningful damage abilities (No, WOL+EV combo doesn't really count) and she was built for being a support. This means that doing anything solo with her would seem kind of underwhelming since the main focus of her is to make everyone in team stronger.

though with the right build I have soloed tier 4 interception, survival etc. So she isn't completely unviable but if you are soloing it is probably better to use another frame

In conclusion, in my opinion only people who like playing support roles would find her rewarding.

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1 minute ago, (XB1)Cash201293 said:

Seriously? Has that changed already happen?

I'm pretty sure it happened undeclared a few updates ago, with the recent lack of updates my sense of time is messed up but it's been that way for a while yeah :/

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using Energy Vampire to allow you to loop Link and Blessing to 'outlast the s... out of everything' is what Trinity does well. w/ Well of Life + Energy Vampire being a neat Synergy to deal scaling, heavy Damage to a single Target.
and it's a very engaging thing to do, looping it and you are indestructible. any other Warframe that boasts doing this has no interactivity involved.

'if i wanted' 'just use (another Warframe)' is completely false - Trinity does everything that she does, the best, period. 

if you're finding Trinity boring, stop using the useless Loadouts that everyone will recommend. maximizing for exploit abuse on Energy Vampire or Blessing will not be an interesting or flexible way to play.
your engagement is in survival. if surviving anything isn't engaging to you - it probably is for the other Trinity that is carrying your Mission, and trivializing the Enemies in the first place.

21 minutes ago, -.SP.-G43riel said:

nope, trinity is pretty boring but prepare yourself for a wave of people telling how wrong you are for thinking like that of her

ofcourse, because there are some Players in this community that have actual experience with the game. 

7 minutes ago, Major_Phantom said:

I remember it getting removed

not unlikely to be an accident.

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Actually Trinity can use Link to tank Ground slams by Gunners and Bombards.

It is really useful when reviving a downed teammate which got taken out by said Gunner and Bombard.

The CC effect seems to be translated from Link to any Linked enemies after getting Slammed it seems. (Unless DE changed it but seriously no reason for it to be changed yea)

Besides, Energy Vampire totally removes the one limitation most frames have in the game, being Energy, restoring Energy in HUGE amounts.

That alone boosts the combat potential of many frames a tenfold mainly by ensuring they have unlimited access to the Blue Juice that fuels their massacre, which is why Trinity is considered "Top Tier"

Sometimes I do feel playing Trinity on the team doesn't feel rewarding to play, I mean cmon, yur playing a Health and Energy slave to 3 other players with conventional loadouts.

There is that one build that combines Well of Life and EV to 1 shot enemies but I don't have the PHD to replicate that build. 

Edited by YasaiTsume
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the idea with trinity is to rely on your guns more, since she doesn't have any real offense or CC. "squishy?", you mean tanky. a good link build makes Trinity one of the best tanks in the game. EV is a welcome support skill, and Blessing can be used in a tight spot or to rescue a team-mate from near death. she works best when she's with a team, because that's what she's designed for, but she can tank so well she can bullet-sponge her way through solo missions.

I'd say try the two main ways to play her the EV support trin, and the Link and blessing Tank trin. there's always two ways to play a single frame. if you find that neither of them are to your liking, then maybe Trinity just isn't your style.

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