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Game needs "fat" warframes


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Just like nehza gave us a new range in bodytypes that is more slim and human,  a bulkier bodytype would be welcome on the female side.

There is no need to go too far and make a sumo-frame. Ever seen an elite-gymnast or athlete that can pull real heavy weights?  They are extremely wide on the verge of looking fat.

Rhino is often talked about as big, Saryn as well. But they really aren't that much bigger when you compare them in-game.

This is a matter of point of view. I allways expected Valkyr to be big and buffed, but she looks really sleek.

- I am all for diversity because it fights boredom and staleness.

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22 minutes ago, matto said:

I'd like to have a new chubby tank that can roll on enemies and take damages.

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Thats a great idea. A warframe that becomes a ball like Katamari or what was the game killed. The ball could grow from absorbing enemies and power strenght would determine how much it will consume and grow per victim

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I get you want a big and bulky frame, but it doesn't really fit the Warframe aesthetic style for Tenno. Even Rhino and Saryn are pretty sleek and thin. The fattest people in Warframe are the two Smoug-things you see in the War Within trailer. Fat and heavy is ok for the Grineer or Infestation. But it does not work with the Tenno.

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When I see the picture of the author, it may me think of the Butcher, in Diablo 3 : 545.jpg

I don't know why...
And I already think that a infested should be like this : balafre_base-grand.jpg

With claws instead of the cleavers.

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It's funny how there are some people with some pretty valid ability ideas that could suit a bulky/larger side frame and then there are people that shut the idea down because they base the suggested frames size off of the images in the op.

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13 hours ago, Deshiel said:

They will eventualy decide to make atleast one for the aforementioned diversity.

Thats not diversity. Thats pandering for no actual reason.

We already have frames of all sorts of different shapes and sizes. What good would making a noticeably "fat" frame actually do? Unless there is some sort of actual logical reason like it meshes with the frames powers and makes sense of course.

Pandering is insulting and its not a positive representation and good example of diversity. You should never make or write characters that are defined by asinine characteristics and that exist purely for representation and diversity sake. Good characters are good because of what they do and how they are written, making sure all characteristics exist for an actual reason and work together to create interesting content. They're not good characters if they exist purely to tick off another box in the "Diversity/representation checklist".


Edited by StinkyPygmy
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A-are we r-realy having this discussion?!


What's next? Midget frames cause they feel under represented?

You have to understand: Warframe has a certain aestetic, theme and character design and inspiration they're going for. As mentioned before, this game is about agilty stealth and ninja themes. Being bully hinderes all of hose aspects. Besides frames like Rhino, Frost and Chroma are already bulky, though not in the "round belly" kinda way.

But most importantly, games to a certain degree are a form of art. Just like movies can be considered art. They shoild not have to conform to pollitical correctness where it hinders their artistic expression. I'm all for games having character types that people can relate to, but it should be a game that can fit thosr themes. Warframe is not such a game, sorry.

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Seems awfully weird to place a fat warframe in the game, it doesn't stand to prove anything aside from political correctness at the sake of breaking immersion. Rhino is pushing it proportion wise, every representation of ninjas has been slim because ninjas had to be to perform the feats of stealth and acrobatics to be successful. As for your notion of choosing the character you want to be the game operates in a manner that wouldn't fully support what you want. Each warframe is a class in of itself, you can't customize that warframe beyond a certain point meaning for someone who may enjoy that warframe class is stuck with that characters proportions. DE has to make the warframes widely accepted visually or else despite how cool the class is no one would enjoy it. For me its Atlas and Hydriod, being in art programs makes me cringe seeing atlas's messed up proportions and hydriod has way too many things going on with it. 

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I didn't bother reading through most of the responses since I'm sure they're along the same idea of "No."

I do agree with that. They are living 'ninja' machines. Obesity isn't a likely possibility. 

Now, with that said, an idea popped into my head that i thought could be cool. There's a character, Choji, from an anime called Naruto. He has the ability to manipulate the size of his various body parts and is constantly ridiculed for his size but it actually makes him a better ninja. 

There could be a Frame that can manipulate the size of the particles in his body to expand in various ways. 4th power - > full body expansion toggle. 

****Of course to avoid the complicated and unsightly animations of him bullet jumping or wall running...you could simply make it impossible to use advanced acrobatics moves while that power is active. He could be immune to knockback, and of course have farther attack range and damage while it's active to balance it out.

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I actually see no problem with this for 1 reason, DE has been themeing the crap outta things lately. I mean we now have a mummy, and soon a fairy frame who can shrink, along with lots of other mythos type frames. I don't see why DE couldn't create a thicker frame, to an obvious extent of course, a big obese frame would look silly, but something with a gut wouldn't be a big deal. There could be a drunken style frame, with a little gut, with falling type attacks, and many more mythos/themed type frames that were heavier that could be adjusted to fit Warframe's style. 

These opinions are not for diversity reasons, if we ever get a thicker frame cool, if not, cool too. Adding a heavier frame just to add "diversity" to pander to ppl seem silly. If it fits with an actual theme and has purpose, I'm not against it. 

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I was disappointed when Atlas wasn't built like Smough, or Gragas.  Face bashing, one-shotting, slow-moving brawler has fat guy written all over it.

There are people out there who are fit but still carry a lot of weight.  You don't have to have a character be unhealthy-looking for them to be fat.


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16 hours ago, Deshiel said:

Silly as this sounds. Many games with character selection or creation offer all kinds of human shapes and sizes to help you find the look you want. Some people are larger than the other. Some are small. If the other waframes can be well built or insanely skiny, why is there no "large" frame? 

Should the game add some big lad to our arsenal to represent the wastly ignored part of humanity or should it continue staying away from them?


this picture was inserted by the time page 4 was up.

I don't think it needs a fat frame, I do think it needs a bulkier, perhaps squatter frame. Something like an olympic wrestler or maybe a Zangief grappler frame.

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