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MR Based On How Many Hours You Have In Game.

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MR systems is not the problem, it gives people specific perks so if someone wants to have those perks he needs to go and "master" the weapons.

It's the level reset you get after using forma on your gear that causes so many people to play Draco.

In a recent devstream it was mentioned that the problem is being looked at, hopefully they will come up with a good solution.

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22 minutes ago, MadGrekon said:

MR systems is not the problem, it gives people specific perks so if someone wants to have those perks he needs to go and "master" the weapons.

It's the level reset you get after using forma on your gear that causes so many people to play Draco.

In a recent devstream it was mentioned that the problem is being looked at, hopefully they will come up with a good solution.

those are separate issues. the draco issue is that it's the only place to get affinity at a decent pace. making it the most played node in the entire game, thus making it a place to attract some newbies thinking that high MR = High skill.

The forma issue ties into draco since you need to grind your level up and draco is the best place. (this one will potentially be looked at to where your mastery rank will be the rank of your weapon when you forma it. only thing is it doesn't remedy anything about the first issue, just lessens the grind)

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45 minutes ago, (PS4)KrakenUnchained said:

Leave MR system as it is, i dont mind, just while in a squad make clearly visible to anyone the formas amount a player got on hes equipment (little stars in the place of the weapon/warframe rank). Theres an huge difference between a 5 formas rifle rank 10 and a 0 formas one at rank 30.

In all fairness, some weapons/frames/sentinels can be built effectively in a way to minimize forma usage, such as some status and crit builds that use low-drain mods.  

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Nope, "mastery" means "knowledge and skill that allows you to do, use, or understand something very well" (weapons, frames, etc). Just because you played more hours than others it doesn't mean you know how to play. Current system is broken too, since you can get mastery points for a weapon without killing a single enemy with that weapon.


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Whelp, here I thought folks would have taken a couple of more stabs at a decent alternate solution, given that a few of you got pretty close to one.

Keywords used: Co-operation, skill, mastery.

Ok, well rather than tying MR XP to weapons, frames, companions, and star chart completion as it is now, the suggestion is time put into game = MR XP...the erroneous thinking of that proposal has already been stated ad naseum, so I'll move on to the suggestion that was barely touched and overlooked~

MR XP based on performance in common missions, raids, sorties, normal alerts, tactical alerts, ESCALATION ALERTS and MAJOR EVENTS. It can be left in that a fair chunk of MR XP would come from mastery of equipment and star chart completion, but bigger and more consistent bonuses might-should come from pretty much how well you play. The big upside to this change in the system would be that it would make MR absolutely have a basis in the player's skill in the game, with smaller MR XP chunks coming from your average mission, and the harder the mission and better the performance and teamsmanship (think Supportframes, Revives, THINGS!), the more MR XP the player is awarded, with the most possible MR XP being awarded in Escalation Alerts (the hardest variety), and Major Events (think the X.0 or X.5 events, good example of a former one being The Second Dream, good example of an upcoming one being Umbras). Big money from those, show off your style, strut it like Dante. Bonus points for STYLE!


Lot of positive there, everything that anyone could ever ask for...except!


It'd take a long &#! time for DE to rip the guts out of the current system and code the new guts into it. We're talking a complete overhaul of a (I'd assume) very touchy and integral system of the game (since gee, ALL THE XP is tied into it). Probably months of code-diving, at least.

Say it ain't so!

Yeah, it would take time to implement, and probably many, many, MANY hotfixes for bugs afterward....MANY!!!


Well, until next time, keep painting, and Bob Bless~



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Some people seem to think that getting to MR21 requires no effort and is immediate when in fact, it requires quite a lot of time and effort. You don't start the game owning all the 330+ frames and weapons this game offers, you have to gather all the ressources to build them , gather the components credits and blueprints to build them, complete the events that award them, farm the ducats and void drops to be able to build them... Oh, and wait for the build times to finish too... All that before you can even level said weapons to 30.

Then finally, you get to the last part of the equation, where you actually must level up your stuff... Which, apparently, if you use Draco to do so, you're a filthy exploitative noob not deserving of the MR21 title for some reason, when in fact, you just use the most efficient method to grind level hundred of mastery fodder weapons.

So while yes, Draco does make the last part of leveling them to 30 faster and more optimal, I don't believe one bit that a player can get to MR21 in a couple of weeks/ months like some people claim. I'm pretty sure most MR21 have at least 1000 hours clocked into the game, if not way more, and most of said time was actually spend playing the game and trying to achieve the necessary milestones to be able to reach said goal...

I'm a MR21 PS4 player that made a new account on PC and after 200 hours on the new account, I'm only MR9 with very few weapons and frames leveled up and I'm always running out of resources and credits to build things... My point is, it requires quite alot of time and effort to get a high MR account in Warframe, and people that think that MR is not representative of the effort of players don't realise how much work one must put into the game to even reach said MR... Even using leveling shortcuts like Draco, that's still alot of work, and I'll give respect when respect is due... That is unless a real player pays real money to buy all weapons and frames, then level them up using Draco only... But who is rich enough to do that anyway ?


Edited by (PS4)Stealth_Cobra
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47 minutes ago, (PS4)Stealth_Cobra said:

I don't believe one bit that a player can get to MR21 in a couple of weeks/ months like some people claim.

I agree with what you say for the most part. I'm most of the way to MR 21 (30k short, and I have several unleveled archwing weapons in my inventory), and I've been playing for about 8 months. However, I could have reached MR 21 quite a bit ago, if I had focused on only that. The main thing that stopped me from reaching 21 was that most of the weapons I'm missing require forma to build. I've gotten plenty of forma, but I keep using them to max out weapons. I have plenty of 6 forma weapons, a 5 forma nekros, several 4 forma frames, plenty of other 3-5 forma weapons, as well as formas on dogs and sentinals. I even have a 4 forma MK-1 Braton, just for kicks (planning on making it 6).

The point is, I love using forma, and that's held me back significantly. Had I focused on it, I could easily have reached MR 21 in less than 6 months. No regrets, though. I enjoy having a nice collection of powerful weapons. Sometimes I can't wait for another one to finish, and I give in and buy one. Just today I bought 2 for my telos akbolto. Does...  does this mean I have a problem?


5 hours ago, Mokusvezer said:

Few days before in draco...

"aequinox what does your agment do? Shackle them?"

"You mean put them into sleep? Equinox can do that without any augment"

"aw thats cool what is that night? never seen it."

*Mastery Rank 21*


Wow. You found a MR 21 player who doesn't main equinox, and didn't know what the *new augment* for equinox did. I think maybe your expectations are a little off.


*Edit: I'm still against the change, though. As I mentioned earlier, the MR system encourages players to try weapons they wouldn't have otherwise considered. It doesn't equate to skill, but it isn't meaningless, either.

Edited by Lord_Azrael
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Why not based of challenge completion?

Not only MR tests but also challenges to gain the MR xp, each rank requires three challenges done. Play a Spy Moon mission without getting detected in the data console rooms, Kill 150 corpus enemies by headshot using a bow in a solo mission, don't touch the floors for a minute using wall latch, and complete a T4 interception solo (4 rounds) NOW THAT gonna be a pain and no one would have an excuse after sucking at something after

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3 hours ago, Meta_Nexus said:

Whelp, here I thought folks would have taken a couple of more stabs at a decent alternate solution, given that a few of you got pretty close to one.

Keywords used: Co-operation, skill, mastery.

Ok, well rather than tying MR XP to weapons, frames, companions, and star chart completion as it is now, the suggestion is time put into game = MR XP...the erroneous thinking of that proposal has already been stated ad naseum, so I'll move on to the suggestion that was barely touched and overlooked~

MR XP based on performance in common missions, raids, sorties, normal alerts, tactical alerts, ESCALATION ALERTS and MAJOR EVENTS. It can be left in that a fair chunk of MR XP would come from mastery of equipment and star chart completion, but bigger and more consistent bonuses might-should come from pretty much how well you play. The big upside to this change in the system would be that it would make MR absolutely have a basis in the player's skill in the game, with smaller MR XP chunks coming from your average mission, and the harder the mission and better the performance and teamsmanship (think Supportframes, Revives, THINGS!), the more MR XP the player is awarded, with the most possible MR XP being awarded in Escalation Alerts (the hardest variety), and Major Events (think the X.0 or X.5 events, good example of a former one being The Second Dream, good example of an upcoming one being Umbras). Big money from those, show off your style, strut it like Dante. Bonus points for STYLE!


Lot of positive there, everything that anyone could ever ask for...except!


It'd take a long &#! time for DE to rip the guts out of the current system and code the new guts into it. We're talking a complete overhaul of a (I'd assume) very touchy and integral system of the game (since gee, ALL THE XP is tied into it). Probably months of code-diving, at least.

Say it ain't so!

Yeah, it would take time to implement, and probably many, many, MANY hotfixes for bugs afterward....MANY!!!


Well, until next time, keep painting, and Bob Bless~


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I had the same idea but some Tenno shut me down for the fact that you can Meta the whole thing.... God Dammit! Over cheesers are the reason we don't get nice things!

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seeing alot of flak towards high MR player who know little and low MR players who know more. Which is silly.

Had those of you using this argument in any way or form consider that people do take breaks from games for any number of various reasons?

For example im a grand master founder of 3 years (or something) i started in closed beta managed to get mastery rank 21 and burned out. I've heard there are like trials and such but ive not experienced them and almost all of the new content over the last 6 months is almost completely unknown to me.


From this we can see that im both knowledgeable about the game have a high mastery level and yet there are things i dont know due to long breaks in between play sessions. In reality mastery rank just tells someone how many weapons and frames someones used. It took maybe 300-400 hours to hit 21 MR. Granted this was back when every resource (but nano spores) had a famine of one sort or another with constant play/farming. My foundry literally never stopped making something either a potato/forma/weapon. Its only recently stopped as i now no longer seek to master anything else. My collections is large enough and for the time i play i dont have time to have fun with all my favorites anymore anyways.

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58 minutes ago, (PS4)ArnnFrost said:

I had the same idea but some Tenno shut me down for the fact that you can Meta the whole thing.... God Dammit! Over cheesers are the reason we don't get nice things!

Well I can Meta anything...certain perk of...something. Not sure how that would be a valid complaint, though. If DE were to set up the system beautifully, thoroughly, and stylishly, then who cares whether people take advantage of it or not at that point? They'd be doing the right thing for whatever reasons then, and most of the time you'd think people wouldn't even have to change their default play style if they're already capable operatives. It wouldn't be a super fantastic system for people who put no effort into their playing and just ride on the coat tails of superior Tenno, but why should it? Let the dice fall where they may, I say. If someone wants to have a higher MR, let them play more seriously and actively, if they want to be more casual in their time, let their scores and MR reflect that as well.

Edited by Meta_Nexus
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Like any online game, MR is not proof of knowledge of the game, it's just a good indication, you could be MR20 have every nonexclusive weapon and frame leveled and know nothing about the game because you power leveled everything through Draco, and you could be an MR who is a master but has a low MR because you refuse to level anything just for the sake of MR XP.

Time played is the same way, it would be a good indication of your knowledge but no better than the MR system. 

Edit (this just occured to me):
A better base for MR would be the sum total of your earned conclave rating. so this would include leveled weapons and warframes, but also your collection of mods and their ranksing, which is a good indication of the time you spent playing, not just logged in. It would take some tweaking, but would be a much better metric of knowledge.


Edited by GrimKonstantin
new idea
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Sounds like a bad idea to me.

"Oh? You're tired of using that Braton and the like? Well, play for five more hours and we'll see about letting you take one of these other weapons out for a spin. Ok, Sport?"

And I see the argument "DRACO!" come up a lot, but doing Malfoy does not give you the resources to build all that junk. Or fight all those bosses. Wonder where they come from? Possibly other planets with more diversity? Nah. Probably not.

And I could be wrong (i've never actually Draco'd), but don't people play Draco for the express purpose of leveling gear so they can use it outside of Draco...and focus farming, I guess? I understand that sometimes you'd tug along something for MR, but you weren't going to be using it outside of there anyway.

If we're going to say that "MR X means nothing!" then we could just as easily say "playtime of X means nothing!" You have the very few, very rare high MR players that are absolutely awful and you have the very few, very rare people with 800+ hours who just are absolutely awful.

Being honest, if a MR is past 6 that Tenno is probably fairly competent and is knowledgeable enough to contribute to anything or learn (in the case of raids). I've never really seen anyone talking about MR past 4 except when folks talk about "people who think MR is everything."

The Draco boogeyman is strong.


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6 hours ago, (XB1)Cash201293 said:

So MR is suppose to show your how long you've been playing right? Right now MR can be farmed within a month & youll be MR21 without having no idea how to play. I got an idea. Have your MR be determined based on how many hours you have in game. Getting login rewards, completing missions will offer small boosts to your MR. Also reaching a login milestone will give you a noticeable boost to your MR. So this way. The only way to gain MR is to actually Play The Game & not wait for a new weapon to come out & get MR from it. 

The reason I suggest this because ppl who actually play the game be having more hours in game than those MR21s. When I do a raid & someone recruits a MR 10 or 9. Sometimes my party be like "Awe man we gotten a low MR, Should we ask him to leave?" But that day, the low MR performed better & follow directions better than those of a higher MR. 


What you think Community?

"So MR is suppose to show your how long you've been playing right?"

Nope, it isn't! /thread (just kidding)

MR is supposed to show how much you've put forth to completing and experiencing the frames and weapons.


"Right now MR can be farmed within a month & youll be MR21 without having no idea how to play."

Who have you watched play? I spend most of my time either screwing with builds or trying to acquire and level weapons/frames. It took me 2 years to get there without leveling archwing and leveling almost every weapon/frame as they came out, while also building and leveling older weapons.

I have a good friend that started playing beginning of December of 2014 and by the beginning of the February of 2015, he was an MR16 (which is roughly half the mastery needed for MR21), and he literally played an average of 3 hours a day with my friends and I (all around MR17 at the time) boosting him through and giving him stuff.

Hell, even assuming you could do it in two months, you'd need to level an average of 18k mastery a day. That's three frames, or 6 weapons. Assuming you constantly had enough resources, credits, slots, and had some way to access the missions that allow you to farm that amount of XP, it would still take you a couple of hours a day.


"I got an idea. Have your MR be determined based on how many hours you have in game. Getting login rewards, completing missions will offer small boosts to your MR. Also reaching a login milestone will give you a noticeable boost to your MR. So this way. The only way to gain MR is to actually Play The Game & not wait for a new weapon to come out & get MR from it."

I did read further down to better understand you on this, but any way you slice it, it's a bad idea. MR is simply not what you think it is, and it certainly isn't supposed to serve the role you're expecting of it. Anyone you meet at a high MR has done WAY more than just play for 3 hours when a new weapon or frame comes out, and then drops the game until the next rotation comes around. It seems you think a lot of these high MR players have not got to where they are by simply "playing the game". Sorry to burst your bubble, but it takes time, a passion for the game, and a lot of patience to get and level almost every weapon and frame in the game. There's a lot of incredibly dull weapons and a lot of very mind-numbing hours to sit through. But, in the end, high MR players don't get less enjoyment out of the game simply because they didn't play the way you see as "Playing the Game". I can attest to this, being high MR myself. I worked long and hard to get to this point, and I don't regret it. It's like a marker to show how much you cared and how passionate you are about the game to even play through the less-than-great parts. Granted, not every high MR sees it in this light.

Now, tying MR to hours and then to work put into the game? It's an interesting idea, but not something that would work for Mastery Rank. If they had "Experience Levels" or something of the sort that had no real function in game, other than showing people whether or not you're competent, I could accept it. However, Mastery Rank is simply supposed to show how many of the frames and weapons a person has leveled. Having level locks is reasonable, as it gives people time to learn and experience new things before throwing them in the deep end. Either way, all you would need to do is get to MR12 (360,000 mastery, or about 6000 a day if you tried to do it in two months), to unlock everything behind level walls. There's WAYYY more than 360,000 worth of stuff in those first 11 levels that you can do. That 360,000 could be 15 frames, 2 sentinels and their weapons, half of the nodes in the game, and about 82 weapons (about a third of the weapons in the game). That's about 2 frames, a fourth of a sentinal and its' weapon, 10 weapons, and 17 nodes a week, assuming we're still saying 2 months is our goal. Most people will find their favorite weapons and frames by that point.


"The reason I suggest this because ppl who actually play the game be having more hours in game than those MR21s."

This is incorrectly assuming two things. 1: High MRs dont "play the game" and 2: that people who do "play the game" have more hours than those high MRs. Sorry, but every MR21 I know (I am one myself, and I have about 10 on my friends list) has at least 900 hours. Some have over 3000. I have a friend that has over 40k plat from manipulating the market and he has 600 hours and is MR16. What does this do for your statistic? Anyone I know that is MR17 and below generally has under 1000 hours. Why? Because you can be as experienced as you want with the same 15 frames and 20 weapons, but once you get to the point where you've played them all to death, you're either going to stop playing from burnout, or you'll need to start using new frames and new weapons. Before you know it, you're in love with another set of 15 frames and 20 weapons after trying enough stuff to be MR18 with 800 hours.


"When I do a raid & someone recruits a MR 10 or 9. Sometimes my party be like "Awe man we gotten a low MR, Should we ask him to leave?"

Congrats. You found people who don't want to waste an hour of their time. Granted, an MR10 with a lot of experience with their given gear will outperform an MR21 with no long term experience with their gear. However, an MR21 with experience in their gear VS an MR10 experienced in their gear will very rarely end up with the 21 losing. In the end, if I had to give some percentage or ratio, I've had a higher percentage of sub MR19s disappoint me than 19+'s.


"But that day, the low MR performed better & follow directions better than those of a higher MR."

You're giving this situation and making it out to be some sort of guarantee, almost like a lower MR will always outperform their higher MR counterparts. One experience doesn't at all describe the norm.



6 hours ago, ZaiTheFish said:

I'd like that idea more since it's more of a representation of your experience, but then there wouldn't be an incentive to level other guns.  Although, just raising an arbitrary number is a pretty lame incentive anyways, so meh.

I honestly think that this idea implemented into a different, entirely new, stat would be great. MR is again, not about your experience with the game. It's about how much of the gear you've leveled, and that's really it.

Not for a completionist, it isn't ;)


6 hours ago, N4G4M4K1 said:

Initially, I thought this idea was not well thought out, but the more I consider it, the more I agree that Mastery Rank is not something that should be farm-able. It's very frustrating, finally coming back to the game after a year and a half hiatus, seeing people twice my rank that have less than half the game time I do.

Players are being rewarded for farming Draco, and I've personally not touched it a single time beyond unlocking the node on star chart. It's also frustrating that some ranks are locked behind exclusive/ past content. I'm not a fan of MR being based off hours played, but a combination of that, and missions completed.

It's a difficult subject, as compared to other games with a "rank" system like COD, because COD advancement is linear and based purely off the one aspect the game is played for; killing other players. Warframe is multi-faceted, and focuses on cooperation.

"Initially, I thought this idea was not well thought out, but the more I consider it, the more I agree that Mastery Rank is not something that should be farm-able."

Why not? Your level in any game is indicative of how much time/work you've put into raising that level. I think what most of the people in this thread are looking for is more of an "Experience Level" rather than a "Work Level". 


"It's very frustrating, finally coming back to the game after a year and a half hiatus, seeing people twice my rank that have less than half the game time I do."

How come? The game is significantly different from a year and a half ago. Enough content has been added to allow for another several MR levels to be achieved. Additionally, better ways of acquiring levels has been used. Either way, Mastery has very little to do with how good you are at the game. Why be angered by something that has no real gauge on your ability with the game.


"Players are being rewarded for farming Draco, and I've personally not touched it a single time beyond unlocking the node on star chart."

No, they're being rewarded for playing the way they want to play. Is that not how it should work? Honestly, I didn't really actively use Draco until halfway through MR20 so I could level some gear I'd rather not use. I'm not some big defender or Draco. Honestly, I wish there were some way we could as effectively get XP in other places. However, I'm getting kinda sick of everyone seeing people who spend lots of time on Draco as inferior simply because the process is going quicker for them. If that's how they want to play, it says a lot about you for complaining about how they spend THEIR time. 


"It's also frustrating that some ranks are locked behind exclusive/ past content."

There is a total of 165k "Exclusive" mastery in the game. Only about 12k mastery of stuff is permanently behind the wall. Only about another 39k is stuff you're going to have to wait a long period of time to have a chance of getting again. About 45k is stuff you can either trade some plat for, or wait for Baro to show up to get a chance at getting some of it. Another 48k is stuff in the Prime Vault. All of which, should be available again at some point or another. Then there's 21k in Sortie rewards. If you had about half of the mastery from the "Exclusive" stuff, you would be at MR21.


5 hours ago, N4G4M4K1 said:

Actually, it's not. It grants you in-game advantages. More trades per day, ability to deploy more extractors, ability to equip Mastery-locked weapons, and some clans (as superficial as it is) use MR to gate applicants out.


"More trades per day"

Yep, but you're a madman if you're doing 20+ trades a day.


"ability to deploy more extractors"

Resources stop really mattering much after you have more than you can deal with, and the stuff the extractors have a hard time getting can be farmed much more easily anyway. I've been at this point since around 600 hours.


"ability to equip Mastery-locked weapons"

This is honestly the way it should work, hands down. If you have everything available from the start, what is there to work towards?


"ome clans (as superficial as it is) use MR to gate applicants out"

And those clans aren't even worth bothering with.


5 hours ago, Zari2015 said:

That happened to me too. MR20 player knowing nothing in normal LOR and a MR5 player leading an NM LOR.

There should show in statistics how many fails and trials completed you have.

Honestly, I haven't bothered with the Raids. I would be total S#&$e in a NM. It shouldn't label me as "inexperienced" as a player, though, as so many in this thread are implying.


4 hours ago, Toppien said:

oh look! doesnt know one thing and now hes/shes a complete ignorant, even worst! the mastery system must be irrelevant if this single high mastery rank guy/girl doesnt know every single detail about the game! how outrageous!



These sorts of threads in a nutshell. S#&$, I'm MR21 and couldn't tell you much of anything about Archwing or the raids. Want to know the perfect way to counter almost any enemy, though? I got you. Want to know how to win a new event? Look no further. Want a detailed history of periods of how people were pissed at DE for certain things? I can do that. Want to know how to completely break a frame? How about how to use the new Saryn? Or even the strategy behind a Hijack mission vs an army of purely nullifiers? But damn me if I can't tell you how to do a raid. Why do y'all think people are doing the raids despite being inexperienced? It rhymes with "To get the experience meeded".

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The MR gain should only count if they're in an actual mission like our current ingame time played.




*open Warframe*

*log in*

*play another game while leaving WF idle*


*come back*


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6 hours ago, LordOfScrugging said:

those are separate issues. the draco issue is that it's the only place to get affinity at a decent pace. making it the most played node in the entire game, thus making it a place to attract some newbies thinking that high MR = High skill.

The forma issue ties into draco since you need to grind your level up and draco is the best place. (this one will potentially be looked at to where your mastery rank will be the rank of your weapon when you forma it. only thing is it doesn't remedy anything about the first issue, just lessens the grind)

Draco is the only decent place to get affinity? I haven't gone to draco until I was MR 13. And do you know why I went there? For CIRCUITS.

People that think high MR = high skill are stupid people not newbies. As a newbie 6 months ago I take that as an offense cuz I'm not stupid enough to think that some number gauges my skill. My skill is what gauges my skill and that's how it is. MR shows how much stuff you potentially accumulated and I think that the main problem with MR is thats its called "Mastery" Rank. They should change that to Completion Rank or something of the sort, probably would solve the problem of people whining.

Without experienced players that go to Draco to level up that 1 weapon or to grind up focus points the newbies wouldn't stand a chance in Draco. Or maybe we both have different definition of what newbie is.

I have never met a person whose aim is to get MR 21 as fast as possible but maybe you guys have. Maybe DE should make a poll as to what MR people want to achieve. I know I wanted MR 12 to unlock the syndicate primary weapons and I did it without ever going to Draco. It is unrealistic to talk about achieving MR 21 when most players don't consider that as a goal or a must. MR 12 could be a good spot and that is not a problem to get with or without Draco.

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10 hours ago, Mokusvezer said:

Few days before in draco...

"aequinox what does your agment do? Shackle them?"

"You mean put them into sleep? Equinox can do that without any augment"

"aw thats cool what is that night? never seen it."

*Mastery Rank 21*

So what? I'm MR 21, I do NM raids and JV regularly, I got a 3 forma equinox and aside from Maim I have no idea how her abilities work, because they are useless.

She is a 1 trick pony with like 7 abilities.

Aside from that I see an equinox like once a month... and guess what ability she usually uses... Maim.

Edited by TheBright888
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